What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would add different abilities to the 22415 instances, some new and some already existing, to hopefully give the 22415s more things to help with around the site, whether it is to revive someone, or to help non combatives to escape/ evacuate the facility when a breach is very bad. High energy cost or long cooldowns could help keep the abilities from being too game breaking
“Necromancy” -When the ability is used on a recently deceased body they are revived. ( already in game) (This would be given to 22415-1 only)
“Seamless Passage”- When the ability is used it allows the user to be able to walk through doors for a short amount of time, and can be used on 1-3 people. (This could be given to 22415-2, with a lesser power “ solo” to the other two)
“Absolute Containment”- when the ability is used on a door breakable by an SCP, the door is no longer able to be broken for a short amount of time, but if a keycard is used or the door is hacked open, then the door will open normally. ( This would be given to 22415-3 only)
“Protection”- gives protection from scps for a short amount of time. (already in game) (this would be given to 22415-3, and maybe 22415-1)
“Warp”- short distance warp, could also have a option to choose players close by to warp with 22415 (most likely given to 22415-2, with lesser power “solo” to the other 2)
“Close portal”- allows 22415 to close portals to dimension ( all 3 could get this)
“Pull”- pull an scp towards the user. (this would be given to 22415-3 only)(22415-3 already has the ability to push scps, but this will allow them to instead of trying to get in the right spot and worrying about the angles and wondering if the scp you push will be pushed into another player, the pull will only put 22415-3 in harm's way)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
A suggestion about rule changes and minor tweaks to 22415 was also made, that suggestion was about rules, while this suggestion gives examples of powers for 22415s to use.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Enhances the 22415s role and gives them more utility, like the ability to give temporary walking through doors will allow the 22415s to save researchers and others locked in hcz during breach, or help during evacuation when ez bulkdoor is closed.
-The ability to close a portal instead of leaving it open and allowing random personnel into the dimension.
-With these changes hopefully more players will play them.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-These abilities have a high chance for abuse or trolling
-There is already a chemical that can allows people to walk through doors
-22415s are still very new
-Development time
-Making 22415 either too powerful
-taking away from other job
-messing with the balance of the server
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
By adding more utility, SCP-22415 can contribute more to site operations. These changes would expand their usefulness while keeping them balanced through cooldowns and energy costs. While the abilities have a high potential for abuse/ trolling, it is a whitelisted job, so hopefully it will deter bad behavior and if not they could remove the whitelist. While a chemical already exists that allows players to walk through doors, which I think is a combative only and with a high clearance, this would provide an alternative for the low clearance level and noncombatants to escape danger.
This suggestion would add different abilities to the 22415 instances, some new and some already existing, to hopefully give the 22415s more things to help with around the site, whether it is to revive someone, or to help non combatives to escape/ evacuate the facility when a breach is very bad. High energy cost or long cooldowns could help keep the abilities from being too game breaking
“Necromancy” -When the ability is used on a recently deceased body they are revived. ( already in game) (This would be given to 22415-1 only)
“Seamless Passage”- When the ability is used it allows the user to be able to walk through doors for a short amount of time, and can be used on 1-3 people. (This could be given to 22415-2, with a lesser power “ solo” to the other two)
“Absolute Containment”- when the ability is used on a door breakable by an SCP, the door is no longer able to be broken for a short amount of time, but if a keycard is used or the door is hacked open, then the door will open normally. ( This would be given to 22415-3 only)
“Protection”- gives protection from scps for a short amount of time. (already in game) (this would be given to 22415-3, and maybe 22415-1)
“Warp”- short distance warp, could also have a option to choose players close by to warp with 22415 (most likely given to 22415-2, with lesser power “solo” to the other 2)
“Close portal”- allows 22415 to close portals to dimension ( all 3 could get this)
“Pull”- pull an scp towards the user. (this would be given to 22415-3 only)(22415-3 already has the ability to push scps, but this will allow them to instead of trying to get in the right spot and worrying about the angles and wondering if the scp you push will be pushed into another player, the pull will only put 22415-3 in harm's way)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
A suggestion about rule changes and minor tweaks to 22415 was also made, that suggestion was about rules, while this suggestion gives examples of powers for 22415s to use.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Enhances the 22415s role and gives them more utility, like the ability to give temporary walking through doors will allow the 22415s to save researchers and others locked in hcz during breach, or help during evacuation when ez bulkdoor is closed.
-The ability to close a portal instead of leaving it open and allowing random personnel into the dimension.
-With these changes hopefully more players will play them.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-These abilities have a high chance for abuse or trolling
-There is already a chemical that can allows people to walk through doors
-22415s are still very new
-Development time
-Making 22415 either too powerful
-taking away from other job
-messing with the balance of the server
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
By adding more utility, SCP-22415 can contribute more to site operations. These changes would expand their usefulness while keeping them balanced through cooldowns and energy costs. While the abilities have a high potential for abuse/ trolling, it is a whitelisted job, so hopefully it will deter bad behavior and if not they could remove the whitelist. While a chemical already exists that allows players to walk through doors, which I think is a combative only and with a high clearance, this would provide an alternative for the low clearance level and noncombatants to escape danger.