Denied Pinewood Rangers Part 2

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 20, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Revamp The Pinewood Rangers into Canadian State Police.

The GOC/UN has always been heavily favored towards the foundation when this shouldn't be the case at all. Rangers have been asking the GOC/UN to put their firearms away within town just to be greeted by a greater force and then gunned down without any sort of deescalation in which the United Nations should be trying to bring the hostility down by simply putting their firearms away. Pinewood Rangers have been outdated for a long time in which their loadouts have not been changed since the beginning of the server in which new elements such as the GOC have been added during the course of the server. The Pinewood Rangers can not enforce law within the town with the equipment they currently have. United Nations does not have law enforcement powers and conduct their own peacekeeping missions in which they should be in compliance with Pinewood Rangers orders but instead show a complete disregard for them.

Pinewood Rangers require a unit such as SWAT to protect the town and then they should not only protect the town but protect the whole state and if not require a new loadout or an armory to match the threats posed against Pinewood.

If anyone else has further suggestions then post them down below but this should be implemented immediately.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Rangers will be able to defend themselves.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Pinewood Rangers require an update.
Dec 24, 2020
Surface RP is frankly terrible. UNGOC disregard rangers entirely (despite representing the united nations). And the foundation have only very recently become more adept at surface RP because of the DOEA changes.

Updating the rangers would provide civilian players with a much better experience on the server.


Sheriff Big Steve​

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Rice Cooker

Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2022

While the idea of a more organized police force within Pinewood lends itself to the possibility of more comprehensive surface engagements, you have neglected to acknowledge several negatives that may arise should this suggestion be implemented; the most glaring of which is the distinct possibility of abuse. Rangers are notorious as the refuge for minges and other players who do not wish to actively contribute to the server's atmosphere positively. Instead, they act as a corrupt group of militants that preys on the foundation and often are seen aiding CI. The ease of access to the rangers is a key competent of the lack of discipline, and changing to a format similar to CI or GOC may not be the best option. Unless you can offer a plan that mitigates the impropriety that would assuredly happen if the Canadian State Police reflect the same structure as the Rangers, this suggestion does not seem like it would improve the server's gameplay.
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Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022

I support this idea, I would like to see the original suggestion edited however I feel that Pinewood RP should be expanded upon. I mean

UIU, Swat and making it so rangers are accessible to all people (Combat Level 30+) Armoured Vehicles and a surface armoury. Would all be incredibly useful, and would expand on surface RP, UIU could assist MTF/GOC with surface anomalies.

You could even have an R&D part of the UIU tasked with researching anomalies, and passing on that information to their agents.


MRP War Criminal
Dec 20, 2020

While the idea of a more organized police force within Pinewood lends itself to the possibility of more comprehensive surface engagements, you have neglected to acknowledge several negatives that may arise should this suggestion be implemented; the most glaring of which is the distinct possibility of abuse. Rangers are notorious as the refuge for minges and other players who do not wish to actively contribute to the server's atmosphere positively. Instead, they act as a corrupt group of militants that preys on the foundation and often are seen aiding CI. The ease of access to the rangers is a key competent of the lack of discipline, and changing to a format similar to CI or GOC may not be the best option. Unless you can offer a plan that mitigates the impropriety that would assuredly happen if the Canadian State Police reflect the same structure as the Rangers, this suggestion does not seem like it would improve the server's gameplay.

You talk about the downsides of my suggestion but I do not see anything that you have written that may fix the problem at hand. You didn't even mention anything about even the simplest load out change. You also mention why the Rangers work with CI and that is because the GOC works with the Foundation to attack Rangers and Civilians when they should be supporting and protecting civilians. Even an armory would be a change for the Rangers at this point.

I think if SWAT was introduced it would have to be a whitelisted job. I think that would be a very simple solution to what you have written. A structure you mentioned wouldn't be practical for the Rangers as role play is not that far advanced on the surface for stuff like pursuits and stuff like that. What I am proposing is more equipment based and a change to the whole "Pinewood Rangers" in which it would be turned from more of a local law enforcement to a state-wide law enforcement.


Well-known Member
Jan 8, 2023
I mean if you really wanted to be accurate, seeing as it is a small town, change it to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Otherwise known as RCMP. They are federal police that act as law enforcement in regions where municipal police are not viable or sustainable.
RCMP have access to military-grade equipment and conduct a wide variety of operations ranging from counter terrorism, and SWAT, to everyday police work.
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Huge + Support

I love rangers, my most played job on the game is ranger (ingame im Bob Gustav Smith), and it would be fun to have more stuff as ranger.
Also the only reason we side with CI most of the time is because they the only ones who don't treat us like garbage! UN are supposed to protect the civilians but they'd rather arrest all rangers and kill them whenever we do something mildly bad.
To be quite honest the surface needs a total rework when it comes to the town and the buildings present. I feel like a cobble of wooden shacks dose not fit in this modern age, specifically for a town. While there could be individual houses like that there should be more modern and updated buildings for the town. The Police Station, Hospital, and some houses could be turned into proper modern buildings made of other materials. There are also some buildings that would be important to have in the town like a hotel/inn so more players can own homes in the town. The conversion of Rangers into the RCMP would also be nice as it can justify them getting better loadouts. A SWAT like division would also be a good idea if it was either monitored or placed under application format. The SWAT like units would act like commanding officers to the non whitelist Rangers.
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Active member
Jan 31, 2023
i wanna go hahha funny fbi open up doors go flying and arrest ci


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Omnipotent,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Rangers are not a GOI, and do not require an armory, nor a SWAT team. While reworks are being looked into, this is far from what is in mind.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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