Denied perma weapon pricing

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
changing the Vpoint price of all perma pistols to 500 vpoints each

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
lower price encourages more people to buy the perma pistols
more realistic price considering how all other weapons are priced currently
more people will buy perma pistols

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
refunds for people who have bought perma pistols already

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
there is literally no reason to buy a perma M1911, perma M9, or perma MP443 when for the same price you could buy a perma ARX or SPAS-12. It literally makes zero sense that a sidearm is the same price as a primary weapon with a higher damage, mag capacity, and so on
That's 101 people, just as a note. Quite a lot to refund.
well, you don't have to give them refunds if you deem it too much credit to give out.

it's also a made up digital currency so i'd imagine it's more like you're losing out on a potential £505 by adding 500 Vpoints to each of these people's accounts rather than actually paying £505 out of your own pocket.

even then, (as far as I know) not much can be done with 500 Vpoints alone so unless these people want to buy another perma-pistol they would have to buy more vpoints from you anyway, right?


Civil Gamers Expert
May 1, 2022
+Support Being honest here Its a god damn pistol you could get a rifle for 1k but you could also get a pistol i mean even the god damn guitar is like 1k its a guitar
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