This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 14, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I would like to clarify first of all that I am against P2W features, which give blatant advantages to people who spend money on servers. It ruins the gamestyle, speeds up progression without experience, and just in general makes the server unplayable. On the other hand there are QOL features. Stuff that makes life easier, without necessarily blocking something with a paywall.

This suggestion would add a few more perks to VIP roles.

Examples of stuff that could be added are:
Allows users with certain VIP levels to access their stash from afar using a command. While this may seem a bit too overpowered, it could be made more equal and fair by having a cooldown on the command, possibly approx. 5-10 minutes. This means that a person will not be able to constantly access their stash and will have to decide whether or not it is more time efficient to run towards a stash (that could take a couple minutes) or wait out the timer.

Would be limited to certain jobs, e.g., Foundation jobs holding clearance 2 and above (Excludes Class-D). Chaos insurgency jobs holding clearance 4 and above. GOC Jobs holding clearance 4 and above.
Renaming Stash:
Renaming stashes is something that is more of a vanity perk than anything else. It allows for organization of stashes for people who have more slots than others, renaming each slot to something representing what is stored inside.
Starts a 60 second countdown after which a player would become a citizen, teleported to 0,0,0 and marked as afk instantly. 30 minutes cooldown between command.

Cannot be used when arrested
Cannot be used when detained / in cuffs
Cannot be used within 5 minutes of combat (Being shot at / shot / shooting)
Cannot be used outside of compound or further than ______m away from spawn point

Abuse would be punishable by warning/ban/removal of vip rank.
/respawn & /stuck:
The purpose of this command is when someone spawns on low pop, and is instantly stuck because someone is standing in their spawn point.
Starts a 20 second countdown after which a player would become have their character reset (storing the weapons they had before in a hashmap), teleported to next to where they were standing (excluding outside walls). 15 minutes cooldown between command.

Cannot be used when arrested
Cannot be used when detained / in cuffs
Cannot be used within 5 minutes of combat (Being shot at / shot / shooting)
Cannot be used outside of compound or further than ______m away from spawn point
Cannot be used when a non-afk staff member is online

Abuse would be punishable by warning/ban/removal of vip rank.
These perks are only suggestions. My idea is to not have them ONLY LIMITED TO VIP, but instead unlocked automatically by VIP. People might be able to purchase these with XP, or In game cash, Or VP, Or VIP.

Feel free to suggest any changes to perks / mention any ways it can be abused.​

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am not aware of anyone else suggesting something similar.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Encourages people to purchase VP using in game money, or to purchase VP as is to unlock QOL Perks.
Adds QOL features which makes gameplay less 'finicky' and focusing on what matters instead of, e.g., running halfway accross the map to access your inventory.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could be viewed as P2W, which is why the QOL features will require cooldowns, or other aspects to make them not as overpowered.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
At the end of the day, let's be honest: We enjoy this server, this community and everything formed by it. While a paywall for a rank unlocking a QOL feature may not be something you desire, the server doesn't just magically run itself. There are thousands of pounds invested into keeping the server stable and running, paying developers, putting food on the table for the owner and his family, keeping the server online and alive. Having more money diverted towards server income allows them to make server upgrades, increasing performance and decreasing ping for you.

Another thing to mention is that the reason some people do end up applying for either staff or gamemaster is access to these perks. You may or may not know, but staff are given XK-Class perks for being GM or TMOD+.

Removed Pac-3,
Added clarification regarding /stash,
Added Anti-P2W Feature > Purchasable perks with in-game currency.
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Maybe there should be more perks for the highest tier donation. Maybe not these.

/stuck probably shouldn't be limited to XK-VIP
/stash is pay-to-win (cyanide/bleach, shipments for d-class, and large weapons without taking up pocket space)
Perma PAC3 would destroy server performance
Non-XK-VIPs at full pop could quickly write something in a document and get kicked for an XK-VIP
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Sep 16, 2022
Maybe there should be more perks for the highest tier donation. Maybe not these.

/stuck probably shouldn't be limited to XK-VIP
/stash is pay-to-win (cyanide/bleach, shipments for d-class, and large weapons without taking up pocket space)
Perma PAC3 would destroy server performance
Non-XK-VIPs at full pop could quickly write something in a document and get kicked for an XK-VIP
I totally see your point. /stuck shouldn't be limited to XK-VIP, nor should /stash work like that, though one thing to keep in mind is that pac3 can always be disabled by either /fps and disabling custom clothing, or by going into the console and changing pac_allowed to 0 (might be another command)

+/- support
could definitely upset F2P players, needs changing, though encourages donating.
Apr 2, 2022
Meh Support (+/-)

-Stash command (-) (Not sure about this one, as nice as it would be I can still see the problem of some players having stashes full of weaponry and chemicals even with a cooldown you wont have to worry about space management in your inventory or the fact that you need to move to a stash during situations like active codes and raids, one stash use is enough to equip yourself with 2 diffrent combat chemicals, gas granades and almost any weapon you like including large ones like Freedom SR and thats just by using equip)
-Renaming Stash (+) (See no harm in it, also I do like to have my stash organized)
-Spawn command (+/-) (Dont really see how thats gonna be useful since character changing is already fast enough for me but ok?)
-Stuck command (+) (Would love to see it, maybe not only for VIP tho. Less @ STUCK sits if allowed with non-afk staff)
-PAC3/Priority Join (-) (Perma pac 3? hell no. Most pac users already fine with low FPS as it is. Priority Join? Maybe, still could see problem with monthly subscriptions becoming perma, to many priorty join in the end may prove to be an issue. A bodygroup tool to change playermodels a bit would be nice tho)
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
- support for the stash command, this could be so easily abused to remove or add guns / illegal substances to your pocket in certain situations.

+ support for renaming stash.

-support for /respawn,

I didnt quite get /spawn, whats the point of it?

/stuck is already useable? unless I've just mistaken it for MRP
Allows users with certain VIP levels to access their stash from afar using a command. While this may seem a bit too overpowered, it could be made more equal and fair by having a cooldown on the command, possibly approx. 5-10 minutes. This means that a person will not be able to constantly access their stash and will have to decide whether or not it is more time efficient to run towards a stash (that could take a couple minutes) or wait out the timer.
CI raids are going to be so much more fun

Permanent Pac and/or Priority join for XK-VIP.

People did not spend £80 to not be able to join it 💀

Abuse will lead to removal of permission, ranks, ban or warn.
Tbh a majority of the servers money is made off of Pac3. Changing it from a subscription to being apart of XK as well would prob lose a decent amount of money for the server.
Priority join is cool beans tho
Jul 14, 2023
  1. let XK ban people
  2. priority SCP breach queue

idk about the first tbqh
Priority SCP Breach queue does not make sense and is not a good idea in my opinion. Giving people who 'pay up more' for an advantage over non-vip players creates a feeling of exclusion, ignorance and as if they don't matter. The idea of this post is to keep things fair and equal while still providing positive quality of life features for people with VIP will prevent that awful pay to win feeling when you join a new server.

Think about it this way, how would you feel if you just spent 4 hours waiting in the breach queue just to be overtaken by someone who dropped 20 quid more than you on pixels? I know I would definitley rage quit, throw my PC in a chemical vat at the place I study, before using a CNC milling machine to slowly engrave my depleting will to live into the already cracked and broken 1080p screen before chopping it in half with a plasmer cutter and welding the two opposite ends together.
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