Pen Special Agent Application [UK]

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Jan 14, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:448518499
Discord name: scpred
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 - 4 years
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Foundation: pen / Ci: pen
Civilian name: 'Al Maktoob'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?: 205 Total
Combat - 51
D-Class - 55
Research - 26
SCP - 31
Support - 42
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu7 - LCPL x2, CSG x2, PVT x1
E-11 - LCPL x1-2, CSG x1, SGT x1

Alpha x2, Beta x1, Gamma x3, Delta x4 (i think lost count), Delta [PLP] x1

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- 2-3 weeks now
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- I want to increase my rank and enhance my RP with people and I want to become a sniper (field agent).
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
- I can make good documents.
- I can communicate with different regiment quickly.
- I am a good leader and can command people to deal with GOI.
- Great with weapons against GOI.
- Good with Google Doc spreadsheets.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- No document written.
What makes a good document is great spelling, great gramma, information that makes sense in context (e.g. Like Operational Document or Research Document).
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
-Authing a GOC entry if they need to test a SCP or need to contain a SCP.
-Performing tryout for new agents that want to become DEA and promote DEA to Sr DEA if they have accessed their performs .
-Making Documents that is needed in case of RP operation that would be needed for other DEA agents like Dpt. manager or Dpt. Director.
-Communicating with other higher up like OSA, SA, ESA in case they need something out of me.
-Authing MC&D entry to foundation in case they want to sell items to CL3 or higher for staff and giving them a document to sign in.

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Today's Date: 19/1/2025
Time Zone: CET
Name: Pen 'Stylograph' Wozniak
Age - 27
Gender - Male
Birth Location: Poland
Birth of Date: 19/2/1998
Description: Pen Wozniak has been born in a City in Warsaw Poland, He grew up like anybody else in this world, simply he is the same for everyone's eyes, as he grew up and finished high school at age 16, his family was poor in which he had two choice's. Going to work for decades or Enlist to the army in Poland. He joined the army and began his training in Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area which was located in the heart of Poland's which took Pen 2-3 months to finish and progress through the ranks, able to reach the ranks of Sargent and gain more money for his family. Throughout the years, until he reaches his 21st birthday he saw it, A massive Site named Site-23, located in Russia, Pen's Operation was to gain information from this site from Captain Exton Maciej Orders in which the Team made a plan to Extract a Foundation Member for interrogation, in which they have stolen foundation uniform and entered through the site and begin to walk around site seeing ungodly creatures, one made out of glass, A creature with 9 arms, A Eye that follows your every movement, after capturing Senior Researcher Ivan Valentin, the alarms started, speaker screaming out that there were "INTURDERS, INTURDERS LOCATED AT WING-05-AC" which Pen had moment to spare, the team ran to get away form the security guards but they have been cornered and have no way to leave the site and they had no choice but to surrender to the foundation security members, once being captured, they have been placed in a holding cell for hours, and it has been one day since their capture, An agent came out and brought pen into a run filled with guards, They begin the interrogation.
Agent: You have been capture and you know what is going to happen.
Pen: What is going to happen?
Agent: You will see.
(A guard comes beside Pen and punches his face knocking his tooth loose)
Agent: Interrogation starts now.
Agent: Name of your Operation and Your leader.
Pen: There were no name for this Operation and my leader name is Captain Exton Maciej, Commanded by the Polish Army.
Agent: Polish Army now is attacking our Foundation, After the Agreement we made last decade, Fuck sike.
Agent: Alright, why have you came into this Foundation, What was your mission soldier.
Pen: We have been told to extract any Foundation members from this site.
Agent: I see, I see...... *Agents Sigh's* well we can't make you a D-Class due to your relationship with the Polish Army and we did just ran out of Class A and we would need to wait for another month, how about you join us.
Pen: Join you? What will I gain from this?
Agent: You will get paid, Free food, and really you don't have a choice.
Pen: and if I refuse?
Agent: You Die, anymore question?
Pen: No...
Agent: Good, Since we don't trust you yet you will become a normal Agent, doing normal Agent Stuff and if you do your job correctly you could be get raise or a promotion.
Pen: Alright, Guess i don't really have a choice.

After Pen joined the foundation and progressed through the ranks, learning what the foundation does, what creature the world has that Pen hasn't known, and learning the new GOI that is everywhere. Pen after being in the foundation for 3-4 years now being at the age of 25, he has been promoted to Senior Agent and has been transfer to Site-23 to Site-65 in Canada in which he has been a Agent for 6 Years and becoming a well known staff member in the foundation and at the age of 27 he has been a successful Senior Agent for a pass through weeks in Site-65 and has been Recommended for a Rank of 'Special Agent' and has a interview of his Rank Recommendation.
Dpt. Manager: Your a value Agent Pen, In which We should look closer of you becoming a 'Special Agent'
Pen: Well Thank you Dpt. Manager, I didn't know I was valuable for this Foundation, It's Crazy its been Almost a Decade since I have been Recruited as a Agent back at Site-23.
Dpt. Manager: Now, Now Let's see the future for you now.
Jul 10, 2023

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To: @Pen Pozniak
Special Agent Reassignment

Thank you for your interest in applying for Special Agent,

After careful consideration with External Affairs leadership, we have come to a conclusion regarding your request for reassignment.

This request is to be
elevated to the next stage. Please contact myself to arrange a time and place for interview.

Best of luck,
Department Director Jeremy Bennett
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