Denied New custom comms channels (/mtf and /mtf-co)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds the following comms channels:
+ /mtf - Visible by MTF Alpha-1, MTF Omega-1, MTF Epsilon-11, MTF Nu-7, Emergency Response Team, Site Administration, Assistants, and Site Command.

+ /mtf-co - Visible by MTF Alpha-1 Officer/Commander, MTF Omega-1 Officer/Commander, MTF Nu-7 Officer/Commander, MTF Epsilon-11 Officer/Commander, Site Administration, Assistants, and Site Command.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so, N/A

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Will make coordination between MTF branches easier while being able to focus on a set communication channel and not clutter other CL3 comms.
+ QoL for MTF regiments to organize cross trainings, raids on CI/GOC, or other events that would need clear communication.
+ Allows for MTF COs to discuss matters over comms without including their entire regiment (Specifically for O-1 and A-1, as all jobs are technically CL4).

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might complicate some things, but only effects a small portion of the server (MTF/SA)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The closed comms system is a godsend, but I always felt that a joint-MTF channel should have come out with sop-c and isd-c. It just makes sense, seeing as MTFs should have clear communication in RP and even in an OOC sense helps coordinate events or strategize easier.
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+Support for MTF Comms
+/- Neutral for MTF-CO comms
-MTF comms sound like a good idea since CL3 can get a bit silly, but for MTF CO’s just do /cl4 <MTF-CO> and there’s probably not going to be any metagaming
There's CICO for the same reason for Delta Op, see no reason why CI has one for one job that has 2 slots but F can't get one for the entirety of Omega-1 and Alpha-1

Regardless thank you for your feedback CI-C LTCOM Niox (we the same rank frfr)
There's CICO for the same reason for Delta Op, see no reason why CI has one for one job that has 2 slots but F can't get one for the entirety of Omega-1 and Alpha-1

Regardless thank you for your feedback CI-C LTCOM Niox (we the same rank frfr)
...O-1 and A-1 are the only MTFs with COs? Nu7 and E-11 would like a word...

actually about that, it's quite often that on UK, we have more COs on than there are slots. i think it should be tied to regiment rank if possible, but i know it isn't, so
Regardless thank you for your feedback CI-C LTCOM Niox (we the same rank frfr)
fr ong no cap?? (brother has gotten 3 LTCOM positions in the time it took me to get one)

There's CICO for the same reason for Delta Op, see no reason why CI has one for one job that has 2 slots but F can't get one for the entirety of Omega-1 and Alpha-1
ok but what if I think CICO is silly, and subsequently think this is silly too
Suggestion Denied

Hi Second,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because it would separate the comms too much. CL3 comms is more than enough to communicate with other MTF units with /c3 [MTF] .....

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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