Quins O5-6 "The Forgotten" Application

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Well-known Member
May 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44042070

Discord name: Quin#4492

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have 812 hours

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Quin "Marked" J., Borat Koslowski

Civilian name: Changes when I help with events but would just be Quin P.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 CSGT(Held), CI-C BCOM(Held),Overseer Assistant(Holding) A-1 CPT(Holding),CI-D(Held), SCP - 096(Holding), Intelligence Ambassador(Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warn for combat cuffing which I did when I as new and unaware of the rules.
1 warn for FailRP for putting someone in SCP - 012 as I thought it was a way around the FailRP rule of killing other foundation members.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I will be applying for O5-6 as I feel as if I have gained the confidence and experience to lead and further develop the facility in the most effective and efficient ways possible. I also feel confident in saying that I have the capabilities to be a role model to all the people I work with, which will be apparent in the efforts I take in my work as well as how I conduct myself in day to day interactions.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
One of the things that make me the best candidate is my leadership; I can establish order in any situation that requires it and delegate tasks in a clear and concise manner leading to a more orderly and efficient work environment. I am also strict to the people who I work with as I expect great things from them which in my opinion pushes them to complete tasks to the best of their ability which is what we need regularly, Furthermore, I possess an array of CL4 positions consisting of MTF CO, Intelligence ambassador and Overseer assistant which all come with separate jobs and obstacles to deal with on a regular basis while dealing with people of different skill-sets.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
As O5 it is your job to oversee the facility and all of its departments in secrecy to ensure the facility is working as it should. O5 are also tasked with doing a lot of paperwork whether it being reports or signing off on future tests or operations that the many departments/MTFs may be planning, however, this is only when Site Administration have been contacted first as there is a chain of command that must be followed through before reaching the top. O5 work closely with Alpha - 1 as they are both their security detail and special task force in one, O5 make sure that the people in A-1 are doing what they should be and give them tasks whenever something of high importance needs to be done. If a situation requires it, the O5 will also work with the ethics committee to resolve situations of high importance as safely and effectively as possible

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Members of O5 are not only senior players in game but also OOC so one of their jobs would be to assist anyone who needs it whether it comes to advice or general questions that anyone may have about SCP-RP. O5 members also hold the great responsibility of choosing people for senior positions of their respective departments, which is a very sensitive task as providing the wrong person with a leading position can result in the imminent collapse of said department and will cause more work to be done in the future.

Applications that O5 deal with
-Gensec Chief of Security
-Department Director of Research
-Department Director of Intelligence

-Department Director of Internal Affairs (Decided with the Ethics Committee)
-Site Advisor
-Site Director
-Overseer Assistant

-O5 Council (If the Chief Overseer requires further opinion)

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Quin Jahimovich was born in Tyumen, Russia in the year of 1970, Just on the back end of the Cold War. He had quite a large family that were all incredibly patriotic and have fought in WWII as well as serving in the current power struggle between the USSR and the USA. Quin did not care about much other than keeping his little brother "Pasha" safe. In order to do so he trained to join the Spetznaz under his uncle in order to acquire the skills necessary to keep attackers at bay. He didn't do amazing in school, however, he didn't fail which was enough for Quin to be pushed into training via family connections relatively easily. He had always kept good contact with Pasha until one day his brother didn't respond, his last correspondence talking of some old gas masks his grandad had brought home along with some other junk. This caused Quin to sneak away back to his house in Tyumen to find his lost brother however all that was left was a singular GP-5 gas mask as well as some medals and other pieces denoting his grandfathers time in WWII. The gas mask, however, was separate from the rest of the memorabilia so after exhausting all other options of finding him, he put it on...

SCP - 1499 Recovery Log - A
For Clearance Level 4+ Personnel only
Led by Epsilon - 6 CSGT ██████

"Tell me about your time in ██████ recovering SCP - 1499"

"TOC had reported high humes in the city of ██████ quite a stretch east of ████ however I didn't give a shit as it was our last stop before we get to go home. Upon arrival the place was desolate; No cars, no animals, no people. Just an old house with windows smashed and the door holding on by 1 hinge. My squad breached and thoroughly cleared the first and second floor before moving to the basement which we had one guy watching the whole time. Once we were ready I ordered Charlie 0-3 to use his battering ram on the basement door and we moved in. We had identified one man collapsed on the floor next to some old Russian gas mask. The guy was still alive but barely, he was covered in some strange black liquid. We reported this in and were told to take the gas mask and RTB as they were sending Biohazards to recover the guy."

"So what did you do?"

"I followed orders and got the fuck out there is what I did, I have no intention of getting me or my friends fucked up by whatever he was"

"That will be all Mr. ██████ you are free to leave."





Now viewing "Report on "Quin 'Marked' J." "

Ever since our recovery of Quin he has proved to be an incredible asset to the foundation. His start in MTF Epsilon - 11 proved incredibly fruitful for the foundation as he has recontained more SCPs than any of his peers as well as maintaining the security on the more high-risk tests we have performed making for some incredible breakthroughs in our Research department. This has caused Quin to shoot through the ranks up to CSGT which is where I stood in to grab him and set him on his rightful path. Quin was transferred to Alpha - 1 as a Specialist under the codename "Marked" due to the scar on his left eye. Quin has yet again proven leaps and bounds how good he is as he effortlessly maintains the integrity and secrecy of the SCP foundation and has time and time again gotten rid of certain GOIs that threaten our goal. He is now a Corporal and I feel as if he is ready to take the next step in his career with us to further his knowledge and prove once and for all where his place lies.


Chief ████████ :"Commander ████████ get Jahimovich to Green, Now!"

Commander ██████ :"Received"

"We have the package, Enroute"

Quin Jahimovich is brought into the green room and sat down with a bag on his head

"Right, Get that bag off his head and leave us"

"Yes sir"

The bag is lifted off of Quins head and he is greeted with a room furnished with 2 chairs and a table

"Well then, you have not met me before however I have known of your existence since your employment."

"Then who are you?"

"My name is not important, what is important is that I have the power to determine whether you carry on with your intended path or it all crumbles around you, so show some fucking respect"

"I'm sorry, What is it that you need from me sir?"

"There are somethings that have been left to interpretation regarding your past and I'm here to clear the air and find the truth, you can help me with that surely?"

"Of course, What do you want to know?"

"Tell me what happened prior to your recovery in ██████, as I am aware you have refrained from telling anyone about it"

"Well, I had been searching for my brother as he had not responded in a while however once I arrived no one was to be found. My parents were away and my brother was nowhere to be found, so after looking for him in his room I had only found a gas mask which the foundation has designated SCP-1499. Obviously at the time I had no idea so after I had exhausted all other options I decided to put it on"

"Why did you put it on?"

"In our last
correspondence he had spoke of our grandfather bringing multiple gas masks yet only one remained and I guess it was just instinct or a gut feeling that there was something more to them"

"Once I had put on the gasmask I opened my eyes to an incredibly eerie desolate plain containing these large structures made of stone as well as these tall, humanoid, charcoal coloured beings that roamed aimlessly"

"So what did you do once you entered the dimension?"

"I had decided to move towards one of the structures to see what was inside, however, upon my approach one of the entities started to to stagger in my direction, I tried to warn it but it kept moving faster and faster until I had no choice but to kill it"

"How did you kill it?"

"With my bare hands, Spetsnaz training really works you know?"

"Interesting, carry on"

"Well, after dispatching of the first one I searched the structure and found the remains of a man wearing a ushanka, wasn't my brother so I didn't much care, I moved on and went for the largest structure I could see, unfortunately it was surrounded by quite a few of the Charcoal coloured beings but I had thought that if I could kill one of them easily I could kill plenty"


"So I charged towards the horde dispatching them as fast as I could, as it turned out though my arrogance may have got the better of me as a few had gotten some good hits in and I was heavily wounded, however, it didn't stop me as I all wanted to do was save my brother."

"Inside the structure was a spiral staircase at least 3 floors high so without hesitation I ran up there as fast as I could not knowing that what was up there would break me."

"It was your brother wasn't it?"

Quin Exhales deeply

"Yes.. it was"

"But how could you tell?"

"My brother and I were given matching chains by our father, one of a kind. There is no way I wouldn't recognise it."

"And how did you react"

"I fell to my knees at the sight of him, it ripped me apart to see my brother in the state they had left him and I blamed myself for not protecting him"

"My unfortunate reunion with my brother was short-lived however as I could hear footsteps barrelling up the stairway, I knew I was out of time and my injuries had gotten the better of me so before I passed out I ripped off the mask"

"And that's how you ended up in the state we found you in?"


"What about your family?"

"That possesses a very strange occurrence"

"How so?"

"As I have been working at the facility there have not been many opportunities however there was one time, while I was in E-11 where I managed to find a payphone on the surface and I called my mother"

"How did that go?"

"She didn't recognise me or remember me!"

"And to my understanding, you have not amnesticated them as I have checked the records. She didn't even remember my brother for fucks sake"

"Fascinating, Well that answers that question"

"What question?"

"Never mind for now"

Chief ████████ presses a button under the table and an █-1 operative rolls in a trolley with SCP - 1499 on it

"What is this?"

"You talk a big game, however, it is time to put your money where you mouth is"

"I want you to put SCP - 1499 on and grab the your brothers chain, I want to see if you are really what we are looking for..."

"You are taking the piss! is this some kind of fucking joke?"

"Do I look like a joking man Mr. Jahimovich?

Quin reluctantly puts on the mask and disappears from sight

Approximately 5 minutes later Quin reappears with the chain in one hand and SCP - 1499 in the other


Quin Hands the Chief ████████ his brothers chain

"Excellent, The other members have voiced concerns about your capabilities, this will prove them wrong"

"That will be all Quin"

"Ok sir"

Quin and the Chief ████████ shake hands

"I look forward to working with you in the future "The Forgotten""

If you have read through all of this I greatly appreciate it, Have an amazing day or night (y)
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Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022

+Overseer assistant experience
+A1 experience
+Great application
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Daisy Hill

Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
+Loads of CL4 experience
+Great leader inside of A-1 (Best A-1 captain)
+Mature but nice
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Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
Quin is a very dedicated person and holds many high ranking positions, which he is active on all of them. Quin is also an A-1 CPT so already he works closely with the current O5. Whenever he plays overseer assistant he has shown to be very professional and always makes good leadership decisions. If he was to ever become O5 I know he would do great in all criteria
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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 18, 2022
+3x CL4 position holder
Quin is one of the best A-1 CO's and i love working with him
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Well-known Member
May 31, 2022
Shown good leadership in A-1
Knows what hes doing
Perfect for the job
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