Nirvan's Blacklist Appeal

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Your in-game name: Nirvan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:514894595
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: 04/04/2023
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: Being in a server that had pictures of staff members.
Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now): No , I did join teamspeak on my main account and found out im not banned on it but informed kyzent and He banned me after i told him but other than that no.
Please list any alt accounts: I do not have any alt accounts.
Who blacklisted you? (if known): Cloak
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not join any server that has anything that breaks Civil-Networks rules.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted? No warning or bans on MRP but i have a few warnings and 2 bans i think on scp rp but they are around 2 years old now.
Why should you be unblacklisted: I did not spread or post anything that had a picture of any staff member or member of the server on the server (I think i posted an edit that someone made for kyzent but i asked his permission before posting that as I've met kyzent IRL and he's a close friend) and Completly understand , I should have reported or at least leave the discord server but I've blocked most of the members in that discord server for around 5-6 months now and haven't talked to anyone from that server since my first blacklist appeal. While i was still in the community i tried my best to help around and i was a staff member on both MRP (Was GM for a bit too) and SCP-RP and my intentions were never to hurt the server.

I was originally blacklisted for being apart of a server that included doxxing photos of members of the Civil Gamers community, namely that of SL. I posted this with permission at the time, and thought it would be okay, but there is no excuse for what I did, it violated the rules of the Network and I should have known better and reported the server and definitely not engaged in that behaviour. My punishment was fitting for the violation and I do not dispute that. I understand the actions taken and I have spent this time away from the Civil Gamers community maturing myself and reflecting upon what I did, and I can say with certainty I feel that I would not take the same actions today as I did then.

In future, my actions would be to follow the network rules to a tee, and make sure that I do not harm others or the networks reputation by taking actions such as I did previously, and be more mature and forthcoming with what I do. If I see rule breaks or violations in future and am unsure of the repercussions, or actions I should take, I will go to Network Leadership or Server Leadership about them to ensure the servers integrity and myself is held accountable for my actions in future.

In total, my blacklist has lasted around 8 months, and in this 8 months I have engaged in other communities retroactively, and remained unbanned with a clean slate in many of those communities, trying to shape myself up to return to the Civil Gamers network with a fresh and mature mindset as mentioned previously. I am more than willing to agree to any form of probationary period where I must be extra careful and vigilant when I am playing, or any other form of extra punishment that may be needed.

Finally, I wish for those reading to understand that my English is not perfect, and I have required some assistance here and there with this appeal, but please do not let that diminish my commitment to this community. I feel changed, and in the past I have done things to try and better it, such as be a Game Master, Moderator and in other positions such as Command on MRP. I do care for this community, the people within it and it's staff, and I hope that I can be let in again to be a part of it.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I'll stay away from servers that have members of CN that are breaking Civil networks rules and will report if i get invited to a server that is breaking CN rules.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I still have a lot of friends and people who know me from Civil-Networks and miss the gameplay and roleplay that Civil-Networks provides.
If anyone wishes to reach out to me, they may either on here in my DMs or on my discord, _nirvan , have a good holiday season. Thanks.
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @Nirvan ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a blacklist amnesty.

After discussion with the NL team we have deemed it inappropriate for us to consider lifting this blacklist, due to your past and the events surrounding your blacklist, this would not be beneficial for the network to allow you to rejoin the community.

Kind Regards
Network Leadership​
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