Pan's O5-3 application "The Unknowing"

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Pan Police

Well-known Member
Oct 5, 2021
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:0:453868865

Discord name:
- ???#3269

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- Since second day of beta

- 17

In what country are you located?:
- England

Time zone:

Character name(s):
- James 'Pan' Smith , Jeremy 'Pot' White

Civilian name:
- Changes often however would be Sam 'Plate' Johnson

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF A-1 CPT , Site advisor, CI-B

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No.
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- O5-3, I am applying for O5-3 in order to fill the needed O5 positions, however I will be happy to get another of the other available numbers.

O5-3 has a good standing within the council as well as the SCP command, because of this I would be able to create rp situations involving A-1 and ethics.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- My best qualities is that I'm active and am able to get on when needed, I would be able to give A-1 something to do without them having to follow me around as a site advisor as I'm very limited in what I can do for them. Looking at this from an RP standpoint, I believe that I have the RP capability to become a member of the O5. I have a good understanding for what the O5 are about and what SCPs they are involved in as well as what storylines they would be involved in.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- The O5 council are here to ensure the various sites are doing what they are supposed to which is Secure Contain and Protect. The council would talk to the site directors and maybe even the department directors to ensure everything is running smoothly and there is nothing that is needed to be done in terms of site command.

The council are to ensure standards between the directors are kept and no information is leaked to the outside public.

Members of the O5 may also meet with the ethics committee to discuss matters that involve them both, for example new additions to the code of conducts.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- The O5 would be choosing department directors for example the Chief of Security, Director of Intelligence and Director of Research. The O5 are also responsible for picking new site advisors and directors.

However the O5 also jointly appoint people with ethics these applications are the Director of Internal Affairs and Director of medicine.

The council may also be involved with changing parts of departments for example adding new slots to MTF or increasing the job limit of ambassadors.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

My O5 character would have joined the foundation starting off as a young Jr. Researcher, from this they got the nickname "The Unknowing" due to their lack of awareness and knowledge of what was around him..

As my character began to work their way up the foundation ranks going from a Jr all the way to a Sr his nickname became somewhat of a known fact about him, it even appearing in the various research papers written by "The Unknowing"..

As time went on the nickname of "The Unknowing" became more of a gimmick than the truth..

After years of service to the foundation the unknowing caught the eye of a very secretive MTF group known as the "Red Right Hand" and through training, multiple background checks and questioning was able to establish himself as a member of the most elite MTF..

While the nickname he had since he joined the foundation began to fade due to his current standing it was still there, for those who knew of where he was, they always called him it despite the callsigns given to him by the higher ups in Alpha-1.

Months went by, years even and yet the unknowing continued to prove his loyalty the foundation even managing to climb the ranks of the Alpha-1 regiment.. However there was a turn of events, the man known as the unknowing was given the role as Site - 65's advisor in which they accepted and began work, because of the sudden change of scenery he was given amnestics to forget the names of those he was previously working with those being from the A-1 MTF.

As months passed the newly appointed advisor began to have meetings with various members of the O5 council and began to make friendships with most of the council members who oversaw the site one of which being O5-3 , as time went by the advisor began to have more regular meetings with O5-3 to which they began to know each other more, giving each other ideas and advice whenever needed.

Time and time again he proved himself until O5-3 was sent to a different site to monitor it for a short period, this would be the last the advisor saw of him. The previous 05-3 had been assassinated during a GOI raid at Site - 17, once the advisor had discovered this it was a big hit however he couldn't let this interrupt his work, weeks after this passing the council had begun to elect a new O5-3 to fill in and pass on the legacy of the previous, while the votes took days to come in it had been decided that the advisor would be the new O5-3 and would monitor the very site he had once given advice to..

How will the rest of the story play out?...

My previous app

Deleted member 982


O5 material
Likes E-power

thats a joke, but i think pan fits O5, he is very active, shown good leadership, a asshole in character but good fella OOC


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022



  • Well made application.
  • Have had good and fun roleplay with.
  • Friendly.
  • Insanely active IG/TS.


  • N/A


  • N/A
Good Luck.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 9, 2021
Nice to rp whit
Have had fun scenarios whit him

More reasons stated above and just overall a nice guy he fits for the job


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 10, 2021
Northern Ireland
Great RP
Great advisor experience

As much as I don't want you to leave me as my site administration buddy I'm really happy for you to get this position and if anyone gets it, it should be you.
Last edited:


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Active In game
Really Good RP
A large amount of site administration experience

Good luck with the application process!

Ethan Mendaz

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 4, 2022
+ Great app
+ Active IG and TS
+ Many great RP interactions
+ Would 100% fulfil the role well
+ Site Admin experience

Good luck
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