Accepted No armor loss from bleeding

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Jul 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It just doesn't make sense. Why would you loose armor when bleeding?

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- more realistic

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- (tiny) buff for all

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Cause it makes sense.
but i do not envy... i think, ventz? is bleeding a vwar effect? ...pretty sure it's one of the core addons.

regardless, it seems simple, but i have a strong suspicion that what is being asked for, is not.

so, and i'm guessing here, the bleeding effect does damage impulses on a regular interval, right? so it gets treated like any other damage taken in source, it gets mitigated by armour if that person has any.

and the idea here is to just have bleeding damage the health without being mitigated by the armour. you're basically asking for a way to deal damage in a way that bypasses the armour value. which to be fair, a "pure" damage method would definitely have other uses beyond this - an obvious one being "an SCP could damage and ignore armour" - and then have the bleeding effect regularly do that instead

unless there's some native or otherwise very easy way to do armour-ignoring damage in source, this is likely going to be a significant headache to implement. which may be why this is denied; just too much effort for something that is ultimately not worth it. i could be completely wrong though as again, i'm guessing.

...a very hacky and funny solution here, that definitely won't have any issues, could be to have the bleeding first record the armour value before damage impulse, deal the damage and then restore that armour value afterwards, on each bleed tick? that way the net effect is only the health going down? and also that way, the decreased rate of health drop as a result of the armour could be contextualised IC as the actual armour being worn is staunching that bleeding, which would make sense.
Feb 29, 2024
It is stupid as hell that we lose armor when we bleed , also I don't want the server to be fully realistic like some well made pvp game , it's Gmod for fucks sake but It'd be pretty cool if someone shoots at a body part that is padded or covered by some form of body armor , it should lower the damage.
Jul 23, 2022
It is stupid as hell that we lose armor when we bleed , also I don't want the server to be fully realistic like some well made pvp game , it's Gmod for fucks sake but It'd be pretty cool if someone shoots at a body part that is padded or covered by some form of body armor , it should lower the damage.
The hitbox of a playermodel is not just one box, it's multiple small boxes that make you take different damage depending on what part of the body you are hit at. At least that's how I understand it from the resent change logs posted. So its already a thing I guess. (not 100% sure tbh.)
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