Content Suggestion Panic button issue

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Well-known Member
Aug 9, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Response here] This suggestion would change the ability of non combative cl3 personnel to have the ability to use a panic button.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[Response here] No this hasn't been suggested as the panic button system is quite new.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here] The positives to this suggestion is the further safety of personnel and protection from the enemy GOI's making it safer for non combative CL3 personnel to have the ability to report that they have been kidnapped and are in danger just like how combative personnel have

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Response here] There could possibly be a small chance of people abusing the panic button system as some people go to great lengths to minge on the server but i believe it wont be a big issue as other CL3 combatives don't have an issue with abuse of the panic button system

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here] It would ensure the safety of all CL3 members of the foundation keeping the security better and allowing to know who and when somebody is getting kidnapped .
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Reactions: Alexander Knyght
Sep 20, 2023

I feel like the amount of panic button activations is already too high, with half the site constantly fatfingering it. I think this change would inflate its usage even further and would get annoying very fast.


Well-known Member
Aug 9, 2024

I feel like the amount of panic button activations is already too high, with half the site constantly fatfingering it. I think this change would inflate its usage even further and would get annoying very fast.
I feel like that's not an issue with the system but people just making a wrong choice for keybinds and i have been on for a good while today and i didn't see much that wasn't a genuine issue
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Weebe San

Well-known Member
Aug 10, 2024

Senior Doctors would benefit greatly because I’ve seen a handful of psych evals go haywire where the patient attacks the senior Doctor. Having it would allow for hostage roleplay. Also, as someone stated above if someone is spamming it then staff should handle it. We shouldn’t punish a player base for the actions of a couple people.

-Director of Medicine Wilhelmina 'Weebe' Johnson
Apr 1, 2023

As someone who regularly plays Combat Medic or just Medical Personnel in general. Having a panic button for Sr. Doctor's would be beneficial. I've seen too many situations where unhinged patients go haywire and threaten to hurt Sr. Doctors or being held at gunpoint/knife point would open more opportunities for Rp/situations.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
Hello, unfortunately this suggestion will be denied. Combatives have the ability to utilise panics due to their entire role is chasing danger, fighting SCPs, fighting GOIs etc. Always in a "combative" scenario as its their primary role.
Non Combatives roles are not to seek out combat or dangerous tasks in which they wouldn't require a panic.
This would also bloat the usage of panics, and there shouldn't be a need to add an In Character policy to moderate panics.
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