Denied PAC Request

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Active member
Dec 4, 2023

Born and raised in Nice, France, Jaqueline Claire Reacher and her brother were often moved around for their families involvement in the Foundation. Her mother was Esther Val. Reacher, and her father was Jack Reacher, both working with the Internal Affairs Department on Site-24.

Growing up exposed to the foundation and its basic doings, Jaqueline soon found herself interning at a foundation owned laboratory, where she made several discoveries concerning certain anomalous chemicals on human anatomy and its organs. Once she turned 25, Jaqueline was approached by Dpt. Director Simon Black, where she was highly encouraged to apply to be an executive, to which she did with the encouragement of her peers and friends, and was accepted. Furthering her studies on Biological Research, Jaqueline found out multiple important facts about anomalous chemistry and its uses, primarily on humans.

Now, Jaqueline primarily focuses on educational roles, as well as training programs for site personnel. Her programs include navigational skills, memorisation, and helping build confidence during testing.

Jack Kincaid

Active member
Mar 14, 2023
PAC3 Denied

Hello Jackie,

Your PAC3 Request has been Denied.

This model looks too cartoonish for it to fit into the server.

Kind regards,
Jack Kincaid
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