Accepted New SCP Idea (SCP-3199)

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Active member
Apr 9, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This Suggestion will add a new SCP for the surface (or foundation) called SCP-3199 (Humans, Refuted) SCP-3199 is a 2.9 metre humanoid sized anomaly that is classed as keter. The game mechanics I am hoping to have from this SCP is that with it's ability, you are capable of laying eggs and when they hatch they will make weaker instances of the original (baby SCP-3199s) I was possibly thinking of when they hatch it will pick one of the players that were in the same surface queue with the SCP on the server and ask them if they want to be SCP-3199-1. If they say no it will move onto the next person in the queue. Or I was maybe thinking of some sort of Entity (AI if you can) that will just run at people to kill them after they hatch. SCP-3199 will be slightly faster then the normal running speed to be able to chase people. On the website, It states that when he touches any sort of human or animal body, He will react by " liquefying internal organs and bone structure. He will do roughly the same damage as 682 and can be sampled after beam and retrieval. The sample will be SCP-3199 Blood, and what this will do is when you take a 100ml dose, you will enter a rage state that will make you fight everyone with your bare fists until you die on the spot. You can use SCP-3199 to mix it with 323 Blood on a Bunsen burner to make P.T.B (Protect the body). This chemical will increase your HP by adding 50 HP to your original health. This HP is not permanent and if you lose any of it, you can't get it back unless you get another dose. Another chemical you can get is by mixing P.T.B with AM-X on a Bunsen burner again to make P.T.B-MKII, This chemical will add a permanent 100 HP to your total Health for that life (Also juggernauts will not be using neither of the chemicals) The mixing ratio for the chemicals can be discussed about how you would like it.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This is a fully fledged new SCP that will give new and old players a more fresh taste on what there is on the surface
The new chemicals that you are capable of making can be used in combat to give more exciting fights for CI, U.N.G.O.C, and Foundation

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Not too sure how other people may react with this Idea

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this would be a great implementation to the list of the Surface SCPs only because after facing the same SCPs for so many times, It gets pretty repetitive, But having this new fresh SCP and what chemicals this is capable of producing will spice up both surface play, CI play, GOC play, and Foundation play.

If you want to see the SCP for more details:

Photo of SCP:


Well-known Member
Dec 28, 2022

It is a very good SCP wich i like and also it would add alot more to do on the surface


Active member
Apr 9, 2023
Hello @Superlevi2

Just wanted to let you know that we are still discussing this suggestion; it hasn't just been left to linger.

I will lock it for now.

kind regards

As well since you guys are still talking about it
I found this video that I reckon is a great example of what the SCP should be if it does get added
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