Pengu`s Site advisor Application (UK)

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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:433772763
Discord name:Cyrage53
For how long have you played on CG SCP:9 months
In what country are you located?:Norway
Time zone:CET
Character name(s):"Pengu"
Civilian name:Marco diviti
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: Nu-7 LDR GA-HS holding: A-1 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: yes scamming mic and failrp.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

My initial objective within the server was to enhance its role-playing aspects, broadly speaking. However, as I've become more involved in the server and pondered ways to improve it, my goal has evolved into a more direct approach. I aim to provide everyone with the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in their character and experience the server as it was intended.
In simpler terms, I have a strong affinity for the server and believe it has significant potential for growth from within. I am comfortable taking on a leadership role within the community, and helping and guiding others comes naturally to me. I am dedicated to these leadership roles and envision myself fulfilling them for an extended period.
I aspire to be of assistance and guide the server towards an enhanced role-playing experience.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I believe I am well-suited for the position of Site Advisor for several compelling reasons. Firstly, I possess a deep understanding of the server's leadership structure and have a high level of familiarity with fulfilling non-combative leadership roles. In terms of communication, I am exceptionally friendly and approachable, which is paramount for the SA role, given their close interaction with junior CL4 foundation personnel. Lastly, I want to emphasize my unwavering dedication. I invest a substantial amount of time and effort into my contributions to the server, and I envision myself maintaining this level of commitment for an extended duration. I firmly believe that dedication may be the most crucial trait a Site Advisor can possess.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

In contrast to the duties of junior CL4 members, Site Administration assumes a role with broader oversight and generalized responsibilities. Indeed, the role of a Site Advisor bears strong resemblance to that of an assistant to Site Command in multiple facets. Both positions involve continuous monitoring of specific departments and their overall well-being, with a primary task of devising solutions for both internal and external challenges within their designated department.
To fulfill these responsibilities, Site Advisors must be prepared to engage in various aspects of their role, including frequent communication, collaboration, departmental leadership supervision, guidance of departmental leadership, feedback reception, and policy formulation. Communication entails active engagement with department directors regarding pressing issues and staying informed about matters relevant to Site Advisors. Collaboration involves working closely with fellow Site Advisors to address site-wide issues and being receptive to collaborating with any junior CL4 members, particularly those within their respective departments, on internal matters.
Supervising departmental leadership requires taking necessary actions when leadership is failing in their duties and conducting comprehensive assessments of a department's overall health from multiple perspectives. Guiding leadership is of utmost importance to a department's well-being, as Site Advisors are tasked with ensuring that Department Directors effectively manage their departments and grasp the intricacies of their roles.
The receipt of feedback encompasses two aspects: direct feedback to Site Advisors and feedback regarding the departments they oversee. Being open to such suggestions and making decisions based on general feedback is crucial, as it is essential to consider the impact on those affected when implementing changes. Site Advisors must bear all these responsibilities in mind when making additions to the server, as it encompasses every facet of their role description and contributes to maintaining the server's vitality and appeal.
Lastly, serving as a role model to others may be a somewhat general responsibility, but it is one of the principal obligations for all Site Advisors. By acting as role models, Site Advisors subtly guide individuals who are learning about the server in a positive direction that ultimately benefits the quality of role-playing and fosters a positive server environment for the future.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

John "Pengu" was born into a typical suburban family in a small town, but his life would soon take an extraordinary turn. From a young age, John displayed an insatiable curiosity and an exceptional intellect. His parents noticed his talents early on, and they encouraged his pursuit of knowledge.
John attended prestigious schools throughout his childhood and excelled in his studies. His passion for law emerged during his high school years when he became fascinated with the intricacies of the legal system. After graduating as valedictorian, he pursued a bachelor's degree in law and later attended a renowned law school, where he graduated with top honors.
His career began at a respected law firm, where he quickly made a name for himself. His sharp legal mind, dedication, and unwavering commitment to justice earned him a reputation as one of the finest lawyers in the field. Within a few years, he had risen through the ranks to become the CEO of the firm, a position rarely achieved at such a young age.
John's journey took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon a classified document related to the SCP Foundation during a late-night research session. Intrigued by the mysterious and otherworldly nature of the Foundation's work, he delved deeper into their archives. This marked the beginning of his fascination with the anomalous.
His relentless pursuit of knowledge led him to make a pivotal decision. He left his successful career as a law firm CEO and devoted himself to the SCP Foundation. With his extensive knowledge of law and his newfound fascination with the paranormal, he applied to join the Foundation's ranks.
John's unique background made him an asset to the SCP Foundation. He began as a legal consultant, helping the Foundation navigate the complex legal aspects of dealing with anomalous entities and objects. His impeccable understanding of both law and the anomalous quickly earned him recognition among his colleagues.
Over the years, John climbed the ranks within the Foundation, taking on increasingly important roles. He demonstrated an uncanny ability to comprehend the intricacies of SCP containment procedures and ethical considerations. His colleagues affectionately nicknamed him "Pengu" due to his cool, collected demeanor and sharp intellect.
After years of dedicated service, John "Pengu" Hawthorne achieved the esteemed position of Site Advisor. His expertise in law, coupled with his deep understanding of the anomalous, made him an indispensable figure in the world of SCP containment and research.
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Pengu

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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