Accepted Quality of life changes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1. It would sort the MTF names in to groups (ie, all of nu7,e-11,a-1,o-1 is next to each other just like for eg how gensec are together)
Have GSD CPTN+ at the top of GSD instead of it being a mish mash
Or even having the listing go as such

Admin on duty
O5s /Ethics
Site Admin
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DEA Agents

IA Agents

Med Consultant
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Bio/Sr Researcher
JR Researcher




(Preferably in this order since its basically the chain of command/most importent people in order for RP to be smooth)

2 . Having the Lift button Glow when in use (like in SCP:SL) so people dont just stand around waiting for someone to press the button (Blue not in use Orange/Red in use)

3. For teamspeek have an ISD Channel. For A-1 and O-1 to hop in for when they have a join mission they need to do (info leaks/ Escorts/ Whatever) Since we already have one on discord why not teamspeek?

4. Have a tracker on discord for how many people are on the server.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
1. Not that i know of

2. I got the idea from this post here

3. i think people have talked about it before?

4. maybe like a while ago
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Makes finding names in the tab menu easier
Makes the over all Tab menu cleaner and not a disco floor
Easier to know how many MTF are on. so CI dont fail raid/Offline raid

2. Make the lifts more realisting rather than just some sloppy box that MIGHT open or come down when you have no idea
less time waiting for someone to randomly press the button more time moving and going to where you need to be

3. Improve ISD Comms and make it easier to relay information quickly
Make the do the wishes of SC faster

4. Allow people to see how many players are online without having to load up Gmod

Makes over all gameplay/SCP breaching easier so you dont have to press ` then refresh to see how many people are on

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1 None really?

2 Might make it a little harder to push out of a lift but in real life you would be able to tell when the lift is coming up to your floor (the little LED screen saying what floor its on)

3. People might just not use it but whats the harm in that

4. its a small thing so i dont see any

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

1. Since this is just a quality of life change it would make looking for someone on sitewide or calling an AOS on someone (when you dont know their name IC just their rank) just making everything look like a computer data base instead of a 1980's dance floor

2. Since im sure its not that hard to work on the back end and the fact that it would make gameplay smoother and easier to use the lift, which keep in mind is one of the most vital parts of the foundation allowing you to go to HCZ, F3 , F2 and surface much quickers and easier. i dont see why it would get denied

3. Having ISD do their job quicker is much better than screaming in /isd-c

4. being able to see how many people are on the server is amazing for everyone if staff are on the uk server but the us server is low on staff they can switch over or if SCPs want to mass breach they can plan before anything even happens
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