Content Suggestion Nerf the Mornings

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The mornings are chaotic and D-Class are the cause!​

What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
Make it so the scrap dealer does not sell keycards, tranq pistols, guns, etc. (everything except the hamburger and knives) under 40 players to preserve server health.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More balanced mornings
- Stops D-Class from taking over the entire site literally every morning.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Playing D-Class in the morning can become boring.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
Doing this change would preserve server health when it needs preservation the most. Literally every morning D-Class end up escaping, getting disguises, and taking over the entire site. Removing one piece of the equation being keycards sold in the scrap dealer under 40 players would help avoid this, but not completely prevent it. D-Class would still be able to buy knives and get keycards in other ways - but that would require them to get creative. Something that isn't exactly a bad thing.

ngl need somebody to save downtime US from dayum and recker running the site as dclass
I will own up to it and say I definitely do it but not really by choice. It's either be the only combative fighting 8+ armed D-Class which doesn't usually bode well or join them and hack out something like peanut eventually to snap all of the disguised people's necks xD
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Jul 27, 2024
Today as a D Class in the morning I was let out of my cell and immediately given an M249 para and CL4 by my escapees. This would’ve been prevented if a CL2 wasn’t available for purchase.

Overall, server health is severely effected in the morning by mass D-Class escapes.
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bad solution to the problem, will just mean the people who play dclass just won't play the server until later, making the server even less playable early morning since no one will be on (kind of like UK), just disable 914 under a certain player count so dclass can still get out and have fun, they can just be shot on sight instead of being basically unkillable
-Support you might wanna do something IRL more productive in the morning than playing CN... That will help you not see the small waves of Class-D who ever so rarely manage to get through 914, they're having fun
"small waves"

bad solution to the problem, will just mean the people who play dclass just won't play the server until later, making the server even less playable early morning since no one will be on (kind of like UK), just disable 914 under a certain player count so dclass can still get out and have fun, they can just be shot on sight instead of being basically unkillable
I was thinking of the same thing but the thing that turned me away from that idea was that it'd prevent anyone who wants to do legitimate testing with 914 from doing so.

Maybe not 40; Lower would be fine, just to ensure the server can start healthily from something like ~30 population or even just the daily restart. This is kind of different when compared to SCP breaches, for multiple reasons:
  • On average, it takes less SCPs compared to active D-Class to make a significant impact on server health. There are circumstances in which competent players on either SCP, D-Class and/or Foundation can weigh things heavier on either side of the equation. However, consider that by virtue of how GenSec works, as well as things such as spawn locations and areas of player traffic (Combat Medics come to mind, as well as the SS -> LLCZ (Or """Delta Wing""" for US players) lift) - And the fact that the jobs that tend to fight against breaches are further along in the whole initiation-to-server process than the jobs that tend to deal with D-Class, that there will generally be more players dealing with D-Class, than there are against breaches.

  • Even though D-Class gameplay isn't necessarily a primary selling point of the server, it is one of the first, if not the first, things that players get involved with when first joining the server. As a result, if new players are less engaged and therefore, less interested in staying, then taking away a thing to do may actually be somewhat detrimental to server health. So by that logic, the D-Class gameplay loop is very important to keep both engaging and in check.

  • As with the above, roleplay value. D-Class that are engaging in combat are not RPing, and vice versa. As I like to reiterate in almost every reply I make to a suggestion, it is a well-known thing that the server is presently imbalanced towards combative gameplay over non-combative roleplay and my understanding is that there is still need for me encouragement of RP over combat.
So this in particular is a bit sticky to work out; But I definitely think 40 is simply too high for something like this.
-/+ Neutral


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 5, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi Mr. Recker, Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

There are many players who are only able to play during lower-pop hours. Restricting the content they have access to will only serve to harm their RP. However, the impact of D-Class on the server during low-pop hours will be brought up to Server Leadership.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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