NU7 François Ltcom pac

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Feb 16, 2023
PAC Requesting Approval

Lore: François joined the foundation as a simple cadet after being recruited for his work as a GIGN member within France. Always trying to improve, he joined NU7 to protect the foundation from it's enemies. Following a terrible incident he was given a new chance to fix his mistake. He swore to never leave any of his man behind even if it means losing his own life. Working to always improve NU7 for the better, he switches between doing meetings with SA to fighting CI to make sure that all non combative within site can work in peace.

PAC Requested: Requesting approval for the following pac. Main changes include a suit with NU7 camo on it. The vest and the head are from the regular NU7 body. Model as a health state wich changes the glasses depending on how much HP there is (they get broken).

Photograph of PAC:
pac request.pngsitting.pngglass.pngphone.png
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