Denied New SCP (SCP-002 "The Living Room")

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Sep 13, 2022
SCP-002 "The Living Room"
(Please do remember to press the upvote arrow if you like the suggestion instead of doing "+support")
+supports are still appreciated

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion would add SCP-002 "The Living Room"

SCP-002 is dark and fleshy sphere measuring at about 60 cubic metres with its outer surface encovered in tenticles. SCP-002 has one singular entrance and that being a heavy steel door. The interior of SCP-002 is an elaborate furnished living room that constantly decays and rearranges itself. The room poses various dangers to players who enter it.

SCP-002's would be a new area that players can access. Players can enter SCP-002 by interacting with the sealed door. Once inside, players will experience a series of dangerous transformations and encounters. The room can change temperature, induce hallucinations, and spawn hostile entities. To leave SCP-002 they have to complete whatever objective they were given. Players who fail to escape will die and merge with SCP-002 eventually turning into a furniture within it.

To add onto the SCPs purpose within the site you could make use of it by withdrawing either material from the inside of 002 or flesh furniture that could be sold or used in testing (e.g. 914 test or interaction between different SCPs)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

My suggestion's positives are that it adds a new and unique SCP to the game, offering new roleplay with the SCP and crosstesting between other SCPs. It would also add a new mechanic that isn't just "samples" of an SCP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

As this SCP is an inanimate SCP, the experiences might get repetetive and won't get used often (that's why adding a collection of samples from the room or furniture would be a good addition to encourage testing). As 427, it might get abused a lot for personal gain.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

This suggestion should be considered because it introduces a well-known and interesting SCP to the game which would help with enhancing the variety of gameplay (Adding new features besides samples from SCPs). SCP-002 has unique properties that would help improve and change the overall way SCPs function and are seen to work (Would be great to change up the normal SCP functions and let people have new experiences).

For a look into the SCP yourself (fandom)
For a look into the SCP yourself (wiki)
SCP-002 picture (not entirely up to scale and missing details):

never been a fan of 002, but i like the premise outlined here. i recall there being an 002 event at some point in the past. and as a permanent addition, might be worth exploring at some point in the future. i know that this is definitely not something that can be implemented immediately or in the near future, but i think there's potential for it down the road.

i get that SCP addition suggestions are seldom considered because it's typically a large thing to focus on and a lot of new content that has to be balanced alongside everything else, but i think enough people in the community like this particular SCP - plus since it's not a player-controlled SCP that breaches, that means you don't have to focus on balancing its breach mechanics or how it plays; just what you do with it and what you get from it, where it is in the map, how it looks. significantly diminished overhead compared to a player-controlled SCP. but still not insignificant. i would put this on long-term consider.
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Well-known Member
May 5, 2023

Though, I am curious.. Will this anomaly be played by a player or since it's an inanimate, it would be something like 427 where if inside for too long, you become a meat man?
Sep 13, 2022
-Support the only way this would work is with a player and it would have to be locked shut when the player isnt on the scp and when the player is on the scp it couldnt breach think of it like a 999 but a 999 that has the freedom of 096
Don't exactly understand what you mean by this but I did not intend on it being a player-driven SCP and more like an inanimate SCP such as 427. It doesn't "breach" and works as 427 where the SCP can only "breach" when something inside of 002 actually interacts with it. Could have some tweaks here and there but this was just a general explanation of how the SCP functions. Please do read more in-depth on how I explained it to see what I mean.
I like the idea of this SCP, however I do believe there is no models for it meaning one of the modellers would have to go and make this from scratch, which they probably don't have time for as they are working on different projects. This would also add to the already stretched map limits as a new containment chamber area would have to be constructed.
Jul 10, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jesse Phil Fring ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Sadly we do not accept suggestions for new SCPs commonly as they require massive amounts of development time fine-tuning and given a purpose in RP.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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