Phill Dee's ECM Application #1 [SCPRP-UK]

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phill-dee//Andy Patterson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 9, 2023
Northern Ireland
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:106422313
Discord name: Ninjabanana305
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over 1 year
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Northern Ireland
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): ECA Phill Dee
Civilian name: Thomas Edwards
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- ECA (Internal rank of SR+ECC Personal) (Current)
- NU7 PVT (Past)
- E11 SPC (Past)
- Director of Internal Affairs (Past)
- Internal Affairs Ambassador (Past)
- CI Alpha(Past)
- GOC SPC (Past)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I currently have 0 Warns/Kicks/Bans

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

- Today I am after a long time waiting applying for an Ethics Committee Member role.
- I will now list some reasons which I'm applying and try and expand on the to the best I can.
After spending almost all of my server time in Internal Affairs before moving onto ECA I have always worked with the Ethics Committee and looked upto them, from when Athena was ECM and then Charles they both guided me and assisted me with my RP and skills making me better and this is something I strive to do myself too. I feel like with my progression through IA and then onto ECA I must continue to follow in my masters footsteps and make him proud of how he has guided me to this stage of my IC career within CN.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

- On all my previous apps for any position I usual say I don't think I'm the best candidate for the role but when it comes to this ECM app I do truly believe myself to be the best fit of current people on the server and underneath I will say why with some expansion on my reasons where I can
- The official guidelines say to have CL4 experience where I have met this at 3 different stages IA Ambassador, DoIA, and ECA while my ambassador was accepted by DOIA Charles Whitmee and then DoIA app accepted by the whole Committee and again the whole committee for my ECA app, I think this tops other possible applicants as I have at all times either worked for the proxy department of EC or for EC directly as my ECA character.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

- An ethics member has many many responsibilities withing the server some of which I'll list and expand upon below.

- A very important part would be issuing orders to ECA's, these could be for ongoing RP which im involved in or to also create new storylines and to make new RP from how the ECA handles the order.
- When it comes to SCP's the main concern an ECM would have should be 008, as an ECM I would be reviewing 008 test/sampling proposals and after consideration deciding if it helps the foundations goals for us to let this test go ahead.
- Meetings. this is a more simple task. we would be holding regular meetings with CL4's of each department and using that information gathered to see how we an better that departments structure and also RP helping them along the way
- When it comes to breaches its now been changed that a CL4 can call code blacks, although when its most serious it would fall upon SC either EC or O5 for activating a nuke, this is a serious decision that cant be made lightly and once done all efforts should still be made to protect life where possible
- FLC moderation. This is made of 2 sections conduct and ethics, as an ECM we would either decide ourselves what additions/moderations should be made to anything part of FLC that has an ethical stance around it along with taking documents regarding these changes from others and then further reviewing them.
- If no SA are onsite the a lot of their duties may be passed on to us. this is because even know we are SC we are a more public face than O5's if its not time sensitive then some people can wait for SA but more urgent matters could fall onto ethics plate of duties such as mass term AA authing GOC entry GOI raids and the sort
- In a shorter term the ethics committee concerns itself with internal matters only at most times. if something is going on insite that shouldn't be if the relevant overseeing party is not taking action we will

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- As an ECM I would be involved in managing google docs regarding operations/ECA's.
- Discussing ECA apps with the other ECM's and ECC to come to a decision to accept or deny the ECA app.
- When DoIA's move on from their role it would be needed for me and other ECM's to come together and weigh all options as to who gets the slot next.
- Omega-1 are a separate MTF which EC does not have decisions as to promotions apart from the commander position which is chosen by ethics.
- OOC we would also get a lot of discord messages same as most Sr positions which would require our speedy reply to ensure people are enjoying their time and RP on the server.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Phill Dee was born in Northern Ireland in the coastal town Newcastle. He had a normal life until his teen years when during what people called "The Troubles" there was many attacks on his town and surrounding areas It was when he was 19Years old that he started thinking that these troubles made no sense and wanted to start researching them. He soon noticed that the lumber yard in the nearby forest was constantly targeted. This was extremely strong, it was common for people to go missing or die during these times. After dressing in green to blend in with the the shroves in the area phill making his way to the lumberyard was shot in the leg falling to the ground. Strange man claiming to be military staff took him to a quiet dark room where he was questioned and given medical attention. Phill swiftly noticed that these men had no military uniform no ID's and why did they know where to go in the forest straight to this detainment center things weren't adding up. after the injury and being let go Phill woke up at home and stopped looking into these people as i was getting to dangerous

Further years down the line unknown to the public there was a breach of an SCP at the local "lumbar yard" that started terrorizing the locals while MTF's tried stopping it. Phill started freaking out but realized he had seen these people fighting the monsters before, it took him a while but it came to him.. the time he was shot. it was these men. Phill went to the crawl space in the house taking his trusty weapon a P90 and while hiding in the corner of the house these zombie like creatures started breaching doors and running wild Phill closed his eyes and opened fire while there was nothing but fire fights outside. after about 2 hours the shots became less frequent he was sitting alone crying not knowing what happened. The MTF's went through houses room by room clearing them finding an absurd amount of bodies in Phill's house when they got to the kitchen they seen him alive still wielding his gun them shouting at him he dropped his weapon and listened to them following for his safety. They took him back to the lumber yard phill now getting serious dejavu after the people at base asking what happened and why they brought a civi back they explained he was the last man standing in his town and from there Phill started working for the people who saved his life.

Once recruitment had finished and induction was complete Phill had joined the ranks of Internal Affairs, after many many years his director had accepted an application for ambassador, the time of which he spent was mostly uneventful except of Operation trident [ALL INFORMATION HAS BEEN EXPUNGED AND WIPED BY RIASA] following this Phill was handed disciplinary action for his actions throughout the operation. Once the DoIA slot opened Phill and Tim became the best of directors within IA ad worked hard showing their great skills where Tim was noticed for further roles which he accepted. after serving as DoIA the committee decided he would be better working close with them and he was made ECA.


Ongoing storyline- "finding my mentor" is currently in the works I wont be explaining it here due to the risk of soft metagaming however any questions feel free to DM me or ask the ECC for how my RP has been so far regarding this whole large scale situation which has lead to me becoming a personal assistant and gaining many CL5 things. People who I have/am involving in this are so far, ECC an O5 A DoIA(soon) and this storyline will lead me to uncovering any more things and possible large scale changes to SC Personnel (ask ECC for info if he is willing to tell you as I don't feel safe stating it all here)
+/- Neutral Support

I have seen you active on ECA for quite some time now, and you are definetly one that stands out from the rest. However, you have no Senior CL4 experience, and your application is quite mediocre for being an application for such a high position like Site Command. I have not seen any of your RP myself, but i would have loved if you had some RP scenarios listed that you have created within your time as an ECA. I know you mentioned the "Finding my mentor" RP scenario, but that is not much we can go off of by just reading what you have wrote here.
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- Support

Hello @phill-dee//Andy Patterson , After looking through your application as it stands I do not believe you should be accepted. Don't get me wrong you've come along way since your OOC mishaps and you have previously taken a Sr CL4 position and could be a very good candidate. However, your application heavily lacks detail in key areas that don't allow me to support this application. As it stands you have not displayed any RP enhancements nor roleplay that you've created through your prior or current positions. Your activity currently doesn't seem to be good and within your current position I have not seen you produce any RP within recent times or you've just not added this into your application. I will add that you have used bullet point short answers for the majority of your application that lacks detail and any in depth answers to the questions.

None the less,
Good Luck,
  • Haha
Reactions: Judge
Hi Phil,

You are a great player on the server and a pleasure to interact with, I cannot fault you on any of that. When it comes to the application, it really lets you down. I've not seen any roleplay projects/stories or anything impactful from your current roles and this is beyond a major component to being a Site Command member.

I am going to leave a -Support for now as I don't think you are ready for it yet, along with missing a lot of core details and duties that an Ethics Member would be doing. Its a bit worrying you haven't been exposed to this during your time as an ECA.

Regardless, I do wish you the best of luck.

phill-dee//Andy Patterson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 9, 2023
Northern Ireland
hiya everyone thanks for the feedback so far. I’m not currently home but will be considering everything stated so far and trying to amend the issues that have been made apparent. Before then if anyone has questions my discord is open and I’ll reply as soon as I can. All the best and thanks for your views so far
Nov 7, 2022
+ Support

For as long as I've known you Phil, you've been a great sport. I remember you mostly when you were an Ambassador, and after my break now I see you doing some good once again.

- Good RP
- Okay activity
- Good CL4 knowledge
- Could add in some more responsibilities

Otherwise, I see you taking on ECM well with the responsibilities it has and alleviate some work from the current Ethics Committee.
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