O5-7 "The Untitled" Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:73795697
Discord name: Jacket#9277 (Code 280036451541057536)
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since day 1 beta.
Age: 17 (24 March)
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT/BST
Character name(s): MTF A-1 MAJ Zel, CI-A scoob
Civilian name: It changes as I am a TGM. I do not have a consistent civilian name.

Do you have a mic?:
I have a functioning and clear microphone, usable in-game and through third-party software (TS3, Discord).

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Alpha-1 LTCOM - I have been playing as Alpha-1 since the beta period.
CI-A - I would like to play as CI more, however, I am far too busy with event-planning and moderating A-1.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Unfortunately, I received a warning for NRP. This was due to the reason that I accidentally said information that was gathered from a day before. The person that reported me has since then been punished for constantly trying to enter the warhead room and trying to activate it.
It should also be noted that the staff member that warned be didn't agree to the warn and assured me that I should not worry about it.

I have never been kicked or banned from the server.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-7 “The Untitled” - however, I do not mind what number designation I am given as I am certain that it will not have an effect on how I roleplay or how much effort I am willing to give for this role. The story I’ve written can easily be mended, and as the character set is completely made from scratch, I do not believe that it will affect my in-game character.

I would like to also note that I do not mind if "The Untitled" is an unfitting name and should be replaced.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Roleplaying is something I am undoubtedly experienced in. I am experienced in multiple games, and of course, one of it being Garry’s Mod. I’ve mainly only played SeriousRP servers, including CG’s own MilitaryRP, and other large communities.
I currently have 8.7k hours in Garry's Mod, showing that I am clearly experienced with the game and how it works.

Genuine interest in the SCP Universe

I have spent countless hours interacting with the SCP Universe. Working on a handful of anomalous items, tales, characters and art. I've also read quite a lot of SCP wiki entries, including those out of just the SCP list.
Additionally, I've watched tens of hours of SCP-related videos.

Ability to Roleplay
This server is SeriousRP, meaning that the ability to roleplay should be a massive variable on whether a person is fitting for the role. As roleplay is being strictly enforced, as an LTCOM, I am expected to push for roleplay. One of the biggest tasks I've been assigned as my current role is to push for roleplay - I can roleplay to the best of my ability.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
In RP, the O5 Council (from now on referred to as the O5s) ensures that the SCP Foundation is on track and following their aims: to secure, contain and protect. They do this by ensuring that all departments are doing their part of ensuring that the Foundation is moving forward to achieve this and to protect humanity.

One of the biggest departments that the O5s focuses on is Research. The Foundation is known to change the unknown to become the known, and the O5s keep research and experiments occurring at nearly all times. Even if they are not responsible for who becomes the head of research, this department is integral to the function of the Foundation, and the O5s must ensure that it is running smoothly.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-Site Advisor

-Site Director
-Chief of Security
-Intelligence Director
-(Partially with the Ethics Committee) Internal Affairs Director

I believe the O5 Council also talks to the general community to see what they'd like to see more of or if something needs to be changed. For example, if they have complaints, about an MTF, see if we can talk to the COM to fix the issue. Whatever the issue is, see if the O5 Council can fix it.

The O5 Council is to make sure that the community is having fun in whatever ways they're in control of.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
[My O5-7 is non-canon and is directly written and created by me, it does not fall under previous tales, reports, studies, etcetera of anything from the Wiki]

The identity of Seven comes down to three entries. One of these is true. Maybe they’re all lies.

O5-7: "The Enforcer"
Male. Asian descent. Unknown origin, likely Japan. Young adult. Seemingly has a permanent scar on his right hand.

Seven’s personality seems to be self-reserved and ‘unnervingly quiet’. Prefers a much more on-hand and physical approach to his tasks. Nearly disregards the stereotypes of O5 Council members avoiding SCPs, and have been seen to interact with multiple entities.

Thought to be a former high ranking operative of MTF Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” that mysteriously disappeared, rumoured to have gone AWOL, though these rumors were never confirmed. It should be noted that Seven is often seen with Alpha-1 personnel, and is seemingly ‘welcoming’ towards them.

Highly interested in the management of the Foundation’s internal security sector.

"May I remind you that my identity is completely irrelevant to whatever research, experiment, log or work you're doing?"

O5-7: "The Henchman"
Male. European descent. Unknown origin. Unknown age.

Seven was formerly a proxy for the former O5-7. It is suspected that the former was assassinated and replaced by the current. Unknown why the Ethics Committee or the other Overseers have not taken any action against this act.

Likely an old Overseer Council member that temporarily left and regained his seat in power.

Very loyal to the Foundation, thought to have been a friend of Dr. Alto Clef.


“Truth be told, I didn’t like the former Seven. But I didn’t kill him, I just sold his soul to the devil”.

O5-7: "Kos"
Male. European descent. Greek origin. Mid-70s. Several unknown symbols scarring his right forearm.

Kos “Seven” Girodet is a Greek male who is believed to be a former student of O5-██. Friendly and welcoming personality, though have had the reputation of being a backstabber and liar, often justifying it for the greater good. O5-█ often calling Kos a “manipulative bastard”.

Former department head of medicine at Area-██, under the name “Maximus Haggard”, though this is confirmed to be a pseudonym. Unknown reason for pseudonym. Maximus Haggard was thought to have been assassinated by the Chaos Insurgency.

Seemingly very interested in the subject of human anatomy and modern medicine, boasting his apparent PhD (unconfirmed).

"I would like to remind you that my story is insignificant. The Foundation’s Overseer Council profile is completely unrelated to the progression of our containment of the anomaly."


ACCESS REQUEST: “.untitled”

. . .

O5-7 “The Untitled” is the seventh Overseer Council member of the SCP Foundation.

Formerly known as ‘Jiro Itoh’, but currently known as ‘Seven’ or ‘The Untitled’.

O5-7’s identity is to be kept completely confidential to all Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council. For this reason, Seven has three false identities to be used as a front.

The following audio log is recorded by Seven.

“I am Jiro Itoh.
Callsign ‘Zel’.
Former Alpha-1 Lieutenant Commander.
Born in Site-███, Osaka, Japan.
Killed in Action by Group of Interest ‘Chaos Insurgency’ as revenge for terminating O5-7, a former O5 Council member that attempted to defect.

The false identities of The Henchman and The Enforcer are somewhat true.
The former O5-7 “The Twin” attempted to defect to the Chaos Insurgency, and as a result, was terminated”.
The Enforcer was to be my nickname, however, The Henchman was, too, an accurate title, as it was common for me to be part of his security detail.

I think having both the title of "The Henchman" and "The Enforcer" isn't fair. Plus, I'm indecisive. Untitled is fitting.

- Seven

Deleted member 982


-Good interactions with him


CG Super VIP
Feb 20, 2021
I will be giving you a +support for the following reasons.

Active both in-game and in TeamSpeak.
• Mature and friendly.
Have never had any bad interactions with you personally.

Best of luck.


CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Is one of the most trusted people I have in A-1
+ You already told my your intentions of joining O5 before you received LTCOM so I don't see a problem with you leaving for O5.
+ Already shown you are capable of doing roleplay as an O5 well through interactions you've had with A-1 with some events you've hosted.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020

-A1 LTCOM, just speaks for itself
-Good RP/General Interaction
-Generally fun/friendly to be around

Generally great guy, Can't wait to see you as an O5
Last edited:


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
-Active in game and in TS3
-Great RP in general

Overall I think you would be a great O5 Zel, Good Luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 8, 2021


+ Active
+ Amazing RP (especially shown in his GM events)
+ Friendly, mature and approachable
+ Extremely cool

Pan Police

Well-known Member
Oct 5, 2021
Active IG and TS
Amazing as a leader
Great events and RP
Mature and will always help when it's needed

You would make an amazing O5 Zel!!!
Huge +Support

+Active IG&TS.
+Incredible Leader.
+Mature and Friendly.
+Very experienced in RP.
+Detailed and well written application.

I have personally worked alongside Zel within CG MRP and he was an amazing person to work with. Extremely dedicated and a massive help. I would really like to see Zel as a part of the almighty O5.

Best of luck Zel.


Dec 12, 2021
thats my o5 right there
incredibly active
very cool
confirmed gigachad
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