Denied Please let us post memes in the discord

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a #memes channel in SCP discord
Alternatively, allows the posting of memes in #scp-art

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I would think so, but I'm not sure.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
People have a place to share the funny moments or images without crowding a channel specifically made for art
People will no longer be afraid of 1984 being punished for something that may seem unjust.
It relaxes the community, gives them a fun outlet

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It's easy to go out of topic and, in the case of a new channel, #scp-art will be dead

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Honestly, as I see it, nobody uses the channel for real art, except maybe once in a blue moon.
In my view, it only makes people mad that they're stopped from doing what they like. Sharing a funny moment from the game is more positive and rather valuable than one would think, and is very healthy for a community.
I'm not sure why one would be this opposed to memes, but the suggestion is up to hopefully be considered.

While I know suggestion replies are generally opinions on the change itself, in the case that it is rejected, could we speak more about this?
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Blacklisted Player
Jan 28, 2023

Discord is meant to be a place where gamers can hang out and have fun / talk to each-other.
So what's so wrong about giving people what pretty much every other normal server has, which is simply just embed perms.
I'm just tired of all the professionalism, we used to have embed perms, so why can't we now?
People like to share images.
When we share images in art channels, we don't want to get warned for commenting in there either.
Just give us a place where we can post images and memes and make the discord somewhat interesting like it used to be.

Also, if this suggestion gets accepted, please add this to all official CG discord servers.

I did suggest this before but for DarkRP, and it got denied instantly by whoever this "Platform Team" is, even though it got 100% positive supports. And then I was told that it was denied because "not all suggestions can be realistic / easy to implement" or something along those lines. But it's easy, you just click on the + symbol and create a channel, like what???
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Active member
May 26, 2022
-/+ neutral

As much as I really want it. This causes mods to have to monitor Art alot more now for any Rule breaking post


Blacklisted Player
Jan 28, 2023
-/+ neutral

As much as I really want it. This causes mods to have to monitor Art alot more now for any Rule breaking post
they have an entire army of moderators, I'd be very confused if they somehow don't have the resources to moderate it..
+ Support

Despite how business and professionally oriented as CN is, and how much it might seem like a memes channel would be the antithesis to that, it gives people more fun. The more fun they have and the more "casual" it feels, the more inclined they might feel to donating for VPoints, or applying for a Staff / GM position to help the server in different ways. A more positive and happy community is a more profitable community, and this is a simple way of doing that.
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