Denied O5 Change/Upgrade

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 13, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is for the addition of reality warping abilities to the O5 Council job.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Lore accurate abilities that the O5 Council would have.
New fun abilities that will make the already appealing job of being a O5 more desirable.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
With the O5 Council Whitelist being a difficult one to acquire there is a low chance of "mingy or abusive" behavior to come with the new found powers.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because it makes since for the O5 Council to have reality bending abilities. Dont need all of them, maybe like the detain ability and the escape card at the very least.


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
It just adds more stuff to the O5s who are long overdue for an update to make them more enjoyable to play. it is also more lore accurate so I don't see why not.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
It was already said NL has no intention of doing this, would also lead to said CL5 positions entering into combat which is not their purpose. Even i they Did habe anomalous properties,they would not show them in public.
Ci just got that boost and it's a few hour thing for like 1 raid.

Ci havent been getting alot of buffs recently
not to diverge from the original topic but CI aren't showing themselves (at least on the uk) they don't deserve anything given to them right now the entire faction is just a fuck around and break rules for free without the CO's of staff doing anything. I feel like if a miracle happened and ci improved their behaviour and started RPing (especially when threes events that literally hand them the W) then more content would be more approachable as they don't even use the tools they currently have to rp.

now I'm not saying that foundation are pure and only RP as i have witnessed scenarios when our RP leads themselves have skipped a serious scenario just because its inconvenient for them or for another example hostage situations how they always end up with people rushing ci which usually gets the person who's being taken hostage killed. but ci really do need to improve if they want people to take them seriously
(again this is only uk CI i havent experienced enough of usa ci to be able to complain)
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This would make it impossibly MORE difficult to kidnap them.

Only thing going for it is lore accuracy

At that point why even have A-1
A-1 do a lot more then just guard O5, yes that's their main job, but even then we Serve the O5, We still would take orders, and still have to guard the O5 should it be a very slow recharge of energy and balanced properly.
-/+ leaning towards -support while it would be more RP realistic would also make O5 immune to TG/TB and would also probably lead to abuse of these powers unless they are given the same swep as thaumatologist. Another big issue here is that this would be a HUGE power imbalance with O5 and EC. It's just not fair to give 1 side magic and the other side fuck all. The EC pistol can't even have attachments while XK-05 can...
Incredibly abusable and not what the system is intended for, even if I restricted the abilities they can use, it would just end up getting abused non-stop and would result in them being immune to a lot of actions. I don't particularly want to have to write custom reality bending logic just for a few O5 to use either.
It just adds more stuff to the O5s who are long overdue for an update to make them more enjoyable to play.
They're the O5 Council, it's 4 people and it's a roleplay-focused job, not a faction begging for their next update. We can't start going "when is the next O5 update", "when is the next Ethics update" - that would just get out of hand quickly.
  • Cool
Reactions: Jester
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