Nick Lances, Assistant To O5 Overseer Application

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Nick Lance

Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:171616808
Discord name: Nick Lance#1442
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 3 Months, I've been playing since It started and I'm back from my short break.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Nick ' The Legend ' Lance
Civilian name: n/a
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF O-1 PVT / Site Advisor / Director of Internal Affairs / Ambassador of Internal Affairs X2 / CI Conscript

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have 1 Warning, From Flames for NLR, a few months ago.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- I have a lot of experience with SCP RP I've been playing it since before CG came out with it, I am a well motivated Team Player who follows orders extremely well, I try my best to be Unbias and remove myself for situations where I might be Bias. I am a respectful individual and I Reflect that all the time, Even those who disrespect me I Just move on I don't get bogged down in the now, I'm always focused towards the end result of a situation a forward thinker, My document work is also impeccable id like to draw your attention to my previous roles of Director of Internal Affairs and Site Advisor, if you go on Internal Affairs job you will see in the Manual is MY name at the bottom and its still in use today. and from my experience as site advisor.

I kept all of my documents well written and up to date, that was the most difficult job because my outline of the job was not completed so there was actually a lot of guess work involved but I turned out OK. also i put a lot of effort into my character that I portray I try my very best to seem realistic and somewhat predictable and I keep my morals intact I'm A work acholic If given the Opportunity I would be on the server all day but unfortunately i have to work, I feel that i could improve the Regiments within the foundation Simply by giving them something to do, the Entire Reason for O5 on CG is to create Content and make the server more enjoyable, essentially a Game master, and if that's the case if i was to be given the role id basically become assistant to the game master.

The following bellow includes Lore about some SCPs and also some MTF groups and Protocols, its with this sort of knowledge base that i intend to make the RP more enjoyable and Inclusive for everyone. There has also been some laps in some departments that can be given some consideration again, this creates more content for Internal affairs, I would intend to use all the Departments for their specializations again to make it more inclusive, instead of doing it myself its too often i see people taking matters into their own hands leaving the departments out of it creating Less RP for everyone causing some players to feel the environment is too stale within their Department. I feel the most important part of the Assistant Role is to Report your findings to the O5 in the most detailed way possible. now if my Application is not a test as to how detailed i can make something then hell i don't know.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- As the assistant to the Overseer your duty is to follow first and foremost the directions of O5 Depending of Corse what one you serve and to provide updates on the facility and suggestions on how specific tasks are to be completed, Also Direct Certain Personnel to certain Areas with the guidance of O5, O5s are incredibly Rare to be seen out in public therefor they require an assistant to help them reach further in the facility without putting their very important life in danger.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I'm so sorry to anyone who has to read this buy hey I'm no writer but its a good read.

( SCP LORE DOCUMENT ) - Also link above if that better suits you.​

The Following Is information For the O5 council about _________s Work Experience Within the foundation,

This Document is Restricted Viewing For Level 5 Clearance Only. Un verified Access Will Be Logged, if you are not Level 5 TURN OFF the computer now, Further Access for Non Level 5 personnel is RESTRICTED, Site Administration Are now Watching You Read you May proceed Through the Document.

Nick “The Legend” Lance

Regiments and Experiments

  • Mostly in charge of leading expeditions to retrieve Compound Y-909
  • Briefly Worked with the hazmatters to help contain SCP 016 in Russia
  • Also works a lot with Kingfishers on SCP 300
  • Helped to train a lot of new scientists

Information About Candidate
His name is Nick, he's been in the foundation for 30 years he was recruited as a professor of mythology at the university of Ottawa, at the time of recruitment into the foundation he did not have a family he did not have a social life, his parents died of old age. He has no ties to life outside the foundation, his 30 years inside the foundation there's not a single record of insubordination or misconduct it seems he's a loyal worker

Recruitment Story

I am an Executive Researcher with the Foundation, currently deployed on the Foundations Submarine “SCPF Jeminai” we are researching the effects of SCP 3000, Upon reaching the SCP at approximately 7000 ft. deep or 7 km below the surface of the ocean, we had the MTF task force onboard known as the king fishers, i asked them if they could get a closer look at the SCP without getting too close to startle it or have one of the MTF members infected, like one of them had been on the previous expedition, we happened to have a new tool to test out on this particular SCP. an underwater camera capable of taking pictures from a distance of 1 km with a powerful flashlight attached. After we had a few pictures of SCP 3000,

I instructed the divers to do what we really came here for. SCP Y-909 a dark thick layer of gray fluid around SCP 3000s head and neck. We found out during the first discovery that SCP Y-909 is an incredibly strong amnestic, it's incredibly useful to the foundation it can be used in so many experiments and even more useful for site security, although we ran into a snag when gathering the compound, one the d class divers was unfortunately eaten, but we expected this. This compound is too vital; we cannot cancel this mission.

This was all part of the “Atzac Protocol” a mission compromised and executed at least 3 times a year to keep the foundation in a good supply of compound Y-909, after the mission was completed we set off towards SCP Area 16 this is normally where we would distribute the amnestic compound to all the other sites, upon my arrival at Area 16 I was met by 13 heavily armed what I assumed to be at the time MTF. they told me to follow them, obviously I complied and was escorted to levels that I never even knew existed, at the time i still had a few samples of the compound on my person because at the time i was still transporting it into the site. I was brought down to floor 23 behind clearance level 5, I wasn't sure if i did something wrong or if the facility was about to be attacked.

I didn't know what to expect. We reached a very large room the size of a lecture hall. I was approached by a man and two guards on either side of him. I placed the compounds on the table in front of me. Assuming that this is what this figure wanted from me. All of the sudden the man said “that is not what i am looking for you can put that away I have no need for it” so I said “okay so what would you like from me did i do something wrong?” the man said “no actually, I wanted you! You are the only research expedition that had nothing ever go wrong with it.

I wanna know what procedures you took so we can modify our protocols and i want to offer you a job” at this point i realized i was in the presence of an O5 member of the council, I explained to him what I did differently. And he responded with, “I'm in need of an assistant you will still have some roles as you performed before, but from now on you will be controlling the missions to recover Compound Y-909 with the addition of more tasks, I also see that you understand sacrifice and why we have to do things that are at times… unethical but necessary welcome to the position of O5 Assistant.

Assistant to O5 Lore

[ 2 Months Later ] I've Been asked by O5-2 to go investigate Site 19, Apparently there's been some issues getting in contact with Site 19 for the past 5 days, O5-2 is concerned something may have happened there I've also been sent with an escort of 3 MTF A-1 Operatives, So we boarded the plane we were in Mexico at the time we were traveling to Russia, upon entering Russian airspace a thick black haze could be seen in the distance. I remember thinking to myself that's almost exactly where the site is and it's oddly peculiar that this haze was almost a goo-like substance that can be seen from the air. Nonetheless we pressed on and landed at a small airstrip next to the site where we were greeted by local site security. I found that extremely odd because we had no prior contact. How would they know we would be coming? We got off the plane and asked the site security what the hell was going on. They responded with “ Are you guys not here to rescue us we radioed for help like fucking 7 times with no response.”

I then responded with “ Hey watch your tone and tell me what the fuck happened and do you know anything about the black haze seen 5 km to the west of the facility “ The men then told me that this “Haze” was some sort of SCP that had evolved into a skin eating haze and that they where locked in the site until they saw a friendly aircraft in the airspace. I had then asked them to open the facility and shelter us inside until the haze had dissipated. Upon entering the facility something felt off. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something just felt non routine, i knew something was up when we passed the surface security checkpoint when there were no guards there. I began walking slower falling back to my Body guards and I whispered to them “ Something is off be on the lookout “ .

We arrived at the central hub and that's when the guards turned around with their guns drawn and tried to shoot my guards, they were shot and killed immediately. At this point we obviously knew something was messed up. We raced down and found a bunch of dead site staff. Some Eaten some torn apart we ran down to the site security offices to get the video tapes and find out what happened. One of the SCPs had escaped and killed so many MTF and Security the site never stood a chance apparently there where about 3 staff left walking around the facility after the SCP broke out, one of the tapes capture them saying “ I saw on the radar an SCPF plane is landing shortly we should take it and get the hell out of here”.

I thought to myself huh that makes more sense. Finding out SCP === had escaped we quickly raced back to the surface and waited for the haze again, once it was gone somehow the haze had completely ignored our plane but it left puddles of black sludge on the ground. We ran out to the plane but one of the A-1 tripped into the black sludge and was consumed instantly we flew back to site 12 and reported it to O5-2 he then immediately called the NU-7 and E-11 apparently he had known even more about SCP === i was eager to research the SCP some more then my short encounter but unfortunately the O5 told me that this SCP is not worth getting my hands dirty with right now and told me that it would take some time to subdue it again, he thanked me for the information and was glad that we made it out alive.

I tend to work Extremely Hard on my documents and I take my time and produce documents with the Facts, and I would be more then willing to produce documents daily in fact, i challenge it, when i was leading the Internal Affairs Department I was actually told that there where too many documents on the cork board. i was writing 6-7 Reports Daily and hell i even enjoyed it. I understand that Assistant to O5 is not a desk job, but rest assured i will be as through as i have been in the past when addressing the O5, I'm very Much invested in the Lore of SCP in fact I actually wrote a bit of lore on SCP 3000 in my recruitment Story. now on the other hand the Assistant to O5 story, ill let you discover that SCP as its very much not widely known. I actually Left a few tips in there's as to what SCP it could be. but i mean they are pretty well hidden. anyways I would be so happy to accept this role if given it, as you may understand I recently became IA Ambassador, it is indeed my old department, but to me the department is running okay at the moment, if i was given the choice id rather give up my O-1 but if i had to of course I'm always willing to give up ambassador if need be. we could figure out the logistics later, I'm sorry to whoever has to read this, I take a bit of pity on you I think i way over did this but you know what. you dress for the job you want not for the one you get. as a famous quote goes, if you are wondering my long term plans, I'm not quite sure I figure ill do Assistant to O5 for a few months then ill go down to Site Director, it really all depends if MRP 2.0 is actually good, but if we start to loose player base because of the MRP 2.0 launch, with the Permission of O5 id create more RP, i feel like that's the main issue we are having, specifically that i know of in O-1 and i know some other Departments have been having issues Lacking content to keep players interested, I do have a few plans to change that but ill revel that as it comes along, this is a lot of what i used to do as site advisor, some extra notes, I do feel like My application is still a little stale, I tried my best to Beef it up as much as possible. hence all the text as to witch I'm almost sure that no one will read it all, its basically a book at this point, But i want to concreate it as much as possible that if I'm willing to put this much effort into my application Who knows what i can do if I'm given the position as Assistant to O5, I love to create content that follows the Lore, it breaks my heart when SCPs don't read up on the lore when they take the SCP they are controlling, if it was up to me Id make a Document for the SCP so when they log onto the SCP much like a manual it tells them in lore what the SCP can and cannot Do and what rules it needs to follow, a great example is 939 killing people who didn't move or even breathe, again just my opinion. if you are wondering by sheer curiosity as to how long it took me to make this application, well it took me 2 hours. the lore took me another 2 hours including Research and i did most of the Lore at work, like the little devil i am hahah so yeah in total it took me 4 hours. I have tried to be as detailed as can be but i highly doubt people will actually read all of this. but this entire section is basically about the author now since this is now a Book. If you where to ask what i would do if my application was denied, my next option would be to apply for ethics. but uh... honestly i don't really enjoy ethics that much, its extremely Restrictive With the RP scenarios you can create since you are not allowed to hurt or harm people for lets say enjoyment, and in that factor most of your time is spent policing the facility that's fine and all if you want to do that specifically but, its still restrictive content. i want to be able to create content for EVERYONE hence why I'm applying for O5 assistant. Also please someone read all of this, its basically just my thoughts now. I've lost count as to how many words i have typed and honestly now i feel like I'm just rambling on who knows perhaps i am.

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
I will be giving Nick Lance my +support

Im not gonna make a list of things hes good and bad at, just wanted to say that when i was barely an agent, nick lance carried the IA department and gave me a shot to do the same, Hes a good lad and generally well at doing most jobs you throw at him. also, do note this application is insane, its 3100 words and looks amazing

besides combat.. hes horrible at combat :eek:

Best of luck,
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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Known nick since the server opened and he has been mature and roleplayed well through out his time,
Has a very detailed and coherent application,
All of the above reasons as well.
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