Accepted Nuke Activation gives Breached SCPs EXP

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Giving breached SCPs EXP (similar to when they escape the facility, maybe a little more) when the Nuke is activated to force-recontain them.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Standalone version of a nuke EXP suggestion I've seen posted - I think this part of that suggestion was good, but if the rest of it was denied this part wouldn't be implemented which would be sad :(

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Gives SCPs an incentive to try and coordinate a nuke rather than go around RDMing people until they die (i.e. encourages coordination)
Rewards SCPs for causing a nuke rather than force-recontaining them
Another way to gain SCP EXP

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Gives SCPs an incentive to try and coordinate a nuke rather than go around RDMing people until they die (encouraging coordination may lead to more nukes)
Dev time
Could be something Server Leadership doesn't want

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I really liked this part of the EXP suggestion so I've made a standalone version, hope that's alright

Emilia Foddg

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 15, 2023
as much as i'm an agent of chaos and love doing shit like this - there is one major issue i should bring up that, to my understanding of what i've heard and read before from staff, is a held sentiment:
Gives SCPs an incentive to try and coordinate a nuke rather than go around RDMing people until they die
Could be something Server Leadership doesn't want
yes, it does encourage SCPs to work together, via the TS for example - which as you've pointed out is somewhat of a mixed premise. there are sapient and intelligent SCPs which would make sense to co-ordinate together, such as 682, 079, 076, 035, 8837, 7722, 082, 049, TGs, to name a few. however, there are SCPs which are more animalistic in nature and/or not sapient, which would not make sense to co-ordinate together (and in some circumstances, may even be failrp), such as 008, 096, 173... There's some weird edge cases like 106? not entirely sure about 457 or 9000s, they probably go in the first category.

the point being is that this would likely encourage those that fall more into the latter category to co-operate in unintended/undesired ways that as mentioned, SL don't want. so i feel like this will probably be denied for some kind of reason along those lines?

although honestly, it is just XP for causing a nuke and there are more SCPs in the former category than the latter, so it shouldn't be that much of a issue? i'm not sure.
yes, it does encourage SCPs to work together, via the TS for example - which as you've pointed out is somewhat of a mixed premise. there are sapient and intelligent SCPs which would make sense to co-ordinate together, such as 682, 079, 076, 035, 8837, 7722, 082, 049, TGs, to name a few. however, there are SCPs which are more animalistic in nature and/or not sapient, which would not make sense to co-ordinate together (and in some circumstances, may even be failrp), such as 008, 096, 173... There's some weird edge cases like 106? not entirely sure about 457 or 9000s, they probably go in the first category.

the point being is that this would likely encourage those that fall more into the latter category to co-operate in unintended/undesired ways that as mentioned, SL don't want. so i feel like this will probably be denied for some kind of reason along those lines?

although honestly, it is just XP for causing a nuke and there are more SCPs in the former category than the latter, so it shouldn't be that much of a issue? i'm not sure.
To be honest I feel like all SCPs (regardless of if they would team in lore) are obliged to help other SCPs during a breach - Delta Command is an elusive branch of the Chaos Insurgency and yet they lead raids every 45 minutes on this server, in short I think we should suspend some disbelief to allow SCPs to team together - that's just my opinion though

And yeah, the suggestion just adds a little icing on top of the bragging rights of "I've caused X nukes" by giving you a little extra EXP for doing so
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Active member
Sep 20, 2023

a nuke is basically equal to an SCP win
however i see one issue - during a 008 breach does every single zombie deserve a massive XP amount? that might cause more people to get themselves infected on purpose just before the nuke, to get XP.

perhaps 049-2 should get 50% of the XP, and 008-2 even less(or none), instead the person who caused the 008 breach should receive the XP
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a nuke is basically equal to an SCP win
however i see one issue - during a 008 breach does every single zombie deserve a massive XP amount? that might cause more people to get themselves infected on purpose just before the nuke, to get XP.

perhaps 049-2 should get 50% of the XP, and 008-2 even less(or none), instead the person who caused the 008 breach should receive the XP
zombies usually don't contribute to an actual breach rather they tip it so SCP teams win, you're right zombies should probably not get any exp
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