Oreo/The bulgarian's staff demotion appeal

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Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
Name: Oreo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:598916383

Previous Rank (convert if required): Srmod

Who demoted you?: Sven/SSL

Date of demotion?: I do not recall [apologies]

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK

What is the case against you?: Too many Severe infractions

Is this true?: Sadly Yes.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I've never been demoted.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have been warned before for
FailRP - talking as SCP
FailRP/job abuse

This was very long time ago and i learned my lesson. I haven't been warned in the last 6 months.

What is your side of the story?: So basically the reason i was demoted for getting a severe infraction because i appearently did something wrong with a simple disguise refund so here is the side of the story

When I was getting mentored, my mentor always told me that I should spectate without PMing them or anything people before TPing them for a disguise refund. So what I did was going on a DC with another delcom, and he was going to call a sit for a disguise refund before the person's disguise we had left the game. I teleported the delcom into a staff room and spectated four DEA players, and four of them were surrounding an MC&D and yelling at him. I teleported one of them to the staff room and explained carefully that we need his disguise and if it's alright that we do it, and he agreed (he did not say, "I don't agree," or anything like that; he was just silent and nodded). After that, someone told me to check highlight submissions, and I saw a clip of me doing a normal refund, and the video title was "Nice admin abuse." So, I made a thread and started explaining what happened. After 10 minutes, it got locked, and I was pulled by Sven and explained that I would be getting a severe staff infraction, and this was my deadline, so I was removed./ Other reasons were for ignoring staff sits

Why should you return / what will you change?:

I feel like I should return because, firstly, I have improved my maturity a lot. I've tried to consider my mistakes made while I was staff. When given a second chance, I hope I won't repeat them and will learn from them. I genuinely enjoy helping people, and another reason is that I want to try to get back into the event team. There, I'll be able to create more fun RP scenarios motivated by lore, which I believe people would find fun and entertaining. Another reason is that I'm active on the forums and will be able to help find mingy-made applications for whitelists.
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Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022

Is a great fella! Was always great when he took a sit, and his removal imo was unjustified when I've seen SL do the same stuff with no issues arising.
honestly. Oreo i have talked with you. So many times. In RP and out. And you have gotten very Mature. And i do think you should have a second chance

goodluck with it <3


Best staff fr
thank you guys it means a lot for me. ❤️
Dec 9, 2021
Huge support+
I love this mate
Good at rp
Overall just a great person and were and gonna be a very good staff member if he comes back he never did anything wrong always handled sits professional in my eyes never had a issue with oreo overall just the best guy i met on the server

Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
Huge support+
I love this mate
Good at rp
Overall just a great person and were and gonna be a very good staff member if he comes back he never did anything wrong always handled sits professional in my eyes never had a issue with oreo overall just the best guy i met on the server
Give this man staff back
Has improved
Good fortune
This guy cool
Also wtf was the demotion even for staff do the same thing all the time how was this a sev infraction

(-support this guy sucks)
Thank you lads ❤️
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