Nebula's 2nd Exec. Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96088984
Discord name: SCOUT#5706
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 month
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Dr. Karsten 'Nebula' Schmidt
Civilian name: Karsten
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: N/A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have recieved a ban for LTAP before as I needed to go to Jiu Jitsu practice before a staff sit as well as a few warns

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:

Research is my main faction and I am willing to commit time into the role as I enjoy it the most. I want to use the additional clearence to test more on SCPs which don't get tested on so much and for the further betterment of the Research Department.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

Throughout my research career I have dedicated myself to improving the accessibility of information to all of the other Researchers, as when I started off as a Junior Researcher not much information was made available to me or any of my peers. Since then I have made it my goal to make information easier to access. I would be suitable for this role also because of the depth of knowledge I have in relation to experimenting and the SCPs.

So far I have made 3 guides, "The Research Handbook", "The Advanced Researcher Handbook" and "Welcome To Research". Both of my handbooks are stickied in the main hall so they are easy to access, they have been praised by Department Directors and other Researchers alike for their easy to navigate/digest format.

The difference between the two is the "Research Handbook" is basic guide to give Junior Researchers the full picture of what we do. The "Advanced Handbook" is geared towards those who wish to go above and beyond to become seniors.

I have experience running large experiments as well as Euclid Crosstests. Under my command, nearly all of my experiments run smoothly whilst generating memorable and fun RP. An example is when I conducted a SCP 173 and SCP 457 crosstest, I have proven that I am able to manage high level experiments with ease and to be proficient at communicating with MTF E-11 present to keep the Research Team 'in-the-know' on the entire situation with transporting the SCPs.
The entire experiment was an overwhelming success and even was overseen by a member of the Ethics Committee who was there.

Image: From the 457/173 crosstest I held

In terms of my background on Garry's Mod as a whole, I have upheld high ranking / high responsibility positions before over my 7 years of going back and forth from playing RP servers. I have been everything from an Owner/Dev to a reputable faction/regiment leader. Over time I have gained maturity and built my mental resillience, not to mention I have picked up my fair share of useful tricks.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have made a total of 4 excellent-graded documents. The main thing which makes a document excellent rather than OK is consumability. If a document is poorly structured, hard to read or like something you have seen 1000 times already then it will feel like an absolute chore to read. Having good structure, including images, adding transcripts from interviews, using the line features and most importantly having a surreal aim (within ethics) is the absolute bread and butter to making an awesome document!

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The Exec. Researcher will oversee all the researchers currently on site, as a go-to for any high-level questions and issues which may need to be escalated further up the CoC. An Exec. Researcher will also be able to grade research documents and provide feedback to the author within the official grading guidelines. An Executive Researcher will act as the ambassador for all of the Research Staff, this involves raising queries brought to them in command meetings.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Dr. Karsten Schmidt, A.K.A. Nebula was an Explosive Material Scientist at facility owned by a private company based in the Southern Region of Bavaria, Germany. However an experiment went wrong one day involving a chainsaw and an explosive canister and it put Karsten in legal trouble. As a hunted man and with almost no where left to hide, the SCP Foundation got in contact after hearing about the incident and offered to give him asylum as a Researcher.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 25, 2022
Neutral/Leaning +support
-Dedicated research player who’s always playing as a researcher and generally leading or guiding his peers and is well informed on the role that researchers have on server
-Is active on server and plays an active role in making sure research is always happening and interesting

-In my opinion has a bit of trouble being serious on the server, I’ve had multiple instances where you’ve been borderline mingy or unserious which is why I’m mostly neutral
Jan 23, 2022

+Active Researcher
+Helps other researchers
+Fun to play with

+/- Very interesting and fun tests however takes a bit of risks when it comes to playing with the rules.

I think he is deserving of executive due to how much work he puts into the role of researcher, I admit to enjoying his tests even if they aren't exactly realistic... I think that it's important to have someone who knows how to enjoy themselves as an exec as I often find myself running out of ideas and am sure he could help with that. I can say that if he does get the rank we will watch over him a lot to make sure that he doesn't do anything that really crosses the line.


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2022
Active, friendly and chill guy. He does some fun experiments too even if they're not the most ethical thing. Being unserious at times I also think it's positive, as it helps juniors and other researchers build up confidence to talk to him. Overall he works hard and not giving him executive researcher when there's executives that barely come online would be kinda bs in my opinion.

Jack Powers

Well-known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Big +Support
-Very active and frequent as a researcher
-Makes fun and very interesting scp tests, he crosstests frequently and it's very nice to test alongside him
-Friendly and helpful to fellow research team
-Tests all the scps he can, which is very nice because most cl3+ scps almost never get tested
-Documents are very rich and helpful

Unlike other members I have barely seen Nebula act silly or stupid, it is true that some of his tests are a bit stupid or/and unrealistic but not much of them are that way, and if they are for some reason, they're always fun or/and entretaining which I appreciate because most of tests are dry and lame.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022
+ Support

Active Researcher
+ Helping other researchers when needed
+ Fun and unique tests
+ Great RP

Everyone is talking about him being a minge breaking rules,etc but i never saw him like that. So its +Support from me
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Oct 7, 2021
-/+ Neutral leaning towards Negative
+ Investing in research
+ Active

- You are still quite immature in game.
- You broke several protocols in my last research study I lead.

I think you should be more serious when its expected of you and that you will respect the policies and protocols we need to adhere to.
Dec 25, 2020
  • Active in research.
  • Decent research quality.
  • Immature, encourages others to be as well.

I don’t normally give verdicts on these applications but just a moment ago, you told someone explicitly in LOOC to ignore me after I told them to be serious and conduct themselves professionally. After I PMed you about it, your only response was “it was out of RP”. As an executive researcher, you should be promoting professional behavior both in and outside of the research department and even if it’s in OOC, you should not encourage unprofessional behavior. If I see a noticeable improvement on how you conduct yourself, I’ll change my verdict.

Feb 7, 2022

I've had multiple run-ins with you, you were the person I actually learned the most about this server from, you also have a very, VERY unique take on experiments and research. And thus, my absolute and full support as a result.
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Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
+ Good rp interactions
+ actually useful research
+ Nice guy/ easy to get along with
Application Denied

Hi Nebula,

Thanks for taking the time to make an executive researcher application.

I have decided to deny your application as I have concerns about your lack of safety considerations when running potentially dangerous experiments. I believe you need to work on this, as well as demonstrate maturity if you wish to re-apply for the position in the future.

Message me on discord if you have any more questions about why your application was denied.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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