O-1 PAC #1

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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022

PAC Requesting Approval

PAC Requested (Which job):
Omega-1 Operative/Specialist/Officer
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70404419

Photograph of PAC:



Lore: A man armed with a gun, whose fear is everyone around him. Most people call it paranoia, while Recker deems it as vigilance. He's witnessed the treasonous actions of Chairman Crow and the effect it had on his regiment. He's witnessed D-Block and other areas of the site get amnesticized through the HVAC system. Are these actions that he's witnessing a reflection of the possible threats there may be, or are they harmless? Certainly not. There's threats everywhere.

The treasonous operations of Crow Kalashnikov left a scar on his mind with how everyone can go against you in the snap of a finger. Under one man's swift stroke of authority. Nu-7, DEA, Alpha-1 all went against Omega-1 that day. It was a day of extreme darkness where Recker and his regiment had to constantly look over their shoulder to ensure someone who's supposed to be friendly, doesn't become foe. That was the case during both the post-tribunal meeting, and when Crow sold off Foundation personnel.

Recker's been on the side of Site Command as an entire area of the facility with the call of one radio transmission, erases an entire section of people's lives from their mind. However, Recker remembers. Justified or not.

All of this has left him with a paranoid mindset. One who's vigilant (or paranoid as some people say) should daunt a uniform that's prepared for all possible outcomes. On his uniform you will see a gasmask, used for defending against infectious outbreaks and amnestic gasses being deployed through the HVAC system. You have extra gasmask filters in the event they need replacing, and you have a more lightweight/agile set of armor that enhances mobility. All of these items that Recker has equipped ensure he's ready to be mobile, and ready to effectively do his job should others try to prevent him from doing it. There will always be at least one person whose against your purpose. No matter what it is.
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
Hello @"Recker", please edit this form with a few bits of lore for your character that you want approved.
Added a basic lore about why the suit is needed and a little bit of a backstory. Also updated images to have consistency (one of the prior photos didn't have the updated ISD texture). Also put on a better gasmask.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 27, 2023
Greetings @"Recker"

Your Character Bio has been Approved on October 23, 2023.

By myself and other members of server leadership.

Any changes to your Character Bio will have to go through the process of being accepted again.

Kind regards,
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