please delete this, im withdrawing my application

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Well-known Member
May 16, 2022
- Support

+/- Mediocre app
- Barely any VTime
- Referenced servers outside of CG
- Boosted his app

Just so you know, boosting and referencing other servers is grounds for denial, so be careful.
hey bush not true at all im sorry but this app asked what servers i have been staff on i provided and 2 no tf i did not boost my app i now have 3 days 3 hours thats over 60 hours

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
hey bush not true at all im sorry but this app asked what servers i have been staff on i provided and 2 no tf i did not boost my app i now have 3 days 3 hours thats over 60 hours

Just a heads up, 60 hours isn't that much for CG. Your application was really short too, you should go into more detail.

And there is a rule on the forums, you should not reply to each comment individually, as it makes it more difficult for staff.

I don't know what you meant by "I think I'm gonna call a biased application" but these are just some things I picked up on.

And an FYI: the question you are referring to "Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?" is by definition a Yes or No question, and does not explicitly ask you to elaborate nor name the community/server you staffed on. You made a conscious decision to name a server outside of CG. Don't highroad me when you can't read simple questions.

If you made an effort to read the recruitment rules, you should've seen " 1. Don't reference servers outside of the CivilGamers community when applying, this will result in edits being made to your post and potentially your application being denied." So please read the format before you apply, as this shows that you have not tried at all.

Have a nice day
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Well-known Member
May 19, 2022
Illinois, USA
- Fair Effort I suppose
- Though I haven't seen you, it seems genuine.
- I think you would do fine.

- Please choose a server to main, otherwise many peoples Neutrals will not change.
See the source image
Changing to -Support.

The way you responded to most people's opinions of your applications was too immature for my liking. The way you type also makes me think there is a lack of effort in each response and that both this application and your responses are made on an impulse with little thought on your part. We need staff who make decisions based on the rules and information available to them, not purely off of emotion. Again, I'm sorry and I have nothing against you personally, but I don't believe people would get a fair hearing if you were presiding over their sits.


Well-known Member
May 16, 2022
Changing to -Support.

The way you responded to most people's opinions of your applications was too immature for my liking. The way you type also makes me think there is a lack of effort in each response and that both this application and your responses are made on an impulse with little thought on your part. We need staff who make decisions based on the rules and information available to them, not purely off of emotion. Again, I'm sorry and I have nothing against you personally, but I don't believe people would get a fair hearing if you were presiding over their sits.
No no you are right, my replies haven't been the best, but when it comes to staff sits I will always try to remain as neutral as possible and make sure both people feel heard, I do admit that I haven't acted the most mature, I apologise, I acted on impulse at the time when I replied, that isn't me, I will remain quiet , my final reply



Well-known Member
May 16, 2022
Just a heads up, 60 hours isn't that much for CG. Your application was really short too, you should go into more detail.

And there is a rule on the forums, you should not reply to each comment individually, as it makes it more difficult for staff.

I don't know what you meant by "I think I'm gonna call a biased application" but these are just some things I picked up on.

And an FYI: the question you are referring to "Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?" is by definition a Yes or No question, and does not explicitly ask you to elaborate nor name the community/server you staffed on. You made a conscious decision to name a server outside of CG. Don't highroad me when you can't read simple questions.

If you made an effort to read the recruitment rules, you should've seen " 1. Don't reference servers outside of the CivilGamers community when applying, this will result in edits being made to your post and potentially your application being denied." So please read the format before you apply, as this shows that you have not tried at all.

Have a nice day
1653196798238.pngno i didnt argue zyklo out


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Application Withdrawn

Hi @Zyklo ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Application withdrawn by applicant.​
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