Denied New SCP: E-999-A

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Jul 15, 2023

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Add hostile, breaching SCP E-999-A, inspired by SCP-914 Experiment Log Test 0196:
(Would obviously closer to the size of our existing 999. I intend for it to be the same size, literally just recoloured.)
It would be an entry-level hostile SCP and may require a map change to accommodate it.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not this specifically I don't think - But obviously, people have suggested new SCPs before.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • The model for this SCP is already in the game - By which I mean you could just literally recolour the existing 999 texture and use it on that model. Minimal filesize increase, as far as this is concerned.

  • Increased breach variety and SCP choice for all players - This may potentially increase retention by giving new players another SCP they can breach as. Additionally, this would be a new SCP for GOIs to capture, test on and trade between them, etc. Also has the effect of diluting the breach queue as I mention in my 860 suggestion.

  • Shouldn't be that much of a headache to balance - It's only a small, simple thing intended for newer players and early on in SCP levels. This also shouldn't interfere with upcoming 22415 implementation that much, since... It's just a very simple thing? Walks around, melees... Unsure.

  • While 999 is already pretty decently used, this would give its assets more use.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Dev Time - Would likely need a little mapping time, texture work. Not sure about melee SWEP stuff, etc.

  • Underutilisation - Might end up not being played enough.

  • SCP Bloat, Uninteresting - Adding a bunch of SCPs isn't necessarily a good thing. Additionally, even though it's simplicity would make it easier to implement, that also carries with it... The fact that it's not interesting. This probably shouldn't be a priority.

  • Hitbox issues? Confusing? - I don't intend for this to be smaller than the 999 we have, but that 999 is still quite small. Although I'm pretty sure it has a standard hitbox? Unsure. Having a friendly 999 and a hostile one might end up having people confuse between them.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Admittedly, the loops here are not novel - There's not a lot to it, but at the same time, it is a functioning formula. Can just have the SCP. It'd be there, people can play it, it breaches. Blue 999 running around killing people. What's not to love?
Nov 20, 2023
What are your ideas stat wise?

For it to be hostile and a breaching SCP ideally it needs to be balanced in a way that it's fun to fight as and against.
From the testing log seems like it would do minimal damage, but also 999 is non-solid and bullets have no effect on it.

How much damage you thinking for "punches" and what would the Recontainment Protocol be?

I like the idea but not sure on the logistics of it

As shit as this suggestion im linking was they said they dont accept suggestion about adding SCPs I don't think this will get accepted.
Jul 15, 2023
What are your ideas stat wise?

For it to be hostile and a breaching SCP ideally it needs to be balanced in a way that it's fun to fight as and against.
yes. this would need to be tuned. my thinking was for this to be an entry level SCP so it would be on the significantly weaker side, but still fun

From the testing log seems like it would do minimal damage, but also 999 is non-solid and bullets have no effect on it.
balance > lore
it would need to take damage conventionally

I can't wait to get headbutted by a blue 999 and instantly die
+/- support not too sure about this one, just seems like a waste of a breach queue
This doesn't seem worth the use of a breach. Could be done for an event by a GM, though.
the existence of the option in itself doesn't pollute the breach queue. the idea is to have something for newer players to progress upwards through - to help with retention

As shit as this suggestion im linking was they said they dont accept suggestion about adding SCPs I don't think this will get accepted.
here is the current FAQ wording about SCP suggestions:
yes. this would need to be tuned. my thinking was for this to be an entry level SCP so it would be on the significantly weaker side, but still fun

balance > lore
it would need to take damage conventionally

the existence of the option in itself doesn't pollute the breach queue. the idea is to have something for newer players to progress upwards through - to help with retention

here is the current FAQ wording about SCP suggestions:
View attachment 14256
not cooking with this suggestion
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Jul 10, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Emilia Foddg ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Adding another hostile SCP isn't currently what the server needs. Furthermore if you wish to do tests or RP with this you may contact a GM or staff to assist

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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