Nuke`s O5-6 "The Psycho" Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:210811466

Discord name:Nuke

For how long have you played on CG SCP:6 months


In what country are you located?:US

Time zone:EST

Character name(s): Rick "Nuke" Huxley | Blake

Civilian name: Luke

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):US

Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Current: OA Rick "Nuke" Huxley

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why:
-O5: I'm applying for any O5-6. In the past I was O5-3, and I am looking to make a comeback with The Psycho and bring O5 back from the grave it is in, I will also try to help out the server in the best way that I can.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5?:
- There are several things that make me a top contender for the O5 Council, one of which is that I have previous experience in roleplay is vast, not only on the server but on many others as well. As I am currently an Overseer Assistant, I have been an Overseer Assistant for almost two weeks now. I have become an overseer assistant so that I can help O5 in the best possible way. Also, my previous role-playing experience made me know how things run and how to not mess things up.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 in RP?:
-It is the responsibility of the O5 Council in roleplay to oversee the foundation to make sure that everything the foundation is hoping to accomplish is on track. That can be accomplished either by going and meeting the heads of the departments individually or by watching and implementing things that will make things run smoothly To move the foundation forward and make it push forward to make the mission more successful and make sure that everything is moving forward. Just general oversight of the foundation to make sure that everything is going well and that the heads of the departments are all on the same page

What are the responsibilities of the O5 out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-As far as the O5 Council is concerned, it is basically going to handle department director applications whether it is Intelligence, Research, or even Security for that matter. They have the responsibility to handle some of the department director applications and who is assigned to them. This includes interviewing them and ensuring in a non-roleplaying manner that the department is running whether it be dealing with someone playing up in-game while on the whitelist, or something else of that sort.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Rick Huxley Was born in the United States in the year (REDACTED). He grew up in a military family so he did not get to see his parents that often. it was rare when he could actually spend time and have fun with his parents. He lived with his Uncle and Aunt they weren't poor but they were close to it. During his childhood, he lived in (REDACTED) and was a troubled kid who was always in trouble and fighting everyone. He did not have a traditional family and did not celebrate holidays as a normal kid would. Once Rick Huxley turned 18 he got a letter in the mail saying that his mom and father have become war heroes and are making their way back home now. Rick Huxley was happy but he was conflicted because he was leaving to go join the United States Army. That meant he would not be able to see his parents in the end he decided that he was going to join the Army and see them when he got back.

After going through boot camp and being top of his class He joined the US Army Special Forces Green berets. While he was in the Green berets he made lots of friends but in the end, he couldn't keep all of them because they died. After a while, Rick Huxley became numb to killing and didn't feel anything whenever he did have to kill someone, But on the strange day of April 16 (REDACTED) he was sitting in his bunk when 2 men approached him. At first, he was skeptical and did not want to follow the men but eventually, they forced him to come. He was brought into a Tent with a strange man sitting down. The Strange man said, "Hello, I am a part of the SCP Foundation and we have looked at your background, and seeing it there was no way we would pass the chance of recruiting you."
Rick Huxley Was confused and asked, "First of all, What is the SCP Foundation and what do you want me to join I already have a good position here." The strange man told Rick Huxley to take a seat which Rick did then the strange man said " The SCP Foundation is an organization that protects humanity from the truth. To answer your other question you will if you accept be joining the MTF Squad Nu-7 "Hammer Down" the rest I will discuss with you when/if you join." Rick looks confused for a second and then said "If what you are saying is true I am ready to join, where do I sign up?" The Strange man says "Perfect and you're already in." He then snaps his fingers and Rick was blindfolded and gagged and taken to SCP Foundation Site 56 on the way there they faked his death.

Nu-7 "Hammer Down"
After they Gagged and blindfolded him and they made their way to Site 56 he was given Bootcamp all over again but instead of regular Bootcamp it was very extreme but nothing he has never done before besides the Containment procedures. Rick only made it to SPC but that was mainly because his commander was on a different site half the time. He was known as Nu-7 "Nuke" He got that name from his buddies cause he was a war machine during his Army days. After a couple of years of being in Nu-7 he got kidnapped once again but this time it was for a hidden MTF Squad Alpha-1. They kidnapped him because they saw him as a War machine and knew he had good combat skills. Rick really didn't have a choice but he joined Alpha-1

MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand"
During the time of being in Alpha-1 instead of like Nu-7 where he only got to SPC; Rick Got up to Commander and after a while, he handed A-1 off to Predator and he has now taken over Alpha-1. Alpha-1 is a very secretive MTF Squad so I can't really go into detail but I can say one thing. Alpha-1 is known for its Ruthlessness but they saw Rick Huxley as a Psychopath in A-1 because of his torture methods and his bloodthirst for killing people. One day A guy in a Black suit came up to Rick and asked him if he wanted to join O5; Rick had been protecting these people for some time now and so he gladly accepted
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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
ima withdraw this mainly cause i want Chris to get O5

Smith Johnson

Well-known Member
Aug 7, 2021
+1 Support Nuke is a very positive and active member to the community. He has made a positive impact on the community. Him and I go way back and I would love to see him as any 05. I wish you the best of luck.

Rice Cooker

Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for █████. This position is in charge of managing the entire foundation. After observing your continued service as ███████ assistant, we have determined you are suited for this new responsibility.

Congratulations ██​
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