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Blacklisted Player
Aug 7, 2022
Your in-game name: Draven
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:610943425
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/89074821780951/
Date of ban: 9/23/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Severe Toxicity [X]
Who banned you: Wade Watty
Ban length?: 1 Week
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again:

In all honesty?
Not much really, the original situation was completely pathetic and take way out of proportion, now in TeamSpeak, I'll make sure to not be 'toxic' though I was telling all of them how stupid the situation was, the moderator got severe emotional damage off of that which is completely subjective to the situation.
So you guys have to comprehend how one simple, pathetic and overextended situation can simply heat up someone, and no, it's not about control or anything because if you say that, then I wanna see how you react to situations yourself when they happened the same way it happened to me.
Though, I'll control myself next time from saying anything in TeamSpeak to my friends telling them how stupid the situation was, because to anyone's eyes, it was, up for anyone to debate.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Few times over the course of 3 months.
Why should you be unbanned:

Because the original situation was:

I joined the server and knowing the people I play in there I just said, 'where da fat bitches at?', I get brought to a sit because that's somehow toxic? Like they never pulled up to school (if they go to school, of course) and said 'where da hoes at?', it's completely subjective and now if they took offence to that then sorry but I'm not really sorry because the entire context of it from any perspective is the same as 'where da hoes at?', afterwards, in teamspeak where I'm with all of them (not the staff from what I remember) but the people who I get along with on a daily basis when I used to play this, I tell them 'bro this is retarded, this dumbass staff warned me for this' and just told them what the fuck happened with 2 minutes in the server.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: To not say that kind of shit again I guess.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:

Because lol, if I wanted to break the rules I would've doxxed, done something way worse and find my way into actual beyond rulebreaking, but I've enjoyed this server since the moment I played it, and even after the bans I still come back, today, after a week n a half of not playing because I get fed up with the stupid situations and how stupid the rule enforcement is, I get on, just to get brought to a sit for the stupidest thing ever?
Now getting a week ban when I was having a cool gameplay with everyone on TeamSpeak? Okay buddy.
Either reduce the ban or perma ban me at this point, I still will never understand how saying 'where da fat bitches at?' is anywhere 'severe toxicity'.

You guys are turning this community into a 1942 RP, or a communist community honestly.
Hello @00X

We didn't want to give you a warn for 'where da fat bitches at' because honestly its not that bad, but nonethless its still toxicty and what not, so we just gave you a verbal. You already havve a Class X toxicty. I had gone ahead and Asked UK SL ( @Kw1ll ) For advice, due to it being on TS, i had heard you ban also if you say stuff in TS.

You said the R slur which is severe toxicty, ( As a person with autism, I do take full offense to that word in that type of matter ). And called us a dumbass ( Which in our offense we are not dumbass's. But agian that is toxicty, and you had a Class-E toxicty ban. So it went to X.)

I was also part of the sit with @Yukiri .

Here is all my evidence of both who approved this ban, and why it is here


There are more DMs however they are private due to DM's. I can give if needed to SL/whoever is doing this

Stay safe,


Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022
Hello @00X

To start out with, I would like to say that this is by no means an "overextension". I got sent a clip through my DMs on discord from Wade Watty asking if we would ban you in game for severe toxicity over teamspeak, I spoke with some other SL about it and even NL replied saying that yes, we can absolutely ban you for toxicity in TS.

You got brought to a sit, and afterwards called the staff member in question "a ret*rds", then proceeded to go on to say "it was some fucking dumbass named Wade Watty". Looking at your previous warn sheet, you had 5 prior warns/bans for toxicity in less than a month.

Due to these reasons, I permitted the Class X ban.

I would also like to state, saying you "If I wanted to break the rules I would've doxxed", also replying that "I wont do much honestly" when asked what would you do to prevent it again, is not appropriate and will not help your case. As such, I would heavily suggest editing your message.

Regards, Kwill


Blacklisted Player
Aug 7, 2022
Everything originated since you guys brought me to a sit for something that was completely unnecessary, and nowhere even close to what 'severe toxicity' means.

Now, let's get off our ego for a bit and think of ourselves as an user, because that's what you guys are, just another user with a rank in a game that's meant to help and enforce rules, but people forget about that.

How would you react if for no reason, you'd get brought to a sit, being falsely accused of a rulebreak that you never committed? Now, in that specific situation I was with my friends aswell on Teamspeak, you guys completely were voluntarily there listening to me rant about how I'm in full disagreement with the situation, how is it anywhere my fault that when I'm around people who I'm comfortable with, and I say that stuff, you guys just take offence to it? Not to mention it was a channel you guys weren't even supposed to be in because it was purely D-Class and Wade was not a D-Class, being there, on to the point.
It's not my fault that you guys provoked unneeded situations.


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
I felt like bringing you to begin with wasn't unnecessary. I brought you cause some people could find it offense. I feel like I speak for all of us on the staff team; we want to keep SCP RP a safe place where you can play without seeing stuff that could offend you.


Blacklisted Player
Aug 7, 2022
'Some people could' you based your entire sit off emotional subjectivity that wasn't even intended that way? Staff handbook clearly says up to judgement and your judgement was literally immature as fuck.
Appeal Denied

Hi Draven,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After looking into the situation more and going over all the Evidence This ban will be denied as it is rightfully given due to the circumstances of what happened in game and on TS During your interactions.
Have a blessed Day - PEEK​
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