Nomad Moderator Application

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Jan 4, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): khanhbeo0071

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 3d

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: CST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Director of Research Alexander Castellano | MTF E-11 PVT Alexander "Nomad" Castellano

Chaos name (include your rank): CI-B Thomas Holmes

Civilian name: Gabriel Holtz

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:188103140

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes, I was a former staff member for a lot of server

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, I was an officer for a serious MRP server and was part of a few serious PoliceRP Server

How many hours can you be on everyday?: 4-5 Hours afternoon

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I want to become a moderator for SCP-RP because I have grown a fond of this server and want to help make it better by not allowing people to ruin other people experience by breaking rules such as mass killing peoples and saying inappropriate content. I also want to assist with how the server is running because I believe that my input can be valuable as one of the regular player of SCP-RP and is working to improve relation of roleplay.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I can help by being on during peak hours because that is when I got off of school and can hop on, I also am very relax with people which lead me to believe that I can defuse situation calmly. I also think that being on the staff team can allow me to provide input on to the server on item that is frustrating player as being a regular player myself which I understand the frustration of a regular player. I am more suitable than other applicant for this because I have had experience on both roleplay in a serious environment and staffing in one, I also am extremely fluid which can allow me to be more active during peaks hour if needed be.

Smith Johnson

Well-known Member
Aug 7, 2021
+ Support

+ A lot of good RP experience with as Ethics
+ Very Mature for 16 years old
+ No warnings or Bans
+ Has Experience on other servers in High RP roles as well as Staff on other servers.
+ Active In-Game and In Teamspeak
+ I have not had a single bad situation with Nomad
+ Would be a good fit for the Staff Team

+/- Some minor grammar Errors in the Application
+/- Not so detailed about previous Staff and the reason why you would like to become Mod
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