Poli’s Ethics Committee Assistant Application [UK]

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Mar 26, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:455984144
Discord name: ong_.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 1000+ hours
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Foundation name: ‘Poli’
C.I name: Jeremy Jome
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF E-11 CSG (Held)
MTF O-1 SGT (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
CI-G (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One warn that’s expired and it was for fearp

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I believe that I am the best candidate for becoming and Ethics Committee Assistant due to my extensive knowledge of the ins and outs of the Ethics Committee as I am an O-1 Sergeant and I frequently work with the Ethics Committee. I also have a wide knowledge of the Foundation Legal Codex as in the past I played IA quite a lot and I have performed numerous complex arrests over the site. Moreover my commitment to be professional while on site is shown in the fact I’ve been able to reach such a high rank in Omega-1 and keep it. This shows I will not be in issue to be dealt with by the Ethics committee.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

The following are an ECA's responsibilities:

Ensure that the Foundation Legal Codex is being followed by every personnel inside the Facility.

Carry out any tasks that have been given to you from a higher up such as an ECM or ECC.

Actively monitor different departmental activities.

Assist Site Administration with their monthly department reviews.

Report any issues occurring within the site to an ECM+ at times that are needed.

Conduct tests on SCPS with the help of O-1.

Host tribunals against CL4’s who have broken the Foundation Legal Codex.

Permitting the entry of MC&D if highest on site at the time.

Authorise tests such as the use of anomalous chemicals on humans, CL4 tests like 682 and more.

Issuing orders to GENSEC or MTF during difficult times in the facility, such as a breach or hostage situation, and authorizing AA if needed.

Containing site info breaches which mainly occur from the Chaos Insurgency raiding.

Provide reports on the activity at the Site and any significant incidents that occurred on site.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

*The dusty old terminal flashes up*

*It reads SCRIPTNET enter Y/N*

███████: Y.

*The terminal flashes up with files and a search bar at the top of its screen*

███████: *Searches for O-1 SGT ‘Poli’*

*This file is classified to CL5 only viewing this file while not being a CL5 member of the foundation will cause a memetic hazard to be deployed. Do you wish to continue Y/N*

███████: Tricky these days isn’t it? *Enters Y using the keyboard*

*The terminal slowly loads up the text within the file*

███████: Fuck me we desperately need some new computers down here.


Name: Jeremy ‘Poli’ Hershal

Occupation: MTF O-1 Sergeant*

Introduction: Not the best cards in life for him. Never will be himself in life. Lost his family at a young age had no one else to go to in times of darkness. However with this impeding on his life he continued on while putting on a facade of happiness on the outside. Finishing school he didn’t know what he wanted to do. On a fateful day he saw a flyer advertising about the marines and how they’re taking on enlists for an ongoing war at the time. He had nothing else in life going on for him so he took up the opportunity. Gruelling work being in the academy. However no matter how hard he passed with flying colours. He was glad that he felt like he was doing something.

The discovery: It was just any other night in the marine corps. He was getting ready to get to bed when a prototype of a sleeping gas was pumped into the vents of the bunks. This meant the scp foundation armed with their guns and gas masks enter place a bag over his head and leave undetected with him coming with them. He was woken up when they reached Canada,
█████. Still with the bag over his head we was placed into a room fitted with two metal seats and a camera. The bag was then removed off his head and he was given a brief over the scp foundation.

The Foundation: ‘Poli’ was then warned about the fact if he denies their job offer he would be killed and swept under the rug to be forgotten about. He then agreed to continue on with the job offer. He was then debriefed about Omega-1 Laws Left Hand and the ethics committee. The committee had given a notice to the skills of Jeremy ‘Poli’ Hershal during his time in the marine corp. They felt it would be useful to have him as an Omega-1 MTF operative. He was then picked up as a PVT and put onto a trial period which he passed easily with his experiences from the past. He proved his skills in the field earning himself two medals for his hard work and dedication to the regiment. However on one unlucky day he was shot and critically injured by the Chaos Insurgency during one of their raids in the Foundation later on it was identified the gunshot wound was inflicted by CI-C MCOM ‘Niox’. As he was too injured to continue on he was placed in a private room at medbay which only ECA+ and O-1 were allowed to enter for a visit.

The Visit:

███████: Hello Jeremy. I’ve come to you out of my own time to have a nice chat with you. First of all I have to say well done. You’re doing great out there continue on like that.

‘Poli’: I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule Mr. ███████ to come out here and talk with me.

███████: Me and the rest of the Ethics Committee think it’s about time that you should take a bit of a rest from all the guns and violence of Omega-1. We believe it’s better for you to become an Ethics Committee Assistant to help us all.

‘Poli’: Me? Shouldn’t you pick someone better surely there is someone better needed in that position.

███████: We have thought it through thoroughly and we believe you’re the best candidate to be in this position as we have seen your skills in the field we believe that you will excel in the tasks you are given by the committee since we have viewed you being hard working and dedicated when you want to be as seen from your past.

‘Poli’: I understand sir. I feel then that’s the best option to take. I’ll follow through and work as an Assistant to the committee.

███████: Great. You will be contacted when you’re feeling better and out of medbay.

**END OF LOG. Do you wish to exit SCRIPTNET? Y/N**

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-let him cook

However on one unlucky day he was shot and critically injured by the Chaos Insurgency during one of their raids in the Foundation later on it was identified the gunshot wound was inflicted by CI-C MCOM ‘Niox’.
glad to keep up the trend of me critically injuring O1
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Good Morning 'Poli'

The committee feels as though your LOA for an extensive period disables our ability to give a verdict on your application for the time being as there have been plenty of policy changes, and adaptations of procedures on site. We will be putting this application on hold for a week to see how you perform while you are back

Thank you,
Ethics Committee Member,
Jack Raider
Apr 4, 2023
- from: Charles Whitmee <cwhitmee@ec.scp.fo>
- to: 'Poli' <███@██.scp.fo>
- Subject: Ethics Committee Assistant re-assignment request

The Ethics Committee

Dear 'Poli',

First and foremost, the Committee would like to thank you for taking the time to submit your application for the position of Ethics Committee Assistant.
The Committee has met in deliberation of your re-assignment request and after debate and careful consideration we have determined that you are not yet suited to the role of Ethics Committee Assistant.
Please do not view this decision as a deterrent or a reflection of your abilities or dedication, we highly encourage you to reach out to a member of the Ethics Committee at your earliest convivence for elaboration as to why this is the case in order to receive feedback on the reason for our decision.

In the meantime, we recommend continuing your time on Site gaining further experience that may help you should you wish to re-apply in two weeks from this date.

Warm regards,
Charles "Ze" Whitmee.
Ethics Committee Member
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