Denied Quality of Life Changes for Flashbangs, Grenades, and Smoke Grenades

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Oct 27, 2022
What Does this suggestion change/add/remove?
For Flashbangs, make switching to a weapon after throwing a Flashbang doable without first having to switch to keys then back to flashbangs.

For Grenades and Smokes, makes the default item swapped to after throwing these is the last thing you held out rather than a keycard. For instance, if I hold out my weapon then switch to grenade and throw it, it should swap back to my weapon.

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
Increases tactical engagements for combatives, giving opportunity to fully utilize equipment to its fullest potential.
Decreases feeling of chunkiness when using these throwables.
Makes playing certain roles that spawn with these items feel more useful and engaging in a fight, instead of throwing equipment from the back due to the time required to take a gun back out and push into or out of a room.

Possible Negatives of the Suggestion:

In all honesty it might make some roles feel a bit more powerful?

Based on the Positives and Negatives, Why Should This Suggestion be Accepted?
If the entire point of these throwables is to be used during combat, i believe you should not be punished for using them in combat. Lots of tactics with throwables is to create split second breaks in the enemies attention that a combative can take advantage of, but currently the lack of swapping back to a weapon diminishes this opportunity, and makes using utility a less viable option. And in regards to the negatives of this suggestion, if the entire point of some jobs and these throwables is to be used during combat, why should someone be punished or put at a disadvantage for using theme? It makes no sense to me, and i feel others who try to make the most of these utility items would agree.

If you take the time to add on, agreeing or disagreeing, I appreciate the time you gave to my suggestion


Active member
Jul 17, 2022

Fat +support for the flashbangs. The amount of times I've killed a CI because they dont know flashbangs are broken is insane (1 time and I felt bad for him)

For the other nades, it'd be nice to pull your gun back out straight away after using the nade, so you can stay in the fight for the most amount of time


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
biggest +support would actually make these items used in pvp


Active member
Jul 21, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @MRE,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The issue with Flashbangs locking your hotbar is a known bug and is being looked into as for editing the default weapon switched after a smoke/frag grenade is thrown it would require a lot of dev work when a weapon could just be switched to from the hotbar.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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