Denied Nerfing 7722

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a cap on 7722 getting his armour back anywhere between 2-6k

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
7722 cant camp in very tight areas (Vents 076 chamber or any or CC) and regen fully basically putting him to 100%

Gives E-11 a way easier time dealing with him

Overall better as his kit is busted af right now.

All on the average E-11 player we have 100 health & 100 armour

3 hit sword
2 shot bow
Very fast
Regaining armour
Breach tool
Not a big target.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
7722 mains will defend it cause they dont want him nerfed

Will make him easier to RC

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

this should be accepted cause

It takes the entire regiment + more to even get him down 50%. and I've seen many times where ERT is called just on him.

Hes very annoying to go against and has virtually no draw backs

He is labeled high priority cause a 7722 can hide get 100% armour back (which takes 3-4 minuets) breach other scps and with a bug RRT shields cant block his bolts.

He is very "meta" as u would call it as people are always on him wanting to breach only him cause of how broken he is. This change will significantly make him easier but still a huge threat stopping camping and overall unfun gameplay.
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I'm sure we are. Maybe things are different on the UK server, but I know for a fact that for most SCP players, 7722 is the one they use their breach tool on, because of how OP he is.
in my experience 7722 has always been very easy to rc you sure we talking about the same scp?
No need to argue

But the facts remain the same he is better then the other SCPs and if in a 2 man breach destroys people.
-Support unless we buff another scp. The ratio of breaches to nukes in usa server is like 20:1, way too little.

With the new update from Cloak yes there are going to be less, but bigger breaches, but this doesnt change the little amount of code blacks that actually happen, or I should say, don't happen. if we nerf an scp like 7722, one of the actual useful ones, then we need to buff another one.
-Support unless we buff another scp. The ratio of breaches to nukes in usa server is like 20:1, way too little.

With the new update from Cloak yes there are going to be less, but bigger breaches, but this doesnt change the little amount of code blacks that actually happen, or I should say, don't happen. if we nerf an scp like 7722, one of the actual useful ones, then we need to buff another one.
I described his entire kit and by himself u need the entity of E-11 + another regiment.

This isnt hurting his health damage or weapons just his armour is capped slightly so he isnt always at 100%

This is all speaking from a UK perspective but I understand it will effect US as well.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Im gonna go neutral on this.

This seems like a skill issue for players who do not specialise in fighting SCP who struggle to stay alive.

The Armour system 7722 has now is fine and balanced.
what dinklesrpinkle said 7722 if you get some skill and a competant working together team can be shut down almost instantly


Well-known Member
Jan 14, 2023
7722 Is meant to counter E11's main RC style for big SCPs like 682, 076, 939, Etc. That style is holding angles on long corridors, forcing those SCPs to take major damage in order to push through, Speed Drugs, and Railings.

There is nothing wrong with doing this, It works well. However, the one exception to this rule is 7722(from the big guys with lots of health anyways). With his crossbow, he can play your own game against you, and given that the crossbow is a 1-2 shot, it's very deadly.

What could be a play against him is by using good teamwork to try and lure him out of his hiding spot through baiting him into using his melee, Then punish him by shredding him with guns, If he runs, chase him instead of falling back to try and hold those angles again.(also just one possible way to play around, I'm not the guys who specifically voluntered to Recontain SCPs :) )

If seen it time and time again with 7722 breaches that people just try the same strategies that don't work without the slightest bit of teamwork or coordination. And don't cite that it requires a good team, that's what E11 is(or is supposed to be)

Now, instead of trying out a new strategy to Recontain him, you want him directly nerfed so you can use the same boring strategy that use to RC every other SCP.

long story short, skill issue
Jun 15, 2022
The thing is with 7722 is that he isn’t broken, it’s how his armour works that basically forces the 7722 to camp. The only change that is needed for 7722 is how he regenerates armour it should be a kill for regen thing. If it was like that it wouldn’t encourage a very campy playstyle and could make 7722 more fun to fight as the only way to fight 7722 is to push him 24/7 to stop him for regenerating armour but if his armour was reworked to a kill to gain way it would encourage E-11 and others to work together.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
7722 Is meant to counter E11's main RC style for big SCPs like 682, 076, 939, Etc. That style is holding angles on long corridors, forcing those SCPs to take major damage in order to push through, Speed Drugs, and Railings.

There is nothing wrong with doing this, It works well. However, the one exception to this rule is 7722(from the big guys with lots of health anyways). With his crossbow, he can play your own game against you, and given that the crossbow is a 1-2 shot, it's very deadly.

What could be a play against him is by using good teamwork to try and lure him out of his hiding spot through baiting him into using his melee, Then punish him by shredding him with guns, If he runs, chase him instead of falling back to try and hold those angles again.(also just one possible way to play around, I'm not the guys who specifically voluntered to Recontain SCPs :) )

If seen it time and time again with 7722 breaches that people just try the same strategies that don't work without the slightest bit of teamwork or coordination. And don't cite that it requires a good team, that's what E11 is(or is supposed to be)

Now, instead of trying out a new strategy to Recontain him, you want him directly nerfed so you can use the same boring strategy that use to RC every other SCP.

long story short, skill issue
you have stated this the perfect way currently e-11 my issues stand is they dont try out new strategies or dont bother and use the same standnig on a railing and the scp cant jump / reach them and shoot them then beam cuff of course this doesnt work with 7722 his armor will do good against most fire and he can jump and use a crossbow and snipe those on railings

they need to change strats instead of nerfing teh scps to fit their strategies
Jan 6, 2023
Hey, what he did was effective and made players pissed, he was always good at pissing people off
couldnt care less if youre camping as literally any other scp

7722 just makes it nigh impossible to push due to the crossbow and the armor regeneration, nullifying ay progress when everyone that's willing to push has prepared themselves enough for a half-way decent push

Deleted member 1285

couldnt care less if youre camping as literally any other scp

7722 just makes it nigh impossible to push due to the crossbow and the armor regeneration, nullifying ay progress when everyone that's willing to push has prepared themselves enough for a half-way decent push
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Jan 6, 2023


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
honestly do not get this behavior when nu-7 implemented Pois and completely countered our raid strats at the time what did we do did we make a suggestion to change it to how it was before now we made different strategies thats what e-11 should do instead of being toxic in ooc to 7722 and complaining o the forums

this goes for ALL MTF not just e-11
Jan 6, 2023
honestly do not get this behavior when nu-7 implemented Pois and completely countered our raid strats at the time what did we do did we make a suggestion to change it to how it was before now we made different strategies thats what e-11 should do instead of being toxic in ooc to 7722 and complaining o the forums

this goes for ALL MTF not just e-11
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