Raaina Tariq's Internal Affairs Ambassador [SCP-RP USA]

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Relix Ryder "Scepter"

Well-known Member
Jun 24, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:721312184
Discord name: DrLK
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 week in total.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Character name(s): Raaina Tariq "Scepter"
Civilian name: Alex Tariq
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): [SCP-RP USA]
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: IA Agent, DEA Agent, Riot Response Team.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes.
Metagame - I didn't know the nametags above your character was OOC.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- I am applying due to the constant incidents and reports of corruption within the Foundation, I want to help the Internal Affairs grow to their full potential.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I think this position is suitable for me, due to my past experiences with Law enforcement and leadership. I will do my very best to uphold and enforce the laws of the Foundation, I will manage my personnel closely and firmly to keep watch of any corruption or suspicious activity.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have written 15 in total Arrest reports and 1 Research evaluation. A document is a important feature within the foundation, it purposes as a reminder. A good document needs a main idea, this is what causes the document to even be formed, then you will need a aim to know why you are making that said document. After, you will need a hypothesis to figure out what would happen in your own words, after you will need a conclusion to end document and to see if your hypothesis is correct.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: Some responsibilities of being a Ambassador for the Internal Affairs department is to, manage your personnel. Such as preforming radio checks, giving out tests for other IA agents. Another duty of a Internal Affairs Ambassador is to preform the duties of IA, such as: Going to Interrogation room when requested, investigating suspicious activities, detaining/arresting AOS and enforcing the CoE and Legal Codex.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

On October 15th, 1999. Raaina Tariq was born. He was very intelligent and knowledgeable. He learned fast but shortly after on April 5th, 2004. Two men wearing black military grade armor plates and green Night vision goggles entered his family's home, when he awaked that very same day he entered his mother and father's bedroom to discover two caliber rounds fired directly into each of their scalps, blood filled the walls with a red liquified content. He was shocked and horrified, he knew he was all alone and had to take care of himself, so on his 22nd birthday, he applied for the Pinewood Rangers Department.
[Joining the Police Department]
Upon passing out of his 3 weeks in Basic training through torment and pain and fear, he was officially recruited as a Officer for the Pinewood Rangers Department.

[Joining the Foundation & Internal Affairs]
It was a cold night in Pinewood, the lights were dim and the traffic was light. Officer Raaina Tariq was patrolling through the streets of Pinewood with his lights bright when he noticed two black figures in the dark, Raaina decided to take a look and before he even blinked he was tackled and blindfolded he was transported inside a large facility area carved inside a mountain, when his blindfold was removed he was in a dark light dim room and a large figure with a blacked faced with glowing white eyes wearing a Black suit with a black tie, he finally spoke with a deep voice " Hello, Officer Raaina Tariq. We know a lot about you, we saw how you managed to enforce the law of Pinewood and dedicated your life for the people of Pinewood, it warms my heart. So, we've been working on a program for a special department you might take a liking to. The name is called Internal Affairs, they enforce the laws around this foundation and I was wondering if you are interested in joining?" Raaina Tariq shook his head slowly with a solid approval but his mind still raced with questions and full of confusion.
May 27, 2023
-Very helpful and kind
-I've seen him quite often
-Helped me many of times and kept cool during stressful and angering situations

I'd believe you if you told me this guy was the Dpt. director of IA in disguise because this many is one of the best IA agents ive seen

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Application Denied

Hello Agent Raaina,

Unfortunately we do not believe you are fit to be an ambassador at this time. Please contact me for further details if you are curious as to why your application was denied, you may reapply in 7 days.

-H.H. ?
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