PAC Request Pac request for CI RnD/chemist

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.
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Well-known Member
Nov 2, 2022
Full view of the model
don't plan on using this while raiding just something to use for base, any events and surface and getting SCP's on surface

Former Foundation Researcher

Current Position RnD For C.I

She was testing with SCP samples and chemicals to make enhancers for MTF to use during foreign attacks on the foundation and SCP breaches that could help contain them easier and prevent large numbers of causality's . The test went wrong causing the combinations to create a gas that filled the room, not realizing the chemical reaction she was breathing in the toxins for a while and it damage the nerves in her eyes along with damaging the skin around the eyes which made her go permanently blind during the test. After she received medical treatment she was informed she was no longer needed her in the foundation, she insisted she still had use for the foundation and she could still provide her skills to benefit the foundation's study of chemical enhancements. Foundation denied this and sent her to get class-a an escorted to a transport vehicle to send her home. During the escort to get her class-a'd CI raided foundation to takes hostages and SCPs, the escorts grabbed her by the arm and ran with her to the nearest shelter. CI was close by and gunned down the two escorts, from fear she fell to the ground begging for them not to kill her that she is just a researcher. CI handcuffed her and handed her off to another CI to escort to the surface to be transported back to CI base with the others. After the raid CI transported all the hostages to their base to be interrogated for Intel on the foundation, after sometime it was her turn to be interrogated on the knowledge she holds with the foundation. She told them everything she knows on the foundation and what her position was for them, after she told them everything she knows they where going to kill her like the rest, she begged and pleaded not to be killed that she is still useful that she can still do research to create chemical enchantments for ground forces that give them a advantage in the field. After quite sometime she was taken to the ████ she learned the truth about what the foundation's true intention is, after learning this she swore her allegiance to the ████.​

Becoming CI​

[4-Years later]
While CI is going on a raid against the foundation she and a few other selected RnD where placed to stay back at base and prepare the SCP chambers for when they get back to start testing and sampling immediately so she can began her cross testing on the SCPs. CI's main goal while raiding the foundation is to capture the following SCPs 049, 939, and 7722. They received a transmission from CI command that they are on their way back to base with the following SCPs 049 and 939 and be ready the receive the package so they can set up for any possible raids from the foundation to prevent them from getting the SCPs back. She and the RnD received the two packages and began to collect samples before they began the testing phase on the the two SCPs, after sampling both SCPs they placed both in a cross testing cell that's divided the room by a CL3 reinforced blast door between the two. The goal of this cross test is to see if 049 sees the pestilence in 939 and tries to cure it of the disease which will hopefully revive 939 and turn it into a controlled hell hound by 049. 049 seemed very hesitant of the idea of getting close to SCP 939 and tried to refuses to operate on 939 unless it was asleep or chained down to where it couldn't attack him if he got to close to it, she agreed to the Doctors wishes and filled up 939 side of the room with decontamination gas to knock out 939 so the Doctor can begin his operation and cure the disease from 939. After 939 was knocked out from the gas RnD came in to restrain 939 in case it woke up during the operation so it wouldn't attack 049, the Doctor was then ordered to begin his operation and cure 939 from the disease. After sometime of 049 was done with his operation and was ordered to back to his side of the cell so they can close the blast door between the two, after 5 mins of 049 operating on 939 is slowly got up and had a disfigured green tint to it's skin and began to stand motionlessly in the same spot it was once resting in, the other RnD are examining and describing 939 to her as she logs it in the computer. She pushes the button to speak to 049 asking him to command 939 into doing simple commands like he would with his other subjects after they have been cured, he commands 939 to do simple instructions and it obeys every instruction given to it by 049. She and the other RnD agree that the test was a great success and they began to separate the two SCPs into their own cell so that they could study this zombie like 939 to see if its capable of reproducing zombie like 939 or regular hatch lings.
[4-Months later]
While in the middle of conducting a interview with 049 her RnD teamed rushed over to observation room where she was conducting the interview and notified her on the status of the zombie like 939, they told her that the 939 has laid eggs but they look the same as the normal eggs that they would normally produce but they only difference is that they are very small compared to the normal ones they produced. She told them to "keep a close eye on the eggs and the subject and write down any changes that goes on even if they are small changes we need to compare the differences." They agreed and went on to continue the observation while she continued her interview with 049.
[2-Weeks later]
A few weeks have gone by and the RnD reported that the eggs have hatched but there is no signs of the hatch lings, but the eggs have a strange green like substance and have a very strong aroma coming from the eggs. She ordered that the RnD where to gear up in protective hazmat gear and begin collecting samples from the eggs and start analyzing the strange goo. Further study on the strange goo like substance they found out the goo is the Doctors cure. From what they can only assume from the eggs is that the hatch lings where killed during the early stages in the egg which could have resulted in the very strong aroma from the goo and having no signs of the hatch lings anywhere in the containment cell. She took 150 mL of the goo in a test vial over to 049's containment cell, She asks him "is this the same strange substance you inject into your subjects?" 049 replies "Yes, it's what help cures the pestilence." she thanked 049 and was escorted back to her research room where she and her RnD team discussed how they would be able to effectively weaponize this for CI.
[4-Days Later]

[In Progress]
After a few days of discussing the possibilities of fully weaponizing the "Cure" effectively for CI, she and her RnD team came up with the only effective solution for weaponizing it for CI. They would have to find a way to safely vaporize the "Cure" and safely extract the gasses into a glass vial and contain it in the vial. What she wants to do with vaporized "Cure" is to utilize it like "Nerve Gas". She wants to make a "Cure Grenade" where it explodes on impact when thrown at at surface and releases the "Cure", causing anyone breathing in the gasses in the area to start taking effect of the "Cure".
Process of fixing the lore but enjoy what i have written down so far :/.
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  • Haha
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stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Character Denied

Hello @Rav/GhostBird

Your Character Bio has been denied on the 12/5/2023 for the following reasons:

This pac does not fit the aesthetic of the server

Reviewed by Stee Ven, Artemis, Atlas

You may amend your lore and request a review again by contacting a Server Leadership Member.

Kind regards,
Stee Ven​
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