Ocean 'Generic' Ambassador Application

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Active member
Jul 30, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197399873

Discord name: vv_lush

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years (But taken breaks)
Age: 17

In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Ocean 'Generic'
Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11, MTF NU-7

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

In the past I have received warnings, (2021, 2022, 2023) but none in this year, they are all invalid warnings.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador because I want to experience the next level/step-up from Internal Affairs agent, I want to be known as more responsible for decisions and help other agents in any circumstance they need. This goes for everyone as well, I want to help everyone in circumstances they may need my help.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
In general, I am a person who loves to help people, and I get satisfaction from helping people. I put others before myself, in terms of helping them and I don't have any problems with doing so. Additionally, I can listen to orders, without complaining and I can get the work done in a fast and detailed amount of time. I really enjoy being the sort of person who teaches people. so they can better improve on situations they have either done wrong or do not understand, even if that takes a long time, I am willing to give up time to help people improve and become the best version of themselves as possible. Furthermore, if anyone asks me a question I will try my hardest to answer fully, and to the best possible answer so it helps them with whatever they are asking me, I will always try and pull up the facts, if that is giving them a document of the legal codex.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I have not written documents as I usually do not get into circumstances where I need to write documents. I have been helping people like A-1, and also Ambassadors, within investigations, hence I want to become an Ambassador so I lead said investigations and lead the role of assisting people.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Internal Affairs Ambassadors are responsible for ensuring that the site personnel abide by the FLC, and also ensure that other agents employed as IA follow IA Guidelines. They aren't just there to tell people off they are also there to help anyone struggling or anyone who has complaints, and to ensure that they get to the bottom of said complaints and struggles.

As Clearance 4 personnel they can do the following things;

When Code 1 - Code 5, are active they can ensure that all non-combatives are safely locked inside PW, and you may ask how? Personal Wing has a blast door, preventing or slowing down the threat of any foreign personnel or anomaly. This clearance to activate the blast doors is CL4+ therefore it is majorly important that an Ambassador protect everyone who is non-combative, and closes this door to as stated previously slow down the threat.

In situations, where an internal affairs agent/operative is struggling when arresting someone, an ambassador can be asked to support them and aid them to go in the correct direction and making the proper decision.

As CL4 personnel in the department, they are given the duty to keep everyone in the department abiding by the IA Guidelines. Furthermore, this means ensuring that all agents are sticking to the FLC and CoE at all times and also sticking to the guidelines. They also can train new personnel who are interested within joining the IA team, and they can help make them become a top-tier agent. They are also looked up to in the department to provide feedback and aid to agents and operatives.

It is important that Ambassadors organize documents to ensure documents are correctly looked at and reviewed so any incident isn't overlooked and forgotten about.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Ocean was born in London, England, and stayed there until she was 25. Before moving, she studied public services (Diploma level 3) in college at the age of 17, and then graduated from college at 18 where she decided to pursue her career in public services at Unervisity. She studied law and order, sociology to understand why humans interact in said ways. She passed her courses in university and applied to the MET Police where she reached the rank of Detective.

Whilst on a job as a detective, she noticed somebody overviewing her work, at her desk, when she went to see what was the issue the man smiled, and appreciated her work as a detective. He then offered her coffee and proceeded to walk to a quite and safe area where nobody could hear. The man proceeded in appreciating her work as a detective cracking down on murder cases to other situations, and he offered her a one-time job. Ocean being enthusiastic looked at the requirements and saw that she met most of the requirements, but something still made her question what was this job, as the location she wasn't quite sure about or never heard about. The man sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I cannot answer too many questions, I understand you are curious and anyone would be, but it's a yes or no answer, you either accept this job opportunity with good money, or you walk away and continue your job as a detective."

Ocean looked at the papers again and looked at the man, she couldn't possibly refuse this, she was barely getting paid enough in the MET for all the work she was doing with solving investigations, so maybe a new opportunity is what she was looking for, she was in the matter of fact a bright and intelligent young lady. "I'm interested," Ocean said signing her name on the papers.

The man smiled "Well then welcome, you will get more information on this phone." The man proceeds to pass Ocean a phone that was clearly a burner phone.

Two whole weeks passed and Ocean never heard anything but then at 10:00 am on a Saturday she got sent a message from an unknown contact giving her instructions.

Flight Instructions:
'You have a flight on Sunday 12:00pm to Canada Gate 5'
'British Airways'
'First Class'

Upon Landing Instructions:
'There is a Black SUV plate: XYM 564'
'Put your suitcase into the trunk'
'Drive to address: [Time deletion]'

Gate Instructions:
'Ask for [Name]'

Ocean looked stunned at reading the message and quickly packed for the flight tomorrow.

The flight was a normal flight, to Canada nothing out of the blue, the car was indeed outside waiting for her with the keys being handed to her by the airport staff. She drove to the address to see a snowed-out-looking facility with beaming fog lights shining down on the entrance. Two militarised guards walked to her car realizing she was a new employer with the car being registered to the site, and asked for who she was here to meet. She told them the name and was allowed into the car park of the facility.

Parking the car wasn't stressful with the aid of the parking assist, she left the vehicle giving the keys to the militarised personnel, and was taken to a room for a search where she was searched by a friendly female military person. She was later cleared and escorted down to meet the person she was told to meet. Here she was informed that she was now employed by the facility and would be trained within a week and had that week to learn the facility legal codex. Ocean knew she could do this as she had a background in learning law, which she did! She learned the legal codex in a week and got trained to become an Internal Affairs Agent.


"Do you think she will be good?" [???]

*a cold stern voice replied* "She has more than enough qualifications to prove for it." [???]

*sigh* "What you did was indeed risky, but I hope you have chosen the correct person.." [???]

"Keep an eye on her" *paper can be heard hitting the table* "Her background before police life let's say is a bit odd." [???]

"You sure do worry too much..." *sigh* [???]


Active member
Jul 30, 2024
+/- Support
Decent app
Haven't heard much about you that was positive, but word of mouth isn't much to go off
As IA I always try my hardest to make everyone happy, that is my primary goal to make sure that everyone is happy. (OOC) I also try to make my decisions not impact other players from playing this server.

I do my job both professionally and carefully knowing the situation and how I would feel in said situations, on incidents that can be gone with a warning I try and warn them to behave and follow the FLC, on some occasions where I cannot I firstly sit with them and tell them the reason and tell them they will get punished for their behavior.
Jun 5, 2022
As IA I always try my hardest to make everyone happy, that is my primary goal to make sure that everyone is happy. (OOC) I also try to make my decisions not impact other players from playing this server.

I do my job both professionally and carefully knowing the situation and how I would feel in said situations, on incidents that can be gone with a warning I try and warn them to behave and follow the FLC, on some occasions where I cannot I firstly sit with them and tell them the reason and tell them they will get punished for their behavior.
Like I said, It's word of mouth. Maybe you're amazing, but I haven't interacted with you personally so I can't quite say.


Active member
Jul 30, 2024

I was warned today at 5:19 pm I was really distressed by said warning, the warning was semi-major and it does include a clip, of me shooting CI, where I can explain why I do also understand as IA we have the major priority of getting out of situations.

I was distressed as I am a changed person, so I don't want to be known as someone who violates rules, and I want to show that I have changed hence why I have applied for IA.

I will accept this warning and move on from it, as it was a genuine mistake.
Feb 22, 2024
oki so:

Cons -
-application is just horribly formated, a nightmare to read through and scope out questions
I have not written documents as I usually do not get into circumstances where I need to write documents. I have been helping people like A-1, and also Ambassadors, within investigations, hence I want to become an Ambassador so I lead said investigations and lead the role of assisting people.
-even if you dont write documents (which is a great way to make yourself a name in the department) you still need to say what makes a document good
-please put a vtime in the application/replays, you can do that by doing /time ingame

Naturals -/+
-didnt see you on IA that much, but from the small amount of interactions they were pretty nice
-try and expand on the duties part, you added alot of fillers in that part, which is something that really bothers me, if you take out the fillers its really not much
-while i can say for sure that you really are thirsty for making the RP enjoyable, and i do really appreciate that quality in people, didnt really see you on IA much aside from the recent couple of days

Pros +
-really nice to talk to and interact with

Overall ill give you a support -/+ leaning to -Support
dont let negative feedback deter you, most of the reasons for the -support is the documents/question fillers/application format

Good luck!



Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Major -Support
Your behaviour towards certain regiments and players is appauling and unwarranted but you make no effort to change it when you see that it's bothering them.
When you provoke a certain type of RP and it then goes a way you dislike, you make an attempt to make the people involved feel guilty and bad, but then continue to provoke them every day forcing their hand.
When someone expresses even a small dislike or annoyance to you IC you seem to consistently take it ooc believing they have something for you.
You play victim all the time in every scenario when something doesnt go your way and instead of admitting when you're in the wrong, you blame everyone else and claim they're just out to get you or dislike you.
You also recieved a warn only yesterday for FailRP and became pretty hostile and yet again proceeded to play the victim putting the blame on others over the whole situation.

You are way too immature for CL4 at this moment in time.


Active member
Jul 30, 2024
Major -Support
Your behaviour towards certain regiments and players is appauling and unwarranted but you make no effort to change it when you see that it's bothering them.
When you provoke a certain type of RP and it then goes a way you dislike, you make an attempt to make the people involved feel guilty and bad, but then continue to provoke them every day forcing their hand.
When someone expresses even a small dislike or annoyance to you IC you seem to consistently take it ooc believing they have something for you.
You play victim all the time in every scenario when something doesnt go your way and instead of admitting when you're in the wrong, you blame everyone else and claim they're just out to get you or dislike you.
You also recieved a warn only yesterday for FailRP and became pretty hostile and yet again proceeded to play the victim putting the blame on others over the whole situation.

You are way too immature for CL4 at this moment in time.
Firstly, I want to acknowledge this feedback provided and express my willingness to address said feedback and improve upon concerns. Whilst you may have opinions on me due to the short amount of time you've experienced me on the server, I still want to provide my own opinions on said feedback.

Behavior Towards Regiments and Players:

You've mentioned my behavior towards certain regiments and players as appalling and unwarranted. While it was never my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable or targeted, I understand that my actions have had a negative impact. I am committed to reflecting on my behaviour and making a conscious effort to change how I am and how I interact with others to ensure a more respectful and positive experience for everyone.

Provoking RP Situations:

Regarding the claim that I provoke certain types of RP and then react negatively when they don't go as expected, I see the validity in this concern. I understand that RP is a collaborative activity that should be enjoyable for all participants. Moving forward, I will strive to create a more balanced and mutually enjoyable RP scenario. Additionally, I will be more receptive to feedback during these interactions and avoid placing blame on others when situations do not go as I envisioned.

Taking IC Interactions OOC:

The issue of taking in-character interactions out of character and perceiving them as personal attacks is a significant one. IC and OOC I know have boundaries and are crucial for roleplaying to maintain clear separation b between the game and real-life sentiments. I will work on developing this, and ensure that stronger distinction between IC and OOC conflicts stay to a minimum and ensure that I do not allow IC interactions effect me personally.

Playing the Victim and Shifting Blame:

I understand that playing the victim and shifting the blame is counterproductive and creates a toxic environment. Whilst I have the right to believe this is happening that I do not have the right to do is make this clear, which on several occasions I have. I commit to taking responsibility for my actions, understanding role conflictions, and working towards resolving issues constructively rather than deflecting the blame to others.

Recent Warning for Fail RP:

Regarding the recent warning for FailRP, I got increasingly annoyed as it was my own clip used against me, and at the time of said issue, nobody complained about the incident until I posted that clip. However, I do not agree with the actions that I took afterwards getting the warning which was blaming others and becoming hostile to others. I should have taken the time to understand the reasoning behind the warning. I apologize for my hostile behavior and will ensure that I approach such situations with a more open and reflective mindset.


Active member
Jul 30, 2024
The issue I face with the claim of targeting and I have also spoke to most people who are too scared to even say this.

I spoke to Valentine regarding the issue with the Operation being spoke. And he said that was wrong. I also spoke to Ghost and Kyle, and they both said that they never wanted to strike me but felt increasing pressure from Senior Leadership and other participants.

I decided to leave E-11 which was a massive decision for me as I was successful in the way in E-11 reaching CPL, which I have never done before, so leaving my friends and E-11 behind was a massive decision for me, and I felt kind of forced with the recent events that was took out of my control.

That is why I do indeed feel targetted as it feels like people talk behind my back which on several occasions I have noticed, and have saw proof towards this. However, this is not the place to discuss said events.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Firstly, I want to acknowledge this feedback provided and express my willingness to address said feedback and improve upon concerns. Whilst you may have opinions on me due to the short amount of time you've experienced me on the server, I still want to provide my own opinions on said feedback.

Behavior Towards Regiments and Players:

You've mentioned my behavior towards certain regiments and players as appalling and unwarranted. While it was never my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable or targeted, I understand that my actions have had a negative impact. I am committed to reflecting on my behaviour and making a conscious effort to change how I am and how I interact with others to ensure a more respectful and positive experience for everyone.

Provoking RP Situations:

Regarding the claim that I provoke certain types of RP and then react negatively when they don't go as expected, I see the validity in this concern. I understand that RP is a collaborative activity that should be enjoyable for all participants. Moving forward, I will strive to create a more balanced and mutually enjoyable RP scenario. Additionally, I will be more receptive to feedback during these interactions and avoid placing blame on others when situations do not go as I envisioned.

Taking IC Interactions OOC:

The issue of taking in-character interactions out of character and perceiving them as personal attacks is a significant one. IC and OOC I know have boundaries and are crucial for roleplaying to maintain clear separation b between the game and real-life sentiments. I will work on developing this, and ensure that stronger distinction between IC and OOC conflicts stay to a minimum and ensure that I do not allow IC interactions effect me personally.

Playing the Victim and Shifting Blame:

I understand that playing the victim and shifting the blame is counterproductive and creates a toxic environment. Whilst I have the right to believe this is happening that I do not have the right to do is make this clear, which on several occasions I have. I commit to taking responsibility for my actions, understanding role conflictions, and working towards resolving issues constructively rather than deflecting the blame to others.

Recent Warning for Fail RP:

Regarding the recent warning for FailRP, I got increasingly annoyed as it was my own clip used against me, and at the time of said issue, nobody complained about the incident until I posted that clip. However, I do not agree with the actions that I took afterwards getting the warning which was blaming others and becoming hostile to others. I should have taken the time to understand the reasoning behind the warning. I apologize for my hostile behavior and will ensure that I approach such situations with a more open and reflective mindset.
I appreciate your reply, however you claim you're "trying" all of these things yet your behaviour says otherwise. I saw plenty yesterday alone that would make me question a lot of things if you were to recieve a CL4.

You may believe you're trying to improve, but until you actually change and rectify your behaviour, I will be standing by the points I made.
Feb 22, 2024
Major -Support
Your behaviour towards certain regiments and players is appauling and unwarranted but you make no effort to change it when you see that it's bothering them.
When you provoke a certain type of RP and it then goes a way you dislike, you make an attempt to make the people involved feel guilty and bad, but then continue to provoke them every day forcing their hand.
When someone expresses even a small dislike or annoyance to you IC you seem to consistently take it ooc believing they have something for you.
You play victim all the time in every scenario when something doesnt go your way and instead of admitting when you're in the wrong, you blame everyone else and claim they're just out to get you or dislike you.
You also recieved a warn only yesterday for FailRP and became pretty hostile and yet again proceeded to play the victim putting the blame on others over the whole situation.

You are way too immature for CL4 at this moment in time.
due to hearing that, im changing my verdict to -support, if youre nice to IA only, thats just not a good sign
I'm not going to leave any form of support on this, not for malicious reasons, more so the opposite. Just going to leave some points..
I am in agreeance with Kayla and the points she has made, talking with her closely regarding some of the issues presented
- You say that you are working on yourself which I would like to believe and take your word for it, seeing as you have spoken to IA Leadership about some of the issues that you have which I respect
- As Kayla has recently said in her reply, until you show true change my opinion will stay the same, however I am hopeful to see you improve
- Seeing as you have recently been warned and striked I'll just have to say that the likelihood of this application being accepted extremely likely, of course I'm not the decision maker but it's just how it's looking

I hope you all the best, but for the time being, I want to see some improvement from you, which I'm sure I will.
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Feb 24, 2023

Lets crack on with this shall we?

Ceres, with the upmost respect and sincerity, I am going to give you several pieces of advice regarding your conduct on your application, and your application itself.

Conduct in response:
So, one of the wonderful things we have in civil networks is the freedom to say what you want, but how you choose to respond essentially is what represents yourself as a person, how you will take decisions, criticisms etc within the game. You need to understand that essentially, if people have OOC concerns regarding yourself, it isn't likely unfounded, and what is the better course of action is to respectfully, and privately reach out to any involved individuals, try and sort this mess out yourself as the pair of adults you are, and then taking time to move forward.

From someone who has had to accept a massive amount of applications in the past, I look more at how people respond to critiques in response to an application, than the actual criticism itself, and talking about legal dispute for what is an online roleplay community shows an extreme amount of immaturity that will mar your reputation, how people discuss you (because lets be real, though I can only play 1-2 hours a week nowadays as apposed to my time as Chairwoman, people love to talk).

I recommend you have a long think about this advice above, and how to better approach it. No-one here is out to get you, they simply don't want to see your progression in a roleplay game for a short while until their issues are addressed, and they see change. It is your job to decide whether their criticisms are valid, and whether you need to change.

Your application:
Lets break it down into sections and review each piece.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Your major response here is being known for having more responsibility. Which in of itself is somewhat fine and decently adequate, however, what duties can you not undertake as an agent that you could in this junior clearance four position? Give examples, give your application sustenance.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
You mostly think of selflessness, which is an amazing thing especially in IA. Your entire RP is dictated around investigating, showing unbiased behaviour. Please however, give examples, not everyone will know you, and with your short playtime within IA, making such claims without any substantial backing is hard. For example, when have you gone out of your way within your directives as an Internal Affairs Agent to show these qualities, and what roleplay has been founded from this?

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
Now, something I have been made fun of more times than I can, is pushing for the importance of documentation within roleplay, and within Civil Networks itself. Documentation-non external- is a core component of the info-leak gameplay loop for the Chaos Insurgency, and General Occult Coalition. As well as gives a good in game backing to claims, allows auditing roleplay to take place. While it is far more fun getting into the nitty gritty, documentation is extremely important for future documentation, roleplay and general proofing of a matter. I recommend spending an hour or two, have a play with Canva to make things pretty for it as images etc, and make yourself some layouts, or reach out to your ambassadors and directors for templates (they can send you a TXT file found in your GMOD files) in which you can edit, work and produce for both roleplay in the moment, but also roleplay in future for all player trees within the server.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
You do answer these adequately, but give examples, or make the points clearer. Relate it back to how it is different for an agent, you're reasoning to your directors why you need this change as well throughout this application, something you are yet to demonstrate.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Your lore is actually an interesting start, but it does not give anything to turn it to the SCP foundation, and so I implore give it a bit more, how does your reporter get into the SCP world, how does IA turn you to themselves, you have a really good foundation for a story here, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jaJaFeyODItO4hbrr8QYW3Xt0sBMyxHqBHPlqw9moCw/edit may be useful to see how to change a story towards a narrative alike yours.

Anyway, I will be giving you a -support today for the lacklustre application as well as a displayed lack of understanding to the role, and for your general attitude and conduct shown post. Best of luck.
Feb 22, 2024

Lets crack on with this shall we?

Ceres, with the upmost respect and sincerity, I am going to give you several pieces of advice regarding your conduct on your application, and your application itself.

Conduct in response:
So, one of the wonderful things we have in civil networks is the freedom to say what you want, but how you choose to respond essentially is what represents yourself as a person, how you will take decisions, criticisms etc within the game. You need to understand that essentially, if people have OOC concerns regarding yourself, it isn't likely unfounded, and what is the better course of action is to respectfully, and privately reach out to any involved individuals, try and sort this mess out yourself as the pair of adults you are, and then taking time to move forward.

From someone who has had to accept a massive amount of applications in the past, I look more at how people respond to critiques in response to an application, than the actual criticism itself, and talking about legal dispute for what is an online roleplay community shows an extreme amount of immaturity that will mar your reputation, how people discuss you (because lets be real, though I can only play 1-2 hours a week nowadays as apposed to my time as Chairwoman, people love to talk).

I recommend you have a long think about this advice above, and how to better approach it. No-one here is out to get you, they simply don't want to see your progression in a roleplay game for a short while until their issues are addressed, and they see change. It is your job to decide whether their criticisms are valid, and whether you need to change.

Your application:

Lets break it down into sections and review each piece.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Your major response here is being known for having more responsibility. Which in of itself is somewhat fine and decently adequate, however, what duties can you not undertake as an agent that you could in this junior clearance four position? Give examples, give your application sustenance.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
You mostly think of selflessness, which is an amazing thing especially in IA. Your entire RP is dictated around investigating, showing unbiased behaviour. Please however, give examples, not everyone will know you, and with your short playtime within IA, making such claims without any substantial backing is hard. For example, when have you gone out of your way within your directives as an Internal Affairs Agent to show these qualities, and what roleplay has been founded from this?

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
Now, something I have been made fun of more times than I can, is pushing for the importance of documentation within roleplay, and within Civil Networks itself. Documentation-non external- is a core component of the info-leak gameplay loop for the Chaos Insurgency, and General Occult Coalition. As well as gives a good in game backing to claims, allows auditing roleplay to take place. While it is far more fun getting into the nitty gritty, documentation is extremely important for future documentation, roleplay and general proofing of a matter. I recommend spending an hour or two, have a play with Canva to make things pretty for it as images etc, and make yourself some layouts, or reach out to your ambassadors and directors for templates (they can send you a TXT file found in your GMOD files) in which you can edit, work and produce for both roleplay in the moment, but also roleplay in future for all player trees within the server.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
You do answer these adequately, but give examples, or make the points clearer. Relate it back to how it is different for an agent, you're reasoning to your directors why you need this change as well throughout this application, something you are yet to demonstrate.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Your lore is actually an interesting start, but it does not give anything to turn it to the SCP foundation, and so I implore give it a bit more, how does your reporter get into the SCP world, how does IA turn you to themselves, you have a really good foundation for a story here, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jaJaFeyODItO4hbrr8QYW3Xt0sBMyxHqBHPlqw9moCw/edit may be useful to see how to change a story towards a narrative alike yours.

Anyway, I will be giving you a -support today for the lacklustre application as well as a displayed lack of understanding to the role, and for your general attitude and conduct shown post. Best of luck.
writing a proper response will take me ages as its pretty early here, but i have nothing to say, aside from the "you have a great foundation for a story"
  • Haha
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