Puffer's ethics assistant application [USA]

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Puffer Flake

Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506229948
Discord name: N with choccy milk#7612
For how long have you played on CG SCP: around 600 hours playtime on SCPRP
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Puffer Flake
Civilian name: Puffer Flakes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: As of now, none.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: A total of 31 warns and 5 bans, I've been playing on the server since august of 2022 and im learning from my mistakes. ill admit i enjoy making stupid sounds into my mic but im working on not being a minge.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: In my time playing the server i've learned lots about the code of ethics, rights and wrongs, etc.
i have gotten most of my warns from being reckless and not thinking about my actions and the consequences that might come, but i have started playing the server a lot more and recently found out how fun it is to actually RP and not be an idiot.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: assisting the Ethics Committee in preventing acts of violence and corruption around the facility, this can include: D-class being shot without warning or for no reason and Foundation personnel being arrested for no reason. Ethics assistants will also speak with D-class and other foundation personnel about their ethical rights and answer other questions.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: *phone ring* ... You have 1 new message.
O-1 ______: Hello, there is currently a D-class personnel that has some questions and complaints about his ethical rights. Any Ethics members please meet me outside.

Puffer Flake: *enters ethics office waiting room* Hello, as there's no ethics members on site right now i will be dealing with this for the time being. So, please follow me into my office. *The D-class and O-1 enter the office*. Puffer flake: So, what are your questions about your ethical rights and complaints?

D-class: I have recently been seeing a cadet by the name ________ killing fellow D-class without warning while they are exiting airlock. I'm sure this isn't allowed and its a obvious violation of the code of ethics. if you don't mind can i have a quick read through the code of ethics to know whats right and wrong around here?

Puffer Flake: While that is a violation of the code of ethics, if would be better if you speak to a internal affairs agent or security captain about this cadet. Would you like me to ask the security captain to come over here?

D-class: Yes please.

*phone ring* ... *pickup* Security captain: Hello what can i help you with?

Puffer flake: A cadet by the name ______ has been shooting D-class while they are exiting airlock, as a assistant of the ethics committee i believe it would be better if this cadet is temporarily or permanently fired from security. What do you think sir?

Security captain: Do you mind showing me bodycam footage of this incident?

Puffer Flake: Of course *shows footage*

Security captain: Thank you for showing me this, the cadet will be punished as soon as possible.

Puffer flake: No problem. Now do you have any more questions D-class?

D-class: Nope that's all.

Puffer flake: Alright, please take this D-class back to D block.

O-1: Yes sir.


Here's some lore.

Assistant Puffer Flake was originally a government official in 2004, after years of working for the government and law enforcement Puffer Flake got a strange letter offering to join a secret foundation that contains anomaly's from around the world and protects humanity from danger. He was hesitant at first, but eventually sent a letter back to a hidden address accepting the offer. Puffer being very curious spent all day thinking about how he would get there and what the other government officials would think of him quitting his job, he went to sleep that night thinking about what he would see in the foundation.

He woke up the next day in a strange white uniform with a logo he has never seen before and was helped up by a security guard. What is this place? said puffer, the security guard simply responded with ''Your forever job!'' and led puffer to a strange room with with concrete walls. Inside the room was multiple security guards with ''ISD'' on their uniform, in the middle of the room was a table with 2 chairs, in one of the chairs was a strange man in a black suit waiting for him. Puffer sat down and asked ''Is this the place where you keep all the anomaly's and stuff?'' Yes, it is.

Years pass of puffer working at the foundation and he learns more about the anomaly's and what goes on at the foundation. he eventually decides to apply for CL4,
His application was accepted and for the rest of his life he was learning new things and keeping the foundation in balance.

Turtle II

Well-known Member
Mar 2, 2023
+Support Has been recently Playing On researcher More often, And Has been More Active on the Server.



Aug 5, 2023
Has been a long time Research member

Definitely deserves the position
Always ethical

Crow Kalashnikov

Well-known Member
Oct 2, 2022
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65


Hello, Puffer!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Ethics Assistant!
Your time's very much appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been Unfortunately Denied.

After Committee Vote.

You may re-apply in two weeks.​
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