PEEK's Gamemaster Application

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Feb 17, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Timber_Wolf_one
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: on the SCPRP Server (AKA US SERVER) according to Vtime_menu = 1W 23H
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: U.S
Time zone: CST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Ethics Committee member PEEK Camber
Chaos name (include your rank): Timber CI-B
Civilian name: POOK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:449111178
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCPRP-USA
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- (EC assistant app)
- (EC APP)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- I do have experience as a GM in a different community (at the time it was my first time being a GM) and I would host events with fellow GM's and would mostly support the others in they're big Events.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes as my time when i was and EC assistant and as and EC on the server I have had to take part in events and help gather the other players and brief them on situations and on they're tasks on what they had to do. Also not just in events but in normal RP as with CI and trying to negotiate and making deals in exchange for information the job itself needs to always be serious either way and practically is always having serious roleplay.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- I can be on for at least 3 hours everyday (I don't touch grass man) but I'm usually on more than that everyday that's just the least amount.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I would really like to be a Gamemaster mostly because I would love to help the SCPRP USA server to grow as much as the UK server has. Recently I've heard a lot of the same complaints on how everything is the same and personally believe that the US server needs more active GM's that produce fun RP for a multitude of the players and I feel like I could help with a lot of the smaller events that's more division based (although I would still like to produce large events periodically) that include quite a bit of lore into it as I know a lot of the people on the server know an extensive bit of lore and I'm sure it would make them happy to include it in the servers events.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I think I would be able to help with the more division based events or faction sided events as it somewhat seems lacking (as in the CI and FO) for CI right now and I'm sure it would encourage people to also play other divisions that need more players such as Research and CI. And I feel as if I would be a great help towards supporting people with they're bigger events and helping them extend them even more by giving thoughtful ideas and criticism. I am special over the other applicants because I KNOW that I would most likely be the most active GM on the server that could help with a lot of the RP that its lacking right now.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1) There is a contagious disease going around the site it proceeds to mess with the normal functioning of the human body causing random spontaneous deaths to occur out of nowhere. FO staff eventually will notice unknown anomalous bugs crawling around the site they are to find the source of the unknown bugs that are causing the disease around the site will they find it before the site is wiped out?

2) Strange activity has been detected Within SCP 860's Containment area. A scout is sent inside to figure out the disturbance with a headcam, soon the rest of the site will then be alerted about an unknown GOi's presence within the dimension showing them setting up defenses and trying to keep out anything that comes through the door into the SCP's dimension. It is soon figured out they are set up within the dimension to try to capture the SCP so foundation staff are tasked on trying to retrieve the SCP and eliminate the Hostile GOI's presence whilst also trying to capture they're commander on the reasoning of the SCP's Capture.

3) CI have received a mission alert from "the engineer" they have received information and a GPS Location around pinewood alerting them that they're precious leader "the engineer" has been captured by the serpents hand (might change the GOI to make more sense in the future) and are planning to transport them out of pinewood. CI are tasked to rescue they're leader and bring him back to safety from whoever tries harming him. Whilst at the same time the Foundation will receive and alert from E-6 letting them know a high priority target of the CI is being held near pinewood. It is up to the foundation members whether they wanna see through with capturing this target and retrieving them back into the facility ( if by chance the FO capture him CI will be equipped with somewhat powerful weapons and attempt a raid on the foundations to capture the engineer.).

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Site 56 has received a distress beacon from site 73 asking help through a secured channel from a MTF beta-7 ----TRANSMISSION----"Please! GET EVERYONE HERE NOW THEY ARE TAKING OVER!! ITS THEM AGAIN BUT THEY TURNED VIOLENT NOW!! THEY ARE USING ANOMOLYS TO THEY'RE ADVANTAGE!! PLEASE HURRY OR YOULL REGRET IT TOO! ---TRANSMISSION END---. This event will be where serpents hand have violently taken over site 73 and the whole of site 56 will be tasked with re securing the site and attempting to capture some of the GOI that have taken over the site whilst also having to terminate every SCP that is breached there. The researchers that come along will research the anomaly's items that the SH will drop on death. MTF will have to terminate as many of the SH they can that try to use anomalous abilities against them. It will be a somewhat difficult mission but rewarding in the end. CI may contact the SH to try to work with them or they can try to secure and capture either the anomaly's items from the SH or the SH themselves both ways still going against the foundation.

List an example mission for each of the following:
The Director of the Ethics committee has tasked Omega-1 with eliminating an Ethics committee member on grounds of Treason and working with multiple GOI. The Rogue EC member will go around the site Disguised trying to find ways of leaving the site whilst 0-1 try to figure out the identity of the EC member. It is Omega-1's Job to stop this possible information breach that the EC member may give away to either site personnel or possibly even CI.
A-1: Alpha-1 will notice possible and unknown disappearances of they're fellow members having multiple A-1 either die/disappear with only they're key card remaining as a corpse. They will have to investigate the disappearances of the A-1 and figure out what's happening before it happens to one of they're precious council members (AKA it'll basically be a traitor among the A-1 that has an anomalous ability).
Nu-7: GOC have stationed themselves on surface and taken over pinewood. Nu-7 Commander is briefed on the situation and is tasked to have him and his men conduct a raid on the GOC and liberate the civilians of pinewood they are to eliminate all GOC presence and agnosticize civilians as they see fit.
E-11: An unknown surface anomaly appears its up to you whether you need backup from the other MTF units E-11 are to make a plan and figure out what its capable of. There will be specific ways of containing the unknown SCP, E-11 are to figure out the patterns and see how to contain the SCP if E-11 are unable to contain it they are to eliminate it.
CI: A group within the CI is trying to COUP the current Command team which CI will help? and who will the CO team be able to trust? In this event CI will be able to side with the coupers/ with the CO team for a short while if the COUPERS win they will become CO (for a very short while only for the event) and if the CO team win they will execute every treasonous CI and start conscripting more soldiers.
Foundation Staff: Within the foundation there will be a single small rat that will be walking around it will seem unkillable like 682 but will do little to no harm all the FO staff will have to report its location if it is found and make sure to grab rat repellent which will damage it over time (will probably be something the GM's give people on site) it'll be hard to spot but not impossible. (mostly supposed to be a small event for people with nothing to do)

Deleted member 1285

+ Support
+ Love the event ideas.
+ Application looks good
+ No warnings
+ Good luck!
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Smith Johnson

Well-known Member
Aug 7, 2021
+ Support

+ A lot of good RP experience with as Ethics
+ Very Mature
+ No warnings or Bans
+ Active In-Game and In Teamspeak
+ I have not had a single bad situation with PEEK
+ Would be a good fit for GM
+ Very detailed application
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MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

I've seen you a lot in-game and your RP seems up to par which is expected of someone in your position. Most of your application answers are good except the main one which is the map change event, from what I'm seeing it only involves MTF and CI (correct me if I'm wrong) which doesn't seem to involve everyone in the server. other than that you seem like you would be a good applicant for Gamemaster.

Good Luck...
Feb 17, 2022

I've seen you a lot in-game and your RP seems up to par which is expected of someone in your position. Most of your application answers are good except the main one which is the map change event, from what I'm seeing it only involves MTF and CI (correct me if I'm wrong) which doesn't seem to involve everyone in the server. other than that you seem like you would be a good applicant for Gamemaster.

Good Luck...
(Thx for da support ) Well that's why for the last part it explains how research will also be taking part and I assume intelligence and other branches like IA would go with the MTF although to be honest I didn't put too much work into thinking about the RP into the event yet as Im not even sure if This would even go up as an event to other people so the RP aspect would probably be different depending on if its CI or SH/FO for everyone (also pretty sure civs wouldn't be on the map change event and if they did they would probably be hostages or something the SH captured).


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022

Application Accepted

Hi @Timber/PEEK ,

Congratulations on your new position as Trial Gamemaster, make sure to contact me on TeamSpeak whenever you're available
so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.

King regards,
Team Supervisor Monarch.​
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