NightWolf Director of Internal Affairs

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
Short Questions:

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:436061098
Discord name: NightWolf#6326
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3.5 Weeks
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Ambassador NightWolf, CI-B NachtWolf
Civilian name: NightWolfs Cousin
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Affairs Ambassador & CI-B

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 Warning: Mixing (Dec 20th), No Kicks or Bans

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
I have been appointed to ambassador about 2 weeks ago by Nick and ethics/05, since then ive been wanting to apply for director so i can make a real impact on how DIA works and improve it for the better, ive had some idea's on which i wanna implement if i get director such as training, certain investigations and reworking all documents and such. i think if i become the director ill feel comfortable with what i can do, and allow myself to work harder for internal affairs, rather then being unsure if its something i can do. ontop of that some people have been screaming at my to apply already.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
Ever since i joined the server ive mained DIA (since day 2 or 3), and ive absolutly loved it. I am good at adapting myself to new enviorement and strive to improve that to which i dedicate myself to, ive been personnaly training many DIA Operatives and Agents about how DIA works and such ever since i got ambassador and i love to help those who have questions or are not exactly sure on what to do. currently im also the only one that is ambassador and i think if im able to get Director i will be able to do some real good for the department and make sure it strives along with the rest of the foundation. im also active (3-5 hours a day on work days, and 6-8+ hours in weekends) allowing me to be there on the most active hours to help and guide those who need it and to work on improving the department even more.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
As the director of Internal Affairs its your responsibility to make sure that all DIA Operatives, Agents and Ambassadors are up to standard and enforcing all ethics code's and laws whilst simultaneously managing the department and make sure all documents, protocols and rules are as perfect as possible, its also the directors job to directly deal with or report to the Ethics commitee regarding anything that they should be informed on or any other subjects like Department Reviews, High ranking reports and such. Its the directors responsibility that the department strives at all time, remains active and keeps up the standards of the foundations and higher, its also their responsiblity to make sure that things like Investigations and bigger operations are being held and done by those who are able to. In my opinion another verry important part of the directors job description is to act professionaly at any time setting a good example and maintaining a good image for the department attracting new agents and operatives to join.

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
A man named [REDACTED] was involuntary picked by the SCP foundation to become D-class personnel after being honorary discharged out of the NATO army, he was assigned the name 'D-4051 NightWolf' upon his arrival. the foundation saw this person as the perfect D-class due to his highly covert personnality in the army as noone would notice he went missing, yet they expected him to die like so many other D-class personnel for the better cause of the foundation, to protect the world. although after the D-class had survived for almost a year while gone through so many expiriments they found it a good idea to make him a security cadet within the foundation as he used to be part of the army and this would benifit the foundation more. when he got pulled out of D-block in order to become a security cadet he quickly within a matter of weeks realised and saw as to how many Ethical Rules made by the [REDACTED] were being broken by his fellow security cadets around him and even his officer, after making a complaint towards the [REDACTED] where he pointed out the issues going on in Dblock by security he was given a chance as a Internal Affairs Operative, lead and taught by well respected director of internal affairs Nick Lance. he quickly realised he liked and even loved enforcing ethical codes and allowing everyone to have a humain stay whilst he worked for the greater cause, after serving within the internal affairs he was quickly made agent and got to do more advanced things like Investigations, causing him to make reports of great important which were locked behind clearance level 5, only able to be accesed by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. the [REDACTED] saw these documents and after a decision with the DIA Director he was given a chance of being the DIA Ambassador, a rank with high expectations and a high clearance level, he started getting used to the managerial positiono like he was once in the army, and started doing the best he can and show great dedication towards the foundation and their causes, even sometimes speaking face to face to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] causing his believe to greatly improve in what they could achieve and how many lives they are saving and continued to do good work for the foundation as the Ambassador for many months. After the director left, he was made director and started executing plans which he believed would greatly improve the department and generally improve the foundation as much as he can, this was one week ago.


Well-known Member
Jan 16, 2021


Active as IA, puts the time and effort into making it good. By this i mean that he trains new operatives/agents and makes sure they know what to do, he also punishes who ever breaks any rules, and makes sure that it doesn't happen again.
I full heartedly believe that NightWolf is the current best pick for DIA Director.
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The guy knows his stuff here are the reasons for why he should be the head of the Departament of Internal Affairs:
-He's Active
-He knows his shit
-Quite well known amongst the people
-With the promotion he could improve the Departament by alot
-I'm positive he would get the DIA more Organised than it already is.
-We need more Ambassadors to manage the Agnets
-The man has already put in effort into the DIA as an Ambassador along with making Documents and other Templates
-Give this man the Dir. of DIA already
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Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2021
No questions asked, no reasons to say.
I have knew this boi for ages, he fills the spot.


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