Denied New Medical Job

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is to add a new role into the Medical Department. This would be a 2 slotted job which would be a "semi Combative" slot which will be made to be Medicals Biohazard unit.

The Medical Clean-up Crew Would be a Clearance 3 Semi Combative role that will essentially be a Combat medic Side Grade giving the medical department an opportunity to more fluently do biohazard related events, testing or dealing with major biohazard breaches. They will have the same information clearance as Combat Medics however they will have an higher 008 knowledge barrier compared to Combat medics. They will be the main spearhead of Medical being involved with bio related stuffs and will be our main defence against 008 as on both servers when 008 happens (on USA a lot more than UK) the entire medical department is usually trapped within their spawn Rooms due to spores being placed in front of the doors and Have to either wait or go AFK for the duration of 008 breaches. They will work along side E-11 for the majority of biohazard containment breaches but will prioritise the clean-up of 008 spores whilst E-11 are the brute force during the breaches. Medical CC will prioritise the clean-up of LCZ / EZ assisting with site safety of personnel within light containment but may assist E-11 in HCZ when requested or required.

Outside of breaches MCC Will be committed to any RP to do with the use of Medbay quarantine room whether research, GOC or Medical are the ones to use it. They will also be available to escort Researchers during tests that require special containment procedures to avoid hazards being spread such as 008, 049, 409, 427 and other SCP's that are either added in the future or are part of events. MCC May also have the base Duty of doing checks of SCP CC's during the day for any potential leaks of a hazard.

Job Requirements
Medical License
15 Support | 30 Total
Will be Semi-Whitelisted alongside Combat medics (when that eventually gets added lol)

Medical Clean-up Crew ( MCC )
Clean-up Crew ( CC )

Semi Combative status
Not allowed to seek out GOI / Human related callouts (may defend if combat happens at same location)
May respond to SCP callouts. (or maybe only being able to respond to biohazard related calls)
Medical: First Aid kit, Infection tester kit (CL4), Defibrillators
Primary: Either Karma-45 | Typhoon-12 (Typhoon can be edited due to no one else having it for balancing concerns)
Secondary: CZ75
Utility: Infection scanner (the 008 one), Decontamination foam thingy, Quarantine placer Swep.

since importing models is a hassle and will delay this addition the model would have to be the old / unused Containment specialist model until we can get around to getting a new / more specified model.

Miscellanies additions
Bio suit infection immunity
2 Slotted Role

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not for medical as far as I'm aware.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Adds more RP for medical.
Gives more opportunities for medical | Research & E-11 interaction.
Would make 008 Breaches that spiral fast a bit more bearable before ERT is forced to spawn.
Gives a miniscule sense of progression with a new in-between for doctor - Combat medic.
Easy to setup & Implement.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

could upset the balance between 008 and the rest of the server.
Players may not use the role intentionally.
Despite rules being placed Ci / GOC would end up fighting against 2 additional people during their raids.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As per the above this would provide medical with the ability to be further involved in other parts of the server that generally make sense with y'know medical and infections, this would provide a role that can work with E-11 and not directly impact the way they operate as this role is not meant to be a direct combatant but a "clean-up" crew in order to prevent infectious spores from remaining.

This suggestion would add a new exciting role to medical that would allow lower ranked players in medical to get involved in extra activities, especially of a higher clearance due to their nature to be immune to diseases, this ultimately provides a expanded experience for medical players, and pushes forward with a minor change to improve how medical operates within the server.​
I get where you are coming from but, I was mainly talking about for RP purposes that you can just get it from the dispenser but, for gameplay purposes, I was mainly against the idea that a noncombative department would get another combative job. It would make much more sense to give a (possibly temporary) “clean up bio job” to site staff or GENSEC.

Semi combative doesn’t really work and I would prolly support this if there were non combative

Also, I could care less about E-11 but I’ve seen them complain a lot about having a boring un-special job (that they chose?)
Literally only one person complained about this and made a suggestion, and everyone else, including most E-11 members on both servers, disagreed.
+/- Support

Only reason I cannot agree is because SL has made it clear that they believe there are too many jobs as is, and adding a job to specifically combat contamination hazards when there are only 2 possible contamination hazards on the site and one of them is actually useless to even attempt and utilize in a harmful way, I cannot +support it. I also cannot -support it because medical does deserve a job that deals with this sort of issue. They recently gave consultant the quarantine placer but no decontamination applicator.. pretty odd to me. It would be nice to not have to depend on E-11 who spawn in HCZ away from the LCZ/EZ code 3 situation. It'll actually make 008 a containable threat vs an insta-nuke like it usually is. 008 either does absolutely nothing or decimates the entire site, no in-between.
"Only reason I cannot agree is because SL has made it clear that they believe there are too many jobs as is"
id like to clear this up as this is something I've discussed with yeke numerous times.

The issue is SL have been pushed into feeling this way when cloak was in his position. i believe a lot of new role suggestions have been denied because they are usually stupid "i want this give it to us now" without thinking of any balancing for the people the role is against or people slightly affected by its implementation. I could be wrong yeke would have to confirm but the server can essentially have unlimited jobs if their all thought out it would just get majorly cluttered and probably overpowered if all the job suggestions are tied to one faction or group.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi Abbie,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

This was brought to a full SL team discussion, and it was decided that it would not have enough of a use outside of its very slim use case. Furthermore, adding more combatives to Medical would hurt its identity as an RP department. It also encroaches on E-11's role as SCP specialists.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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