"Nova" Anikiev's Deployment (Introduction).

Jul 16, 2022
Hello! My name is Nova Anikiev, or just Nova for short. My time in civil networks has ranged from August 2022 all the way to the present day.

I started off in the server as playing as a General Security Cadet, and quickly fell in love with GSD. At the time, My Chief Of Security was named Man Manson. I quickly rose up the ranks by being extremally active and mature, and soon achieved the rank of Sergeant and Captain. (Sergeant is present-day d block specialists or some random title). I played captain for about 3-4 weeks and soon decided to apply for Chief Of Security after both Man Manson and another Chief Of Security left their positions. I ended up receiving the Chief Of Security Position along with another person called Camden "Viper". However, due to my arrogance of achieving the role, I stated some pretty stupid things in discord and got removed from Chief Of Security within half a week. (I know, So dumb of me). Then, a friend I had made who had been a Internal Affairs Ambassador and finally Director for a long time, Also achieved the rank of Ethics Assistant and eventually Ethics Committee Member, along with the Director of Ethics (Now Chairman), Jules, helped me achieve the role of an O-1 PVT. I spent the next 5-6 months going on numerous adventures with the Ethics Member friend, and eventually, the friend got removed twice from his role, and I had gone through some tough mental challenges on both the first and second time. On the second time, instead of helping me, my O-1 Superiors decided to remove me for reasons that will remain undisclosed, as I am too biased to say them without ranting. I then spent the next 6 months healing completely off the server and soon rejoined the server only to leave again, realizing that I was not yet ready to rejoin the community. I spent the next 2-4 months or longer hopping from different SCPRP's to different genre's, like HL2RP or 1942RP. Recently though I have been feeling well enough (As well as an old pull) to return to the server once again, this time to hopefully stay, For A second chance at life within the server, and revive my career on Civil Networks SCPRP, with a new generation of players to play with!
My appearances within the server will be rare until after December, in January but once I do start appearing in January, I will be active once again, this time permanently and stronger than ever!

Now that my server life story has been summarized, I will go on to state some facts about myself. I am a 15 year old male who likes to be serious, sometimes play around, and achieve medium to high ranking roles within the community. I also have a strong interest in Criminal Justice, and law enforcement as well as the U.S government and how it works. I am extremely approachable and have held leadership roles within the past, but nonetheless I am approachable, If you need to ask a question or just a introduction statement, feel free to just come up to me and say anything you have in mind, as long as it is appropriate and follows the server rules! One last fact about me is that my old name was just Chip, But I have recently undergone a name change, since I feel that the old name Chip has been associated with lots of bad memories and experiences, but for those who are still here that dislike me or are uncomfortable around me, Please don't be! I am here to host a fresh start and want to forget about most of the bad past and again, start new! If you have any messages / concerns / inquiries don't hesitate to dm me at discord at wolfmanager and my nickname will be Nova. Have a great Christmas break! (I know long introduction, but I feel that this is necessary for organization and a strong introduction)