Nomad O5-5 "The Reaper" Application

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Jan 4, 2022
Steam ID:: STEAM_0:1:188103140
Discord name: Nomad_600#8611
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For approximately 2 months now
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Foundation : Alexander Castellano | CI : LTCOM "The Reaper"
Civilian name: Huntsman Holtz
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Former Director of Research
- Ethics Committee Assistant
- Executive Researcher
- Security Captain
- SCP-096
- Former MTF E-11
- Former MTF O-1
- Current Chaos Insurgency LTCOM
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- I am currently applying for the position of O5-5
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- I would be a good candidate for O5 because of my previous and current experience in leadership positions, I was the former Director of Research and during my short time there I instated policy that help the research department to be more RP Friendly, I also coordinate with other entity to ensure the smooth operation of the department. My experience as CI LTCOM Also help me in this regard as I was assisting with leading the factions through out my time in CI and have helped developing new policy and handbook in order to make CI a better and more RP regiment. I also believe I will be the best candidate for the O5 Council because I am willing to coordinate with other regiment in order to create fun and unique RP Scenario for all of the foundation.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- The responsibility of the O5 Council is to overseer the operation of the foundations and to assure smooth running operations of the foundation, the duties of the O5 Council is to oversee performance by each department and ensure that they are of high standard and to coordinate with department director on how to improve a departments if they are needed to be improved on. The O5 council are the ultimate authority when it come to foundation operations and have complete authority on what takes place and what doesn't, the goal of the O5 Council is to ensure that the foundation are operating to their best of the ability to execute their mission which is Secure, Contain and Protect.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The O5 Council responsibility outside of RP is to coordinate with Site Admin and MTF Command to make sure that the department are working efficiently, being the highest command authority as O5 Command they also could coordinate with the group above and even CI Command in order to create fun and unique RP Situation for everyone. The O5 Council also handles applications of senior position such as : Site Director, Site Advisor, Chief of Security, Director of Intelligence, Director of Research, Overseer Assistant and jointly decide with the Ethics Committee the position of Director of Internal Affairs.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Personnel Files of O5-██

[WARNING : This file is restricted to member of Level 5 clearance personnel only, accessing this files without correct authorization will result in deployment of Mobile Task Forces ███████ and Immediate Termination, if you have click on this files accidently log out immediately and contact your site RAISA office. Do you wish to continue ?]


Understood, if that's the case. Does the black moon howl ?

Only to startle the sun

Clearance Confirmed, Welcome O5-██

Name : ██████████ █████████
Date of Birth : ██-██-████
Birth country : ████████████
Security Clearance : 5
Current assignment : O5-██
Former assignment : Ethics Committee Assistant
Current location : Site-██ | Overwatch HQ

Profiles : O5-██ was born in ██ at the town of █████████████ and have a older sister name ██████ ██████████ his performance in school was the top of his class earning him a scholarship to West Point Military Academy and he graduated at the top of his class and becoming the fastest ranking Captain of the United States Army. Following his appointment to Captain he was selected for Ranger School and once again he graduated at the top of his class only rivaled by 1 of his classmate out of 129 in that class, he was quickly offer a spot in the 75th Ranger Reconnaissance Regiment and work closely with member of Delta Forces and 24th Special Tactic Squadron.

During Operation ██████████ O5-██ was in charge of an insertion team that was deployed to Iraq for a simple HVT extraction, this turn out however to be an ambush and the task force quickly takes a lot of fire which resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED PER REQUEST OF O5-██]. Following this operation O5-██ went AWOL temporarily and was administratively discharge by the United States Army. Follow his discharge however O5-██ got a job offer from MTF Iota-10 during a routine traffic stop in which foundation agents search up his record and was impressed with his operation records so he was recruited and begin training with the foundation cadet program. His knowledge and field operation skill put him at the top of his class and soon he was recruit to Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" and joined their ranks.

After serving in Epsilon-11 for a period of 4 years he caught the interest of Mobile Task Force ███████ "███ ████ ████" and was then pulled from active service to conduct rigorous training and interview protocol and afterward was selected for the MTF, after serving on ███████ for a period of 6 years he then was contacted by the Ethics Committee and afterward was then offer a position of the Ethics Committee assistant and leave active services, O5-██ at this point was now working alongside the committee in order to ensure that the action of foundation staff were acceptable and ethical. Following a containment breach of O5-██ station site, site-██ O5-██ was then frustrated by the red tape with the Ethics Committee and was on his way to turn in his resignation when he was intercepted by O5-██. The following is the transcript of the events

Mr.█████████: *Mutter* Fucking committee, with all the red tape bullshit they might as well give everyone here a goddamn coffins.

O5-██ : Tell me about it sometimes, those bastard have no idea what we are doing half the time yet want to play hero
Mr.█████████ : What the hell, where did you comes from
O5-██ : That is irrelevant, what is relevant is I'm here to ask you a few questions *Open door to an administrative office* If you would like to that is
Mr.█████████ : Alright fuck it, what do I really have to lose here


Mr.█████████ : Ok while I admitted that was funny as hell, I'm sure your reason for dragging me in here isn't to mock me on my last day.
O5-██ : You would be correct, I am here rather not to talk to you but to offer you somethings. Have you ever felt that the Ethics Committee were a bureaucratic bunch with a lot of red tape that cost people their lives
Mr.█████████ : All fucking days, look at this containment breach, if we didn't focus on the ethic then we could have prevented 164 staff KIB. 164 Staff that could have served the foundation valiantly lost because we were too scared of our own methods.
O5-██ : That would not be a bad assumption of the committee however I'm not here to talk about them, I'm here right now to talk about you ████, see recently we have a seat vacant in Overwatch due to one of us stepping down and we are looking for a replacement. Having someone like you with your experience on Overwatch will certainly help the foundation by understanding what the hell is the machine that is called the Ethics Committee sometimes.
Mr.█████████ : Hmmm, considering that I'm quitting this anyway I accept your offers

And so afterward O5-██ candidacy was brought to the Council for voting and the following is the results of the motions

Motions for Mr.██████████ inductment into Overwatch

For : O5-██, O5-██, O5-██, O5-██, O5-██, O5-██, O5-██, O5-██ and O5-██
Against : O5-██ and O5-██
Abstain : O5-13

Motion has passed
Overwatch Command
Following his inductment into the council O5-██ was now working site to site to ensure upkeeping operations of site to prevent the repeat of Site-██, however at ██/██/████ Overwatch command receive an alarming distress of multiple GOI making noise and movement that was unpredictable to Department of Intelligence and even the Overwatch themselves, because of this Overwatch command deem that an O5 member should be on site to assume emergency command in case of a power play by one of the GOI. Being through the thick and thin of Site-██ O5-██ was deployed to Site-██ in order to combat the ongoing threat of specifically Anderson Robotic, Chaos Insurgency and The Serpent Hands.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 15, 2022
Massive + Support

I have been with Nomad since he initially joined the server during his Epsilon-11 Days; He has shown a leadership quality and it shone through when he stepped up to take CICom staff. Rebuilding CI from a deadbeat faction to now having a full command staff and thriving playerbase. He would make a terrific O5; if not a terrifying one for when he yells.

I cannot support this man enough; Ave Garde Thomas. Good luck.
Mar 13, 2022
Massive + Support

I have been with Nomad since he initially joined the server during his Epsilon-11 Days; He has shown a leadership quality and it shone through when he stepped up to take CICom staff. Rebuilding CI from a deadbeat faction to now having a full command staff and thriving playerbase. He would make a terrific O5; if not a terrifying one for when he yells.

I cannot support this man enough; Ave Garde Thomas. Good luck.
I love him a lot and I would also love to see him as an O5 member it would be amazing in my opinion, Considering this is all I got to say for you godspeed.

Deleted member 1285

+++ BIG Support
+ Amazing guy, met him in USA for a brief amount of time and all around seems like a really positive person.
+ Great backstory description - looks well planned and thought of.
+ Good luck, I hope you receive this role!
+ Mature, sophisticated
+ No warns.


Active member
Feb 19, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Position of ██ . This position oversees all of the foundation and we believe for that fact you need more foundation experience. But due to previous work done with the foundation we are willing to give you a oppurtunity at ████████ Assistant.

Contact ██-2 if you wish to accept this position.​
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