Denied Orange Suit Authorization Rule Change

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
The suggestion would change the wording on current O-Suit auth rules from:

1. There must be a reasonable, and justifiable reason for the deployment. This ranges from a war in which the UNGOC is severely outnumbered (2:1) or during surface war events where a "Response Level 5" is usually the norm. (There has to be a really good reason for deployment)


1. There must be a reasonable, and justifiable reason for the deployment. This ranges from a skirmish and/or war in which the UNGOC is severely outnumbered (2:1) or during surface war events where a "Response Level 5" is usually the norm. (There has to be a really good reason for deployment)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- More Orange Suit authorizations (people like playing the role and it's one of the GOC's heaviest hitters, meaning when we're outnumbered during battle we can actually do something about it.)
- Equalized playing fields in skirmishes (we're a smaller regiment than CI, averaging less players flagged on, which is why we have more powerful tools.)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- More Orange Suit authorizations (some would argue it's an unfair advantage, even though O-Suit can be torn apart on surface ops if people are smart.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

The rules for Orange Suit authorization were written and posted originally on 09/19/2023. The rule change for wars requiring SSL approval was written this year (I'm not sure the exact date, I believe it was sometime back in February.)

Ergo, when the rules were written for authorization, "war" in this context would have included what we now refer to as "skirmishes". Skirmishes meaning short term wars, that have a negotiated ending (typically only lasting two or so hours.)

Meaning, currently, the rules state if we want to use Orange Suit in human battles, it can only be authorized during SSL ruled wars. Even in the case where we are outnumbered two or three to one in skirmishes, we cannot authorize it. Even during negotiated skirmishes where the EXO's of CI and GOC agree on Orange Suit authorization, we cannot authorize it.

The reason we have tools like the Orange Suit is to make up differences in manpower between us and the other factions.

It's my belief this is an oversight in the rulings and should have been rewritten when the war ruling change occurred.

TLDR; If the GOC are outnumbered 2:1, we should be able to authorize Orange Suit deployment until such time in the battle (regardless if it's an SSL ruled war or not) that the numbers are equalized.
Jul 28, 2023

Too many rulings go out from staff that contradict each other. This will help further define that skirmishes can't just be wars without SL approval.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 27, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @The Guardian ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion,

The wording of the current Orange suit rules will stay the same at this time, do keep in mind Orange Suit is meant to be a last resort option and should not be deployed for any little conflict. You may only use them during approved wars when out numbered.

Kind regards,

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