1-What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is made in order to make the Orange Suit more playable in terms of power, ability and versatility. As currently is, the Orange Suit has 1000 HP and 1000 armor, which, despite being the highest on the server, isn't that impressive. The Orange Suit is not mobile at all, being as fast as juggernauts and being unable to sprint. This, coupled with the fact that it is sized to 1.3, makes it a big "SHOOT ME SIGN", making it a super easy target at long ranges where it cannot even fight back. When it comes to fighting multiple KTE's, which is the reason the Orange Suit is deployed 99% of the time, it fails spectacularly at handling even medium sized 008 groups, let alone more powerful KTE's.
Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1FPdH0GvWspkgQ/d13372TK255B?invite=cr-MSxMbjMsMjAyNjY2NDczLA
Suggested changes/improvements:
1) Increase the HP and Armor back to at least their former values of 1500, preferably higher.
1.1) The reason for this is that at 1000 HP and Armor the Orange Suit can be taken out easily by human combatives with little to no effort at range, considering that the Orange Suit lacks weaponry that can deal with anything beyond 20 meters. The 1000 Armor can be shred down very easily during active combat, which leaves the operator with only 1000 HP, which can go down in less than 10 seconds when facing large groups of KTE's (mostly the reason Orange Suit is deployed) or a large group of enemy combatants (which can kill the Orange Suit even faster than that if they concentrate fire).
2) Increase the magazine capacity of the Mauler, the Orange Suit's main (and only) weapon, to at least 400 or more.
2.1) The reason for this is that the Mauler is *HIGHLY* inaccurate and has IMMENSE spread, as witnessed in the video mentioned above. Keep in mind that the range the Mauler was being shot at is roughly 10 meters. A larger magazine capacity would allow it to at least be more capable of suppressive fire.
3)Increase the damage of the Mauler, reduce its spread at range and make it far more accurate than it currently is.
3.1) For reasons also specified at point 2.1), for a high tech energy weapon, the Mauler is laughably bad in terms of characteristics. The spread is out of the realm of reality at even short ranges, and the large knockback it has makes it difficult to shoot moving targets, considering you're constantly pushing them back and to the sides. This is extremely obvious when you try to shoot a 008 instance, in which case, more often than not, they will be sent absolutely flying into the air or will suffer too much knock back for the operator to efficiently lay down effective fire on it.
4) Give the Orange Suit an ammo pack.
4.1) Again, given the reasons mentioned at point 2.1), the terrible accuracy and spread of the Mauler pretty much ensure that you will be having to fire non stop to hit a large amount of shots on your opponents, meaning your ammo depletes extremely easily. During massive KTE breaches or 008 breaches, an Orange Suit will run out of ammo in about 2 minutes of continuous combat, sometimes even less. This means that it will constantly have to walk back and forth between the breached KTE's and an armory to resupply at, which is not only extremely hard to do due to the slow speed of the Orange Suit, but will most likely end up getting the Orange Suit Operator killed due to lack of ammo to defend themselves. This would be alright were it not for the survivability of the Orange Suit, which, at 1000 HP and Armor, is not ideal, considering you are most likely going to be at the heat of Combat, losing most of your armor quickly due to crossfire (you are sized to 1.3 meaning you are far larger than a regular person) and being hit by KTE's.
5)Make the Orange Suit unable to be targeted by Reality Benders.
5.1) Maybe a highly controversial suggestion that would make the Orange Suit very powerful, and I agree, it is bordering on the more high-end tier of abilities that would be given to the Orange Suit, however given the rarity of its deployment, the highly specific criteria that HAVE to be met for its deployment, the scarcity of Orange Suits in general (which, unlike ERT, do not spawn in waves of 9 but are instead singular operators) and the far more scarce equipment it is given in comparison to ERT, it would be a good change that would help balance the lack of versatility and make sense logically speaking as a piece of TANGEN 3 equipment.
6) Allow the Orange Suit to walk/sprint at the normal speed humans can, but disallow it from using speed chemicals such as potent, dianabol, AMX, etc.
6.1) The Orange Suit as is is a highly one sided asset. Given its speed, relocation is highly difficult thus making the Orange Suit work in specific scenarios where "bunkering down" would be the best solution. This makes playing as the Orange Suit frustrating sometimes, as in situations where your supporting allies retreat, you have nothing to do but be overwhelmed by 008 or other KTE's which are let loose, since you cannot keep up the pace with them.
6.2) If this gets denied, it is requested that AT LEAST the Orange Suit becomes unable to be targeted by 106, as it is an immediate insta kill since Orange Suit does not have the speed to avoid the 2 pillars inside 106's dimension, unlike ERT. Logically speaking, 106 would be unable to swallow an entire combat mech into its pocket dimension.
7) Allow the Orange Suit to use another weapon other than the Mauler.
7.1) In case the suggestions put forth to improve the statistics of the Mauler are denied, this seventh suggestion is put forth in order to give the Orange Suit a means to defend itself against hostile combatants at LEAST at medium range. The Mauler is in no way capable of dealing with hostiles at longer ranges due to its spread and horrible accuracy.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
The only similar thing I could find is what I believe to be the initial dev log for the Orange Suit itself
Many of (what I assume to be) the aspects specified for the first iteration of the Orange Suit are similar to my suggestions, although balancing changes differ based on the new additions that have happened since the post was originally made, in February 20th.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1) I believe that by making the Orange Suit stronger, lets call it what it is, we will see more deployments being made, resulting in the possibility of salvaging Code Black+Alpha Warhead scenarios, leading to more roleplay between Foundation Departments who now have to assess the post-mass-breach/mass raid situation, E-11 communicating with other departments to sound the all-clear, NU-7 checking for intruders who have gotten in admist the chaos, etc.
2) Orange Suit deployments into Foundation/Orange Suit deployments in general would have a lot more impact behind them, instead of being an over-glorified Juggernaut with more HP, armor and (overall) a worse weapon, coupled with less versatility due to scarcity of deployments and lack of equipment other than an anomaly containment beam, vehicle repair tool which is rarely used and a Mauler , the Orange Suit would be a powerful and welcome rare sight to help salvage the most unsalvageable of situations (what it was meant to be used for in the first place).
3) Given its newfound strength, Orange Suit deployments into Foundation which were successful at stopping an Alpha Warhead from being detonated would lead to improved relations between GOC and Foundation, which would encourage more roleplay opportunities and events between these 2 factions.
4) This would also encourage the GOC to use the Orange Suit more, as, from what I've heard, at least in the US server, SSL simply don't approve Orange Suit requests because it simply is not worth it, the Orange Suit is simply too bad and a Strike Team member on AMX with Nerve Gas and Nitroglicerine can deal more damage to SCP's than an Orange Suit could AND stay alive for longer.
5) This would make the GOC a more imposing force, which would give them the required power to act and roleplay more like the actual GOC would, as most of the complaints I've heard from at least the UK server is that the GOC simply does not have the manpower/equipment to uphold any of their policies and agreements, as they are simply overpowered by CI who have FAR higher numbers and Foundation who also have much larger numbers.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1) The Orange Suit might become too powerful, leading to balancing issues.
2) Further balancing may be required of the Orange Suit or, alternatively, a complete rework of the entire job due to the odd nature of the Orange Suit.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe that the Orange Suit can be used as an amazing roleplay tool in many scenarios, however for the Orange Suit to work from an RP standpoint, it needs to be powerful. Not overpowered, not unkillable, just powerful. An Orange Suit deployment should feel much like an ERT Deployment, despite the fact that the Orange Suit has nowhere near the amount of tools ERT has. Thus, logically speaking, the only way to mitigate this difference between ERT and Orange Suit, given that the Orange Suit is used as GOC's version of the ERT, is to either give the Orange Suit a plethora of equipment to use for any scenario, or to make it more powerful both from an equipment standpoint and overall stats.
Despite the negatives mentioned above, I believe that the current restrictions placed on the deployment of an Orange Suit (Major + approval, of which inside the GOC there are only 4 individuals who can ever authorize it, coupled with Admin+ approval) would warrant an increase in power based solely on its rarity.
This suggestion is made in order to make the Orange Suit more playable in terms of power, ability and versatility. As currently is, the Orange Suit has 1000 HP and 1000 armor, which, despite being the highest on the server, isn't that impressive. The Orange Suit is not mobile at all, being as fast as juggernauts and being unable to sprint. This, coupled with the fact that it is sized to 1.3, makes it a big "SHOOT ME SIGN", making it a super easy target at long ranges where it cannot even fight back. When it comes to fighting multiple KTE's, which is the reason the Orange Suit is deployed 99% of the time, it fails spectacularly at handling even medium sized 008 groups, let alone more powerful KTE's.
Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1FPdH0GvWspkgQ/d13372TK255B?invite=cr-MSxMbjMsMjAyNjY2NDczLA
Suggested changes/improvements:
1) Increase the HP and Armor back to at least their former values of 1500, preferably higher.
1.1) The reason for this is that at 1000 HP and Armor the Orange Suit can be taken out easily by human combatives with little to no effort at range, considering that the Orange Suit lacks weaponry that can deal with anything beyond 20 meters. The 1000 Armor can be shred down very easily during active combat, which leaves the operator with only 1000 HP, which can go down in less than 10 seconds when facing large groups of KTE's (mostly the reason Orange Suit is deployed) or a large group of enemy combatants (which can kill the Orange Suit even faster than that if they concentrate fire).
2) Increase the magazine capacity of the Mauler, the Orange Suit's main (and only) weapon, to at least 400 or more.
2.1) The reason for this is that the Mauler is *HIGHLY* inaccurate and has IMMENSE spread, as witnessed in the video mentioned above. Keep in mind that the range the Mauler was being shot at is roughly 10 meters. A larger magazine capacity would allow it to at least be more capable of suppressive fire.
3)Increase the damage of the Mauler, reduce its spread at range and make it far more accurate than it currently is.
3.1) For reasons also specified at point 2.1), for a high tech energy weapon, the Mauler is laughably bad in terms of characteristics. The spread is out of the realm of reality at even short ranges, and the large knockback it has makes it difficult to shoot moving targets, considering you're constantly pushing them back and to the sides. This is extremely obvious when you try to shoot a 008 instance, in which case, more often than not, they will be sent absolutely flying into the air or will suffer too much knock back for the operator to efficiently lay down effective fire on it.
4) Give the Orange Suit an ammo pack.
4.1) Again, given the reasons mentioned at point 2.1), the terrible accuracy and spread of the Mauler pretty much ensure that you will be having to fire non stop to hit a large amount of shots on your opponents, meaning your ammo depletes extremely easily. During massive KTE breaches or 008 breaches, an Orange Suit will run out of ammo in about 2 minutes of continuous combat, sometimes even less. This means that it will constantly have to walk back and forth between the breached KTE's and an armory to resupply at, which is not only extremely hard to do due to the slow speed of the Orange Suit, but will most likely end up getting the Orange Suit Operator killed due to lack of ammo to defend themselves. This would be alright were it not for the survivability of the Orange Suit, which, at 1000 HP and Armor, is not ideal, considering you are most likely going to be at the heat of Combat, losing most of your armor quickly due to crossfire (you are sized to 1.3 meaning you are far larger than a regular person) and being hit by KTE's.
5)Make the Orange Suit unable to be targeted by Reality Benders.
5.1) Maybe a highly controversial suggestion that would make the Orange Suit very powerful, and I agree, it is bordering on the more high-end tier of abilities that would be given to the Orange Suit, however given the rarity of its deployment, the highly specific criteria that HAVE to be met for its deployment, the scarcity of Orange Suits in general (which, unlike ERT, do not spawn in waves of 9 but are instead singular operators) and the far more scarce equipment it is given in comparison to ERT, it would be a good change that would help balance the lack of versatility and make sense logically speaking as a piece of TANGEN 3 equipment.
6) Allow the Orange Suit to walk/sprint at the normal speed humans can, but disallow it from using speed chemicals such as potent, dianabol, AMX, etc.
6.1) The Orange Suit as is is a highly one sided asset. Given its speed, relocation is highly difficult thus making the Orange Suit work in specific scenarios where "bunkering down" would be the best solution. This makes playing as the Orange Suit frustrating sometimes, as in situations where your supporting allies retreat, you have nothing to do but be overwhelmed by 008 or other KTE's which are let loose, since you cannot keep up the pace with them.
6.2) If this gets denied, it is requested that AT LEAST the Orange Suit becomes unable to be targeted by 106, as it is an immediate insta kill since Orange Suit does not have the speed to avoid the 2 pillars inside 106's dimension, unlike ERT. Logically speaking, 106 would be unable to swallow an entire combat mech into its pocket dimension.
7) Allow the Orange Suit to use another weapon other than the Mauler.
7.1) In case the suggestions put forth to improve the statistics of the Mauler are denied, this seventh suggestion is put forth in order to give the Orange Suit a means to defend itself against hostile combatants at LEAST at medium range. The Mauler is in no way capable of dealing with hostiles at longer ranges due to its spread and horrible accuracy.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
The only similar thing I could find is what I believe to be the initial dev log for the Orange Suit itself

Many of (what I assume to be) the aspects specified for the first iteration of the Orange Suit are similar to my suggestions, although balancing changes differ based on the new additions that have happened since the post was originally made, in February 20th.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1) I believe that by making the Orange Suit stronger, lets call it what it is, we will see more deployments being made, resulting in the possibility of salvaging Code Black+Alpha Warhead scenarios, leading to more roleplay between Foundation Departments who now have to assess the post-mass-breach/mass raid situation, E-11 communicating with other departments to sound the all-clear, NU-7 checking for intruders who have gotten in admist the chaos, etc.
2) Orange Suit deployments into Foundation/Orange Suit deployments in general would have a lot more impact behind them, instead of being an over-glorified Juggernaut with more HP, armor and (overall) a worse weapon, coupled with less versatility due to scarcity of deployments and lack of equipment other than an anomaly containment beam, vehicle repair tool which is rarely used and a Mauler , the Orange Suit would be a powerful and welcome rare sight to help salvage the most unsalvageable of situations (what it was meant to be used for in the first place).
3) Given its newfound strength, Orange Suit deployments into Foundation which were successful at stopping an Alpha Warhead from being detonated would lead to improved relations between GOC and Foundation, which would encourage more roleplay opportunities and events between these 2 factions.
4) This would also encourage the GOC to use the Orange Suit more, as, from what I've heard, at least in the US server, SSL simply don't approve Orange Suit requests because it simply is not worth it, the Orange Suit is simply too bad and a Strike Team member on AMX with Nerve Gas and Nitroglicerine can deal more damage to SCP's than an Orange Suit could AND stay alive for longer.
5) This would make the GOC a more imposing force, which would give them the required power to act and roleplay more like the actual GOC would, as most of the complaints I've heard from at least the UK server is that the GOC simply does not have the manpower/equipment to uphold any of their policies and agreements, as they are simply overpowered by CI who have FAR higher numbers and Foundation who also have much larger numbers.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1) The Orange Suit might become too powerful, leading to balancing issues.
2) Further balancing may be required of the Orange Suit or, alternatively, a complete rework of the entire job due to the odd nature of the Orange Suit.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe that the Orange Suit can be used as an amazing roleplay tool in many scenarios, however for the Orange Suit to work from an RP standpoint, it needs to be powerful. Not overpowered, not unkillable, just powerful. An Orange Suit deployment should feel much like an ERT Deployment, despite the fact that the Orange Suit has nowhere near the amount of tools ERT has. Thus, logically speaking, the only way to mitigate this difference between ERT and Orange Suit, given that the Orange Suit is used as GOC's version of the ERT, is to either give the Orange Suit a plethora of equipment to use for any scenario, or to make it more powerful both from an equipment standpoint and overall stats.
Despite the negatives mentioned above, I believe that the current restrictions placed on the deployment of an Orange Suit (Major + approval, of which inside the GOC there are only 4 individuals who can ever authorize it, coupled with Admin+ approval) would warrant an increase in power based solely on its rarity.