OSA Nymph's Application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2023

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128156819
Discord name: Blobby3254
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been playing on here for 3 months now, actively but has been around on CG SCP Roleplay for over a year playing on and off.

I am 19 years old
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT+2 Central European Summer Time
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
John Serwitz
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I do have a microphone

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Operative[
Senior-Agent [
A-1 CPL [

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes I have received a warning for toxicity around a year ago.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: Well I do not have any past experience as a Clearance 4 holder which probably will be doubtful to people If I'm fit candidate for this position. Due to me being a close and trusted member of the Alpha-1 I have a worked with the Overseer Council and their Assisants the past month during this month I have gained my knowledge and skills on what their primary tasks are. The role as a Assisant comes with a huge responsibility and a eye opening as how to the site functions and how necessary it is for Site command to work together . You'll be involved into certain situations where you have to stay calm and professionnel at all times, being able to express and immerse wether it's on a document or communicating with Site Command is a imporant skill that I have acquired. My previous experience as a Commissioned Officer on other communities have played a big role in being capable of leadership has taught me how to behave and deal with certain situations.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The primary task of an Overseer Assisant is to assist the Overseer Council with the following tasks:
Giving orders to Alpha-1 when no Overseer are presents or when requested by the Overseer Council
Observe and supervise the Facility during the absence of Overseer Council - Taking primary lead of the facility
("Granting A-1 usage of CL4 to open blast doors during emergencies, granting use of AA")
Assist and carry out orders for the Overseer Council
Making documents for the Overseer Council

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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Date of Birth:

'Nymph' Founation log.
Entry History:
███████ was born and raised in the cold winters of Alaska together with his mom and dad, he had always been told that university was the only way to become something in life. ███████ was doing good in Primary School and his grades were looking really good, when done with High School he started to realize that he had only done good for the sack of his partens 'Nymph' started to separate from his partens and applied for Police academy. When 'Nymph' had graducated from Police Academy he was assigned to the local police station. He was doing certainly good in the squad, and was fairly quick promoted to the rank of Sergeant. With his experience as a law enforcement he wished to try something new 'Nymph' applied for "Correction Officer" at a Maximum Security.

Weeks later ███████ would find a letter in his mailbox with the following message:

"Dear Mr ███████' you have been choosen" stamped "Secure Contain Protect"

███████ threw the paper into the trashcan thinking someone was making fun with him. Later that night ███████ would go to bed.... "Men in black suits was seen outside ███████ house that night and was never seen again"

Interview Log:

███████ - Wakes up sitting in a chair restrainted to the table, looks confused around sitting in a empty room with a table and a chair on the other side

*Door opens and O5- █ would be seen entering the room with Alpha-1 Operatives*
███████ - HEY! Let me the fuck GO where am I?!

O5- █ - Shut up, we have had a surveillance team watching you.

███████ - What is that supposed to mean what have I done?

O5-█ - You are the choosen one. You have been doing really doing in the "Police" squad havnt you know?

███████ - I'd say so? But can't you just let me go please I beg

O5-█ - You really wish to leave now? This is your only opportunity to have a good job and leave everything behind we'll earse your identify.

███████ - Okay I'll do it.. *Seems to be scared what's going to happen next*

O5-█ *Does Signal with hand indicating to Alpha-1 Operatives*
Alpha-1 Operative *Puts bag over ███████ head*
..... Alpha-1 Operative *Injects Class F Amnestics".. Giving ███████ a new identity and job.
Nov 7, 2022
- Support

- No previous relevant CL4 experience (Such as Captain, Consultant, Ambassador or Exec. lower in the hierarchy)
- Unfortunately I believe you play A-1 most of the time so I'm unsure you have any kind of administrative experience.
- Fair application, could be better tho.
Last edited:
+/- Neutral support
+Great Application
+Time in A-1 provides a great lens to learn about the duties of O5 and their assistants

+/- Haven't interacted with
-No leadership/CL4 roles
-Vague answer about playtime (This in tandem with the fact I haven't interacted with them makes me question their activity)
Nov 12, 2022
+/- Neutral
- Mature
- Is active on A1 and is dedicated to his roles
- I think you should by doing more and showing more leadership qualities if you are wanting OSA as they serve directly under the O5 and they are expected to create and be involved in RP.


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Blobby . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage.

We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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