Olegi dev aplication

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Active member
Jul 20, 2021
In-game name: Olegi
Steam ID:1027432059
Age: 16
For how long have you played on our servers?: about 1week and 2days (ish )
What country are you from?: Britania (england)
Time Zone: BTS
Do you have a mic?: yes but only works in team speak

Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: first

Have you received any bans?: yes 4 warns 2 bans

How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):0 but I am doing ict in college so I am competent wich other languages

Do you have any experience with Git?: no this is my first time but I am doing ict in college

Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?: no this is my first time but I am doing ict in college

How many hours can you commit to developing per week?: er 2 or 3 depending

Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?: I wanna help give more tanks helis guns player models etc to the servers, so the first thing I would like to ad if possible is the reload thing found on the t90 a and tiger which shows how long the reload lasts for in-game clip (https://studio.youtube.com/video/ZyERWG3Nb-k/edit).

Thanks fore reading I would love the experience.
Dec 20, 2020
Hi Olegi,

To be completely honest with you, with no experience and no understanding of GLua this application will most likely be denied by the powers above. I would advise that you create some work on single-player and show off your skills then present them to the team as development is taken access is taken quite seriously.

I hope you understand what I mean above and that you take on the feedback to try to improve your future applications if any are made.
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