What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
A new war type (unsure of a name, maybe Blitz war), where it begins and lasts for 20-30 minutes, there is then a 'grace' period with Peacetime ROE of 10 minutes then the war continues for another 20-30 minutes. (You could have it be Part 1 and Part 2 if it is impossible to have it be classed as '1 war')
Edit: Could be called 'Surge War'
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I am aware of
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Allows for losing sides to have a chance with reinforcements joining the server etc.
Invites both sides to think through tactics more thoroughly, build fobs etc.
Gives more opportunities for people to learn about FOB's and the rules.
Doesn't add any sudden new rule.
You could possibly have both Attrition and Conquest versions adding '2 war types'
Allows players to have a break from such long wars.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I imagine it would be extremely difficult to implement/Impossible
Could probably be unfun maybe with such a long amount of time for a war nearing 50 minutes even just for the minimum.
Could be unfun for winning sides to suddenly start losing because of a tactics change, random time given for the opposing team to build fobs etc.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It gives an idea for a new war type that isn't one of the hated 'Capture the Flag' or 'Search and Destroy', it gives sides time for more forces to join the server for the 2nd part and allows for more footing of fob building, repositioning and potential tactics changing. It is sort of like a different flash war and the only negatives are really just not biased as it gives both sides more time to rebuild and keep a war interesting without one side just getting hammered in a 40 minute long conquest war. This is just a potential idea as well as I know both sides hate S&D and CTF, it would obviously need to be more refined if it is even possible.
A new war type (unsure of a name, maybe Blitz war), where it begins and lasts for 20-30 minutes, there is then a 'grace' period with Peacetime ROE of 10 minutes then the war continues for another 20-30 minutes. (You could have it be Part 1 and Part 2 if it is impossible to have it be classed as '1 war')
Edit: Could be called 'Surge War'
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I am aware of
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Allows for losing sides to have a chance with reinforcements joining the server etc.
Invites both sides to think through tactics more thoroughly, build fobs etc.
Gives more opportunities for people to learn about FOB's and the rules.
Doesn't add any sudden new rule.
You could possibly have both Attrition and Conquest versions adding '2 war types'
Allows players to have a break from such long wars.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I imagine it would be extremely difficult to implement/Impossible
Could probably be unfun maybe with such a long amount of time for a war nearing 50 minutes even just for the minimum.
Could be unfun for winning sides to suddenly start losing because of a tactics change, random time given for the opposing team to build fobs etc.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It gives an idea for a new war type that isn't one of the hated 'Capture the Flag' or 'Search and Destroy', it gives sides time for more forces to join the server for the 2nd part and allows for more footing of fob building, repositioning and potential tactics changing. It is sort of like a different flash war and the only negatives are really just not biased as it gives both sides more time to rebuild and keep a war interesting without one side just getting hammered in a 40 minute long conquest war. This is just a potential idea as well as I know both sides hate S&D and CTF, it would obviously need to be more refined if it is even possible.
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