Denied OOC Chat for SCPs

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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DarkRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 25, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion adds a chat specifically for SCPs to use and communicate with each other. Similar to the new communication system we can also have /scp for SCPs to use.

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
  • Accessibility
    • Frankly, no one gives a shit about TS3 unless you are in CI, MTF or UN. While reading this open up TS3 and see for yourself. SCP, Research, DEA channels etc are empty 95% of the time. Because of this it would be more accessible to your average joe to have this chat for people seeking social interactions with other SCP players.
  • General Communication
    • With this new chat, SCPs will be able to talk to each other, communicate and overall have a good time while waiting for long periods of time.
  • Guidance for the Newbies
    • Sometimes the more newer players will refuse to use the OOC for variety of reasons;
      • Individual can be an asocial and refuse to use OOC.
      • OOC chat can be a shithole sometimes and they just don't want to get involved in any way. (Troll answers etc)
      • Sometimes the whole server just ignore the guy asking questions in OOC and move on to their usual conversations.
    • It would be more convenient to learn about SCPs by interacting with people with more experience in the SCP chat and ask them the questions about the SCP they are playing and/or the SCP the newer guy is playing.
  • Breach Planning
    • With this new chat, SCPs that are about to breach can easily plan a breach and brainstorm ideas with other SCPs such as; Which SCP(s) should the breached SCPs try to breach and why, what they should focus, probability of ERT, what kinda synergies does the SCPs that are about to breach have and how to expand upon it etc.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Development time
  • People might use this chat to Metagame as SCPs.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think this suggestion should be accepted because surprisingly nothing similar to this was implemented yet. It is just more convenient to use this chat as SCPs for anything related to SCPs and just like the points mentioned in the positives, this chat would help everyone (new or experienced) in a lot of ways.

For an example:

Some new guy just unlocked 049 but barely has any info regarding the SCP and how it's played out such as strategies, roleplay capabilities etc and asks the more experienced SCP players in /scp

-Newbie: Hey guys, just unlocked 049, can i speak as 049 because in the lore it is a sentient being and can speak English and French fluently

-Experienced guy: Yes, you can use your mic to speak also you have voice modules you can use. Also make sure to check the rules section for SCPs to get more information

-Newbie: Sick, any tips on how to cause a massive breach and how should i play?

-Experienced guy: Well, even though 049 has a lot of hp, you can still be melted by a group of people, so, what you should do is; Hide around corners and ambush, wander around areas where there are not many combative personnel and you should be good to go!

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  • Love
Reactions: Remmy
Jul 26, 2022
It is a good reason to add another comms but i feel that until this get accepted or if it gets denied i would say just use the work around they set up for reasons like this which is going into the teamspeak SCP channel which is what this suggestion was made for.
Sometimes it just doesnt work, audio and mic issues as well as connection issues, + sometimes you cant PM people for some reason and it would just be easy to have
pm doesnt work because you dont have player tag. And i feel like ts has (somehow) less audio and mic issues than discord for me, idk if thats for everyone but I rarely see any issues with audio. connection issues sure happens but thats also rare

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Zwacky,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
You can use TeamSpeak3 to communicate during breaches - /g we feel would be a unnecessary addition

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
  • Angry
Reactions: Michael Dzhetnikov
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